Nov 12, 2011
There is a small but growing social movement spreading around the world these days. It started long ago but has been accelerating recently. Although this revolution is tiny when measured as a percentage of the population, it has the Fiery Heart of a Golden Lion and thus it gets an unusual amount of shock, admiration,…
Nov 11, 2011
For all of its shortcomings, the traditional retire-at-65 system does have a few cushy benefits in the US. You get low-cost health insurance coverage through Medicare, a reasonable pension through Social Security, and you also get to start taking penalty-free withdrawals from your 401(k) plan. This system was originally designed to accommodate people who would…
Nov 9, 2011
Just a little internet video today, that Mrs. M. stumbled across. It’s a quick explanation for beginners on the life of gasoline before and after you use it for driving. The lesson is obvious for the more environmentally-minded folks, but I figured it is still worth sharing because the average US driver doesn’t think about…
Nov 8, 2011
A few years ago, I learned the most shocking fact about public libraries: Not everybody uses them! “No!”, you may say, “That’s impossible – how else do people get their books?” The scary answer that I discovered is that some people have developed a habit of regularly buying books which cost them $10 – $30…
Nov 6, 2011
Part of my duty to you as Mr. Money Mustache is to research the entire field of personal finance and investing, and report back to you with any significant findings. We need to know if there are any competing ideas, bloggers, or book authors that have something valuable to offer us. We also need to…
Nov 3, 2011
Yesterday, we had a second crazy fall snowstorm here in Colorado. The first one struck one week ago, and while it was fun at the time, I welcomed the warm sunny week that followed and returned us to normal conditions. But then, another storm came along and, DUMP, there were about seven inches of fluffy powder…
Nov 2, 2011
Hi there. I have no actual article for you today, but I thought I’d share two other things that popped up on the Internet this morning. First of all, I had the opportunity to take a virtual trip to Singapore, where Ellesse Chow, the editor of a website called “Goal Setting College” conducted an email…
Nov 1, 2011
The Triple M Family enjoyed a rather enlightening movie night tonight. These days, we tend to watch all our movies together, and we usually let the kid make the viewing choice, using the nicely organized browsing system on Netflix. Fortunately for us parents, our boy has graduated from the Pixar movies we’ve all seen a…
Oct 29, 2011
Since the last update in this series, there has been a certain amount of drama on our latest road to Real Estate Riches. There’s always drama when you buy a house, because relatively large sums of money are involved, and the sale involves a large number of people working together. A buyer and seller, real…
Oct 27, 2011
I just had one of my stranger birthday experiences when I turned 37 earlier this week. Things got off to an early start, when the doorbell rang at 12:01 AM, just as I was considering putting down my book and going to sleep. When your doorbell rings at that time of night, you answer it…
Oct 25, 2011
I’ve got a little secret for you. Between the frosty North Pole of Unemployment, where your bank account dwindles and your debts multiply while you sit at home and fidget nervously, and the Sweltering Jungle of Full Time Employment, where you wield a Firehose of cash but have absolutely no free time to do anything…
Oct 22, 2011
In writing this blog for you, Mr. Money Mustache actually has three major goals: To make you rich so you can retire early. To make you happy so you can properly enjoy your early retirement. To save the whole Human Race from destroying itself through overconsumption of its own habitat. All three of these goals…