Mr. Money Mustache


Mr. Frugal Toque Gets Laid Off

Foreword by MMM: The following is a tale from my good friend, Mr. Frugal Toque. We went to engineering school together many years ago, and started our careers at the same time. Although I moved to Colorado 13 years ago, we’ve kept in touch regularly since then.  He recently went through a rare experience for…

Fasting: a Fast Way to Greater Badassity?

Despite the fact that I am Mr. Money Mustache, I now realize I have led quite a wimpy and pampered life when it comes to the area of food. As a young child, I was reportedly one of the pickiest eaters in history, refusing to try anything that wasn’t prepared at home, in exactly the…

Selling the Family Jewels

So, some of us Mustachians are getting pretty old. That means our parents are even older, and our grandparents – if they’re still around – are sagely pieces of living history. I love the many positive aspects of a family that shares its stories and values from one generation to the next. But this natural…

Three Fuel-Saving Hacks for Long Roadtrips

This summer, Mr. Money Mustache broke his own rules and burned an absolute shitload of gasoline to criscross the continent in a not-very-efficient vehicle. Sure, I can list a few excuses as to why I did it (it was a 7-week family vacation, I needed the big vehicle to carry all my carpentry tools and…

Two Great Paychecks from the Mustachians

There’s a big, hidden part to this job of being Mr. Money Mustache that you don’t get to see every day: the stream of really neat emails that seem to constantly arrive. These letters from readers are as interesting as they are varied. Some of them I read aloud to Mrs. Money Mustache, or to…

What it Feels Like to Become Rich

Overheard in a Reddit forum recently: Dear forum, I feel a bit stuck. I’ve got a solid job, I’m making 401(k) contributions, have no debt and my spending is under control. Making extra mortgage payments and buying a bit of Vanguard index funds with any money I have left over.  I drive a fuel-efficient car…

Seven Weeks of Homelessness

At last, the Mustache Family has returned home to the plentiful comfort of the USA. It was a record-breaking trip in both the Fun and the Extreme Duration departments: a full seven weeks elapsed between the time we left and the red-eyed return to our driveway after midnight last night.  So many things happened that…

Mr. Money Mustache vs. Mark’s Daily Apple

A couple of months ago, I was relaxing in the Mustache Lounge and an interesting email came in. It was from the editor of a major blog called, which I had heard of but never really followed. As it turns out, this guy was also an MMM reader and we had a great conversation…

Two Fun Tools from the MMM Software Department

Whew, things got pretty crazy over the weekend with that controversial guest post. I’d like to lighten up a little bit with two interesting things that MMM readers have created to share with each other. #1 The Fancy Graphical Version of the Shockingly Simple Math: Do you remember that post I wrote a while ago,…

Hacking Home Depot to Save Big Bucks on Renovations

As you know, Mr. Money Mustache likes to spice up his long summer vacations with occasional carpentry projects. Because of the Nagging Voices of Success, I’ve made peace with the fact that I’m at my happiest when I get to accomplish something useful at least once every week or so. So this week, I installed…

King for Just One Day

These summer vacations are great. I’m sitting in a 150-year old house in the heart of downtown Hamilton, Ontario and enjoying the steamy warmth of the Great Lakes area, the lush vegetation and well-tended gardens that only our elders seem to master, and some of the world’s best home cooking. During earlier stops on this…


welcome new readers

Take a look around. If you think you are hardcore enough to handle Maximum Mustache, feel free to start at the first article and read your way up to the present using the links at the bottom of each article.

For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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