May 9, 2012
Well, there it goes again. The business cycle, that is. I moved to the United States at the peak of the 1999 dot-com boom. At the time, high-tech companies were engaging in bidding wars over candidates, and home buyers in Colorado were racing to put in above-asking-price bids on any livable home that came to…
May 7, 2012
Mustachianism has many facets. It’s a lifestyle and a fake religion all in one. And it is packed with an unlimited number of deep and interesting nuances, which is why you and I still have something to talk about after 13 months of this blog’s existence and 224 published articles. But if I had to…
May 4, 2012
You know what I love about all you Mustachians? It’s how much you like to share whatever knowledge you can in the name of helping out other people. When you look at the comments section of new articles these days, they rapidly become packed with really neat thoughts. (Especially if it’s a reader case study,…
May 3, 2012
These reader case studies sure are fun. First you get to engage in a little voyeurism as you peek in on another person’s life. Then you can actually compliment them, offer advice, or throw out a few Mustachian Face Punches as you see fit. All to a real person, and all from the comfort of…
Apr 30, 2012
On the forum section of this blog, we’ve got a section called “Antimustachian Wall of Shame and Comedy”. This category became necessary, because sometimes the real world out there just begs to be mocked. MMM readers around the globe are dutifully reading and absorbing the world’s information, and sometimes we come across crap that is…
Apr 27, 2012
With the weekend almost upon us, I imagine many triple M readers are looking for a productive and enjoyable activity that will fulfill all three tenets of the Holy Trinity of Mustachianism: – Increasing your health – Increasing your wealth – Building new skills and life satisfaction As luck would have it, I have a…
Apr 25, 2012
When it comes to mortgage debt, I’m a man of contradictions. I’m a big fan of having the option of tapping your home equity to meet short-term cashflow needs, as I explained over a year ago in “Springy Debt instead of a Cash Cushion“. On the other hand, I’m also a fan of paying off your…
Apr 23, 2012
I almost didn’t write this article for you today. It’s Sunday night, and the MMM family has had one of those enjoyable and tiring summery weekends. We were out in the sun all day, working in the garden for a while. Then the lady and boy went off to visit friends for a birthday party…
Apr 21, 2012
It’s the weekend, and that means Mr. Money Mustache has nothing to say right now. But the MMM reader we all know as Mr. Frugal Toque does! Here’s an interesting rant he sent me a few weeks ago, which I thought would be ideal for this weekend’s guest posting: It’s All Bullshit! Subtitle: Tax…
Apr 20, 2012
Although I talk quite a bit about things like frugality, investing, bicycling, cars, and the ridiculousness of our society, it’s not actually what I think about for most of the day. Mrs. M. and I still consider our main task to simply be child-raising, since it takes more time and energy than the rest of…
Apr 18, 2012
I like to think of Mr. Money Mustache as an advanced personal finance blog. We don’t talk about cutting up our credit cards, or clipping coupons to save $5.00 on the newest Swiffer mop, or making a budget that forces us to save 10% of our income while we devote the rest to “guilt-free spending”. I…
Apr 16, 2012
As a kid, I occasionally had the pleasure of catching episodes of The A-Team when I was allowed to stay up late. The show had plenty of action and comedy, at a level ideal for a ten-year-old boy. But my favorite part was always the inevitable scene where the team would harvest a bunch of…