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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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Retired Man Tries to Spend More Money, Mostly Fails

A couple of years ago, Mr. Money Mustache lost some credibility among the faithful when he wrote this blog post about actually trying to spend a bit more money, while buying a Tesla as the first step in that program.  “Look at me!”,  I thought to myself at the time,  “I’m such an enlightened middle-aged…

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Recent Comments

  • TallGirlSeriously, you good people in the US are...
  • JasonWow, it just goes to show how massive...
  • Jimmy TudorJust wanted to add this Google AI generated...
  • James AWe are about 65% sure we are going...
  • James ASadly, this is also true in my family....
  • deepTrying to build a similar community in INDIA....
  • MagnusThis is a really interesting article in my...
  • JohnSo people don’t know how to save and...
  • MichaelThank you for speaking out against the medical/pharmaceutical...
  • MichaelYou can argue about MMMs Tesla purchase, but...
  • SoutheastThanks for posting this, MMM. I've been retired...
  • Papa JonAre you in Longmont, CO? I did a...
  • MichelleHe has millions. Why would he need homeowners...
  • Mr. Money MustacheSure Sunshowers - in fact the very next...
  • SunShowersA salary of 41k in 1997 puts you...
  • Mr. Money MustacheJesus Christ Colton! May I suggest that you...
  • ColtonYeah dental insurance is kind of a scam...
  • ColtonMMM used to say this was a climate...
  • CarlI definitely recommend everyone get a Tesla, but...
  • Mr. Money MustacheRight! It's tricky these days to account for...

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