Apr 1, 2014
Let’s face it. Here in America, a car is not a luxury, it’s a basic necessity. With our wide-reaching cities and the harried schedule of our modern lives, the comfort, flexibility and privacy offered by the modern automobile is both an essential part of life, and a little slice of heavenly peace to brighten each…
Mar 29, 2014
People who are pursuing Frugal yet Badass Lives of Leisure tend to be pretty fun to hang around with. I learned this shortly after starting this blog, and since then I have cashed in on many opportunities to meet up with fellow Mustachians. This is another one of those, but a pretty ambitious one. Three…
Mar 24, 2014
If you’re in the United States and you look out your window in a typical neighborhood, you will notice asphalt shingle roofs as far as the eye can see. There are a few regional differences, like clay tile roofs in California and Florida and flat roofs in the adobe-style houses of Santa Fe. But overall…
Mar 19, 2014
Tales of squandered success. Both Mr. Money Mustache’s mailbox, and the world at large are filled with them. Every day another pile of $250,000 earners collapses from stress or goes insane, because they have managed to slip into an awful life of debt and time scarcity, despite the fact that they are living within a…
Mar 11, 2014
Sigh. I suppose this was bound to happen sometime. This blog is approaching its third birthday and has been blessed with over 62 million page views from 5.2 million people and counting. Many people have helped and contributed along the way, and while we rant, swear, and speak out against many aspects of our culture,…
Mar 7, 2014
We did it last year and it turned out to be pretty incredible, so this year it is happening again. This coming August, a new group of us will be returning to Ecuador to continue the fun that was started there in October 2013. The event is called a “Chautauqua”, and last year I estimated…
Mar 3, 2014
Behold, the almighty Nail Gun. Symbol of human ingenuity and productivity, and also builder of my new house. This particular one, my trusty Ridgid R350, has blasted just over 10,000 large nails into the framing members of this residence, and perhaps 100,000 additional ones into the other houses I have built or worked on since…
Feb 23, 2014
An Introduction from MMM: We get a lot of case study requests around here these days. I’d love to answer all of the questions and write articles about a good chunk of them. But even a retired man has his free time limits, which is why I am glad to have Jacob on my side…
Feb 16, 2014
The house rebuilding project is going well. We’ve finished all the framing, and the higher ceilings and more open floorplan are hinting at a level of awesomeness that surprises even me. A picture from just this morning: While I’ve destroyed and rebuilt quite a few houses for other people, this is the first one I…
Feb 6, 2014
Early in the life of this blog, several readers wrote to me to recommend a book called Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth. I quickly biked to the library, checked it out, read it cover-to-cover, and found that I agreed fully with its premise. It has been part of this blog’s Book List ever…
Feb 4, 2014
Oh man. I was halfway through writing a nice, technical, do-it-yourself article about Radiant Heat for you, when the night sky over Longmont lit up with the giant ‘Stache Symbol*. It seems that our national network of Antimustachian Media Drivel detection volunteers sounded the alert based on this incredible doozy of an article about retirement in…
Jan 30, 2014
Foreword from MMM: Mr. Toque is back with more advanced Mustachi0-Canadian techniques! While the methods described within definitely work in Ontario, if you have similar tricks for your own area, please share them in the comments. In the mean time, at least I have my Bota Boxes.. ————— If you grew up like me, which…