Aug 7, 2012
A couple of months ago, I was relaxing in the Mustache Lounge and an interesting email came in. It was from the editor of a major blog called, which I had heard of but never really followed. As it turns out, this guy was also an MMM reader and we had a great conversation…
Jul 30, 2012
So let’s say you suddenly have a million dollars, and you want to put it to good use. As a Mustachian, your first instinct would naturally be to invest the money somewhere, in such a way that it provides reliable income to you for the rest of your life. Thus, you would be Financially Independent,…
Jul 27, 2012
by Mrs. Money Mustache Once again I am making an unauthorized post on MMM, as he is currently out in the wilderness, far from the Internet. Beware, as this post has not been edited by my better half. Improper paragraph formatting and poor grammar may lie ahead. Sorry honey. “You’ll never be normal again” is…
Jul 22, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Money Mustache have just returned from a very spendy night on the town. The night and the people were lots of fun. But almost equally fun was the sheer amazement and marvel I felt at just how crazy the spending habits of our modern culture are, and how they continue to drift…
Jul 15, 2012
Whew, things got pretty crazy over the weekend with that controversial guest post. I’d like to lighten up a little bit with two interesting things that MMM readers have created to share with each other. #1 The Fancy Graphical Version of the Shockingly Simple Math: Do you remember that post I wrote a while ago,…
Jul 10, 2012
I’ve got some terrible news for the most dedicated Mr. Money Mustache fans, those strange but generous people who post positive comments here and there around the Internet or in the comment sections of this website, sometimes idolizing the bossy older brother of the FIRE movement. I, Mr. Money Mustache, am not actually a particularly…
Jul 8, 2012
Today we’ve got a guest post from the esteemed Mustachian known as Arebelspy, who is also a Moderator over on the Money Mustache Forum. Since we’re both passionate about this particular idea, the article became a bit of a collaboration between Arebelspy and MMM. Mustachianism Can’t Work, Or I’d Have Heard Of It Before! There’s a…
Jul 2, 2012
As you know, Mr. Money Mustache likes to spice up his long summer vacations with occasional carpentry projects. Because of the Nagging Voices of Success, I’ve made peace with the fact that I’m at my happiest when I get to accomplish something useful at least once every week or so. So this week, I installed…
Jun 28, 2012
These summer vacations are great. I’m sitting in a 150-year old house in the heart of downtown Hamilton, Ontario and enjoying the steamy warmth of the Great Lakes area, the lush vegetation and well-tended gardens that only our elders seem to master, and some of the world’s best home cooking. During earlier stops on this…
Jun 21, 2012
Wow. Four thousand dollars a month. It was Automatic Money, rolling in like crazy with no effort on my part, absolutely no overhead, and it was remarkably reliable. Almost $1000 every week, $130 every day, or close to $50,000 a year, probably subject to exponential growth as well. And I just turned off this firehose…
Jun 17, 2012
I’m writing this from an unusually clean desk, in a spotless and nicely vacuumed office, within a mostly polished and decluttered house. This, along with the tying up of a bunch of other loose ends, is why I haven’t been writing to you as much recently. The Mustache family has been hard at work for…
Jun 14, 2012
Well, I’m finally done building that fence I’ve been meaning to build for the last few years. It came out great, and now we at last have the nice, private yard that this house of ours deserves. But as with every do-it-yourself project, other unexpected benefits were revealed as well, and one of them was…