Getting Around the Blog

Well, that was interesting. Yesterday an old MMM article appeared on the front page of MSN.com (the 13th most viewed website in the world, apparently), and it sent quite a flock of people here. It was a bit embarrassing, since the article was described as a “guest posting”, but really it was just an existing…

The Triple M Reading List

Books are great. They provide a never ending path of free, or nearly-free education that you can walk along for your entire life, taking branches here and there as you see fit. The reason I like non-fiction books as a source of learning is because they typically represent so much concentrated effort on the part…

This Old House (Cheap Edition)

Well, it looks like the Foreclosure Project will be coming to an unexpectedly successful early end. It took a big push by all of us at the end of December, but the house has now officially become an income producer. And it is producing at $1200 per month versus the $1100 I originally estimated it…

Guest Posting – The Dividend Aristocrats

We’ll kick off the new year with some more advanced study: here is another angle on Dividend Stock investing from guest author Sean Owen. Sean is an engineer, lawyer, and writer. His articles on investing and finance have been featured by Forbes, the Huffington Post, and Seeking Alpha, among others. He blogs about financial indepedence and…

Prospering in an Anti-Mustachian City

I’ve just spent the past week in one of the Earth’s ultimate hotbeds of shiny and beautiful, yet occasionally stupid and irrational, prosperity: Phoenix, Arizona. Now, I’m no stranger to riches – I grew up moderately-rich Canada, before moving to the ultimately-rich USA. Since then, I have visited pretty much all of this country’s biggest…

Money Mustache vs. Tourist Trap

So the triple M family just spent a couple of nights in Santa Fe on our way here to Phoenix. I’ve been to Santa Fe a few times now, and it’s quite a pretty city. Nestled in a high desert valley surrounded by tall mountains, it’s over 400 years old, with the randomly arranged little…

Mustache Family on the Move Next Week

Hooray, it’s time for another one of our roadtrips. The schools will be throwing out all the kids for the  holidays, so we figured we’d take our own son out for another real-world geography lesson for the next ten days or so. We’ll be leaving on Saturday and driving South to Santa Fe, New Mexico…

Are You Obsessed with Early Retirement?

I started this early retirement gig almost seven years ago, and for the first six of those, I thought I was the only one out here. I was definitely alone among my coworkers – When still employed, I discussed the idea occasionally with friends at the office, and the idea was met with universal rejection:…

Watching your ‘Stash… with Mint

Way back in our working and saving days (which peaked between 2000-2005), the Mrs. and I started to become more interested in watching the progress of our early retirement savings project. So every weekend, we’d log into our separate Vanguard accounts and compare notes. As this simple thrill wore off, we started a spreadsheet called…

Turning a Little Car Into a Big One

As anyone who has read more than a few MMM articles has learned, the key to becoming rich is living an efficient lifestyle. When it comes to your choice of car, this means making sure you choose one that is optimized for whatever you will use it for the most. While this sounds self-evident, it is…


welcome new readers

Take a look around. If you think you are hardcore enough to handle Maximum Mustache, feel free to start at the first article and read your way up to the present using the links at the bottom of each article.

For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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