Get Rich With: Good Old-Fashioned Trust

It was the fall of 1992, and the teenage version of Mr. Money Mustache was getting his first peek at a whole new world. The World of the Wealthy. I was on a date with one of my first-ever girlfriends. She was way too attractive for me, which already induced nervousness. We had been dating…

Safety is an Expensive Illusion

Man, I sure lead a risky life these days. I’ve learned that I am on the bleeding edge of so many wild frontiers, it is a wonder that I’m still alive. When you add in the fact that I’m also in great health, happy and content with life, and I even still have all of…

The Lovely Low Taxes of Early Retirement

Despite the occasional complaints voiced by those who feel they are Taxed Enough Already, I’m always pleasantly surprised at the low tax rates that US residents pay (myself included). I guess it all depends on your frame of reference: the Canada that I left in the late 1990s had a marginal income tax rate of…

Mrs. Money Mustache: Routine Will Oil the Machine

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, I wake up and read the newest Mr. Money Mustache post.  Sometimes I know what it will be about and sometimes I don’t.  I usually nod my head in agreement and laugh at my husband’s jokes (that is why I married him, after all).  On Monday I woke up…

Embracing the Nagging Voices of Success

Do you ever feel like you completely suck at running your own life? Because I sure do. As luck would have it, I’m at a bit of an apex of suckiness right now. It’s Sunday night at 10:17PM, and I am behind on a whole bunch of stuff. I’ve got over 150 emails from the…

Internet Sharing – How to Get Revenge on the Cable Company

Earlier this spring, reports started coming in from some nearby friends that their internet access prices had been jacked way up. It seems that the local internet near-monopoly (Comcast) had just arbitrarily decided to increase their prices by $10 per month. Offended by this attack on their frugality, these friends naturally turned to Mr. Money…

First Retire…Then Get Rich

If you’ve ever told a non-Mustachian about your plans to become a very early retiree, you’ve probably had to deal with a volley of skeptical questions. “How can you be sure you’ll have enough money for such a long period?” “Why did you quit working so early, when you could have had hundreds of thousands…

Food Rules – a Shortcut to Better Health

I used to assume that everyone over the age of twelve had figured out how to eat a healthy diet. Below that age, a kid can be forgiven, because fussy eating can be built right into your genes. One year in elementary school I insisted that my lunch be only a bacon sandwich on a…


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For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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