Hey, what’s that new button at the top of the web page?
A Random Article Generator, courtesy of our technical wizard Mrs. Money Mustache. Thanks Mrs. M!
Since this blog has grown into quite a behemoth over time (170 articles so far), the newer readers have only seen the most recent ones.
Some have started from the beginning and are embracing the challenge of catching up so they can earn the title of Senior Mustachian and add a Mustache to their icon in the comments section.
But not everyone has that kind of time on their hands. For those people, the ¡Random! button is just the ticket. Click it and get a randomly selected blast from the past. If it seems like a boring or irrelevant one to you, just flush it away and try again with another click on the button.
The feature is especially useful for office procrastinators, who have to deal with a five-day-per-week working schedule, and are disappointed that MMM articles usually only come out two or three times a week. How can they get their fix? Sure there are a thousand other personal finance sites on the web, but they don’t have any punching or swearing!
The most avid user of this feature may be Mr. Money Mustache himself, as I go back and nostalgically read some of my old shit in order to have a chuckle, then notice various embarrassing mistakes and rewrite portions to be more up-to-date. Over time it should be quite a nice feature, and I very much appreciate the addition.
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The most useful comments are those written with the goal of learning from or helping out other readers – after reading the whole article and all the earlier comments. Complaints and insults generally won’t make the cut here, but by all means write them on your own blog!