Mr. Money Mustache


Mrs Money Mustache: Eliminating Lady Temptations

Eliminating Lady Temptations An Indefinite, Ongoing Series by Mrs. Money Mustache Being a Lady myself, I’ve fallen prey to lady spending in the past and occasionally find myself suddenly “needing” lady things out of the blue. Such as cute shoes, for instance.  I have also witnessed many seemingly normal and intelligent women declare that they…

A Mustachian Microbrewery is Born

Well what do you know, another Friday has rolled around! Looking back to last Friday, I see that I wrote about beer and that made us all happy, so perhaps we should talk about Beer on Fridays more often. And lucky for me, I have some pretty exciting beer-related stuff to share today. After last…

Insurance: A Tax on People who are Bad at Math?

I recently read a Facebook conversation about health insurance where one person said, “I’m better off saving the $1000/month premiums and paying for my own medical bills if they ever come up”. And the other person said, “Bah! Recipe for bankruptcy! You need full insurance!” Which person was right? Years earlier, I was talking to…

An Experiment with Blog Moneymaking

Looking around at the other personal finance blogs, I notice that virtually all of them have some sort of advertising slipped into the page somewhere.  Do these people actually earn money just for wiggling their fingers atop a computer keyboard a little bit each day? Even though it’s just a website they created themselves to…

Weekend Edition: The Magic of Thinking Big

It’s the weekend, so that means we get to step back for a little bit of Philosophy instead of hard number-crunching. Today, I’ve prepared a little Story for you. One dark February night in 1992, the skinny teenaged version of Mr. Money Mustache was sitting alone on the La-Z boy chair in his parents’ living…

Exposed! The MMM Family’s Actual Spending

Mr. Money Mustache is a bit of a Natural Frugalist. For me, buying anything beyond groceries  is like giving birth, where there is great thought, planning, and nine months of physical stretching and pain involved before the actual wallet emerges slowly from the pocket. Because of this, I find that I spend very little when…

What is the Real Cost of Raising Children?

Despite the reputation Mrs. M and I are cultivating as extreme nonspenders, we do indulge in the ultimate luxury: being parents. Our lovely little boy brings us happiness and learning every day and as with all parents,  we feel the experience of parenthood is worth the cost. Whatever that cost might be. Hey.. what exactly…

A Road Trip to Early Retirement Extreme

Today is actually a special occasion – Mr. Money Mustache’s first Guest Posting on another blog. The wise and benevolent writer of the Early Retirement Extreme blog, a guy named Jacob who also retired in his early 30s and has been running that site for several years, allowed me to write a “hello” to his…

MMM Challenge: Get yourself a lower Mortgage Rate

It has been a while since we did an MMM challenge, so I’ve got an extra good one for you today, one which can save many homeowners out there $105,000 over a 15-year period. The challenge is: Getting yourself a better rate on your mortgage. Looking at the ING Direct* website recently, I noticed that…

Get Rich With: Owning Rental Houses

We’re diving into a fundamentally new field here – the field of actually increasing your income, which is quite different from the cutting your spending I usually advocate. For most people, the cutting works much better because they already have a shortage of free time, and a surplus of income compared to what is actually…

Weekend Edition: What would the Native Americans Do?

One of my secret tricks to figure out what activities are really worthwhile in life, is to look back to the Original and Ultimate Mustachians of this continent – the Native Americans. These were a people who lived together in a very rich culture which was based entirely on their natural environment. The animals and…

It’s Beer ‘o’ Clock

With this being Friday and all, I figure it’s a good time to address a tricky issue. A place where the Good Life we advocate here at MMM comes into direct conflict with optimizing your spending. That place is BEER, and other recreational drugs of your choice. Mr. Money Mustache definitely enjoys a good brew.…

Mr. Money Mustache vs. Dave Ramsey

Being a newcomer to the financial guru circle, Mr. Money Mustache decided to check out what his competitors have been saying  throughout historical times to see if they have their stories straight. So he spent a recent weekend listening, in full, to the audio book version of Dave Ramsey’s ultimate career work: the Total Money…

How to make Money in the Stock Market

Okay, admittedly my title for this article sounds like something that you might see in your Spam folder. But it’s also completely accurate, because I really can teach you the best way to make money from the stock market, for life, all in one short blog post. Okay, I admit it – this is widely…


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Take a look around. If you think you are hardcore enough to handle Maximum Mustache, feel free to start at the first article and read your way up to the present using the links at the bottom of each article.

For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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