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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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Wow, have you seen the stock market lately?

And by lately, I mean the past several years or more.  The value of the S&P 500 index of stocks, where most of us hopefully have a good chunk of our retirement savings stashed into index funds, is up about fifty seven percent in just the past two years. And it has more than doubled…

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Recent Comments

  • MarkI think a BIG part of the problem...
  • Mr. Money MustacheYikes - I'm glad you are kidding about...
  • FlorianWhat a perfect timing, MMM. Two weeks after...
  • JimmyHi MMM, Thanks for the post! From 2015--present...
  • cherieHi, I just started reading your blog today,...
  • Amy RhoadAhhhh I should have guessed it was Canada...
  • Anders SamssonI agree an update on this would be...
  • Diana WelschMy question is about home insurance. Don't you...
  • Abby H.I appreciate your comment. My chief concern as...
  • Abby H.My question is what happens in countries where...
  • DanLevel headed as always MMM, you've been keeping...
  • Mr. Money MustacheWell it's only down about 1.9% between the...
  • ScottThis was aninterestingly timed article, given the obliteration...
  • JoeI particularly agree with the part about the...
  • BryanI wonder where they are today.
  • figuyIts still based on the high water mark....
  • JenHey MMM, I am new mustachian and just...
  • MyronNot an expert so I may be wrong...
  • Mr. Money MustacheHey Pat, thanks for the interesting and very...
  • Mr. Money MustacheThat's the Elora Gorge (Elora, Ontario, Canada) -...

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