Hey, just a quick note while I’m running around cleaning up the house for a big family visit:
Some cool person (it wasn’t me, honest) started a new category on the excellent online forum site called Reddit.
If you haven’t heard of Reddit, it is a place where people gather to ask and answer questions on a certain topic and help each other out. They also share links from around the web on that topic, and the whole collection of ideas gets democratically sorted out by You the Readers using a simple system where you click on an up arrow if you like something, and a down arrow if you don’t
I have been a Reddit reader and occasional writer for some time. I was following the “personalfinance” and “frugal” areas. But recently, a category called “financialindependence” was added. I was honored that the Mr. Money Mustache blog, along with Early Retirement Extreme, was listed as one of the inspirations!
This forum is just getting started (it has about 500 readers right now), but it is a good place to brush up on your Early Retirement skills. And you will probably get faster answers to specific questions than you would get directly from me through the contact submission form, since I am embarrassed to say that I have about a week of them piled up waiting to answer right now :-(
Anyone can read freely without signing in, and you can create a username and password for yourself on Reddit if you want to vote and make your own posts.
Here it is!
A big thanks to the Reddit user named triestoohard for starting this helpful category, and for the kind mention in his introduction.
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