The MMM Headquarters

A Coworking Space in Downtown Longmont, Colorado

What’s This?

In early 2017, some friends and I shared the purchase of a dilapidated historic house in a great location on the Main Street of Longmont, Colorado, and then restored it into a pretty neat compound for holding all sorts of events. You can even read a little bit about the purchase in this article from August of that year.

As of January 2019, I have teamed up with three different friends including the esteemed Mindy and Carl (from BiggerPockets and 1500 Days) to take over the whole building, which has quadrupled our interior space!

Together, we are the “MMM HQ Coworking” space, which is a nice rambling array of large and small rooms, set up much like a large coffee shop plus an outdoor patio. Our goal is to build up to a membership of about 200 Longmont/Boulder area locals, many of us entrepreneurs or people who like to get out of the house to work and socialize, and have everyone become friends and collaborators. We’ve been open since September 2017, and things have been a blast so far.

The MMM-HQ patio, during the Pop-up Business school event in September 2017


Members of the this community enjoy this always-growing list of perks:

  • 24/7 keypad access to a historic building downtown with various cozy work and social spaces (about 2400 square feet) with couches, tables, benches, chairs, etc. Plus a dedicated kitchenette and a separate full kitchen.
  • Access to dozens of other accomplished entrepreneurial local friends, who are all part of an active Discord Group.
  • WiFi over Gigabit fiber internet access
  • Free great coffee
  • A tool sharing library in a detached garage workshop (including welding and metalworking equipment, a 5×10 cargo trailer, etc.)
  • A big outdoor patio courtyard area out back with grill, chairs, music, patio lanterns, etc.
  • Outdoor gym with barbells, kettlebells, squat rack, medicine ball, plus bodyweight things like pull-up bars and a dip rack.


    Our fully equipped “Prisonyard” outdoor gym, which is open 24/7/365 and of course does not need to close for pandemics.

  • FREE CRAFT BEER AND CIDER as we rotate through samples from local craft breweries. Semi-regular happy hours whenever someone chooses to plan one.
  • Free books (and sometimes bikes and other products) available for borrowing, due to a nice stream of freebies that companies send us in search of feedback and reviews.
  • All-solar-generated electricity from our DIY-crafted array on the garage, which also powers our heating and cooling via a new heat pump – and you can learn from fellow members how to build this stuff too.
  • Talks and classes – from members, and from visitors.
  • Group Advocacy for improving the town.
  • The chance to work together on this new building – learning through doing as we build new features.
  • And any other perks and cool ideas we can think of with our collective mind power.
  • Operated on a informal nonprofit basis, we generally manage this place without charging for our time, which allows us to keep prices amazingly low and use the proceeds to create some good change around the town and the world.

Rates and How to Join:

Membership is $450 per half-year (with a $120 discount for annual memberships), payable via Paypal automatic deduction. Because we want a stable membership (both to build a strong community and so I can spend my retirement doing more fun stuff than constantly enlisting new people), I encourage you to think carefully before signing up. Give yourself an honor system one-year commitment to the idea.

Email us at hq.coworking@gmail.com so we can get in touch and arrange a tour, and then once that is all figured out, we will email you some links to our HQ subscription options on Paypal.

Do You Offer Day Passes?

Sorry, while this is a fun option, it’s not practical for HQ. Due to the goals described above, we are encouraging long term commitment and helping people build local friendships. However, keep an eye on the 1700-person-strong NoCo Mustachians Meetup group and you can join one of our many free public events at the space.

If you are ready and you live in the Longmont area, read this super-informal membership agreement, then send us an email (hq.coworking at gmail) with Coworking in the title. Please include a bit of biographical information so we can know you’re a real, friendly person.

We give tours every week or two, and there are new people joining all the time so perhaps you’ll be one of them?

Hope to see you here, neighbor!



welcome new readers

Take a look around. If you think you are hardcore enough to handle Maximum Mustache, feel free to start at the first article and read your way up to the present using the links at the bottom of each article.

For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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