Is This Blog More Powerful than Doubling your Salary?

“Spend Less!” “No, Earn More!” The battle goes on, with scathing mockery volleyed between the opposing camps. Mainstream personal finance pundits like Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman advocate lower spending for those in debt. Yet they have an apparently unlimited upper ceiling on how much increased spending can still lead to happiness, as evidenced by…

Got a Serious Goal? Make it Public.

I, Mr. Money Mustache, am going to gain twenty pounds of muscle mass, AND set a lifetime bench-pressing record…by March 21st, 2013! You heard it here first, and now I absolutely have to get it done, to avoid an incredible public ridicule and loss of credibility. I’m both nervous and excited as I type this,…

Grim Comedy from Mr. Money Mustache’s Junkmail

Ahh, consumerism. The growing Mustachian Army fights and slashes away great swaths of it, night and day. We wake ourselves from the nightmare of our irrational desires for 400-horsepower SUVs and 4000 square foot houses.We advance further to slice the enormous lovehandles of fat from our daily routines. We disband our armies of domestic housekeeping…

MMM interviews ERE on Peak Oil

One of the questions that comes up in the face of Mr. Money Mustache’s unrelenting optimism about the state of the world is, “Will human prosperity continue even as we run out of the cheap fossil fuel energy that has powered us for the last 200 years or so?”. In a nutshell, I always say:…

Our New $237/month Health Insurance Plan

It’s finally November 1st, and it means that for the first time in history, the Money Mustache family is running on a fully unsubsidized health insurance plan which we’ve paid for out of our own pocket. Isn’t that scary? As noted in past articles, I’ve had a pretty cozy health insurance situation up to this…

First Understand, Then Destroy Stress

“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself” – F. D. Roosevelt, 1932 “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” – B. McFerrin, 1988 Most of us know enough not to disagree openly with unassailable pillars of wisdom like those above. But somehow, we also have a hell of a time putting them into practice in…

A Visit from a Mustachian Musician

There are some pretty neat people among the readers of this blog, and they’re sending me great stories from their lives all the time. A few months ago, a guy named Franco shared the story of how he built his own house in the Pacific Northwest mortgage-free for $30,000, and now his family lives there happily.…

Frugal vs. Cheap

In the great transition from Clueless Consumer to Badass Mustachian, a person must first overcome a significant obstacle: the perception that Frugal, Cheap, Tightwad and various other words all mean the same thing, and that they are all nasty conditions that we should try to avoid. So I’ve been meaning to lay down the law…

The Riches of the Urban Harvest

Things have been a little quiet around this website in recent days, as Mr. Money Mustache has been lured away from the computer and out into the great outdoors for much of the past week. The weather has been outrageously nice, and the magical healing properties of Mother Nature have been working their magic on…

The Tyranny of Having a Real Job

A few weeks ago, a scary piece of paper came in the mail, addressed to Mrs. Money Mustache. It was an order that she report to the downtown Boulder courthouse for jury duty in early October. The letter was careful to remind us that jury duty is an essential part of our justice system. Without…


welcome new readers

Take a look around. If you think you are hardcore enough to handle Maximum Mustache, feel free to start at the first article and read your way up to the present using the links at the bottom of each article.

For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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