Aug 29, 2011
A couple of weeks ago, Mr. Money Mustache received a request for help that threw him off balance a little: Dear MMM, I just found your site from lifehacker. Your articles are very good. But I did notice that they are all written from the perspective of someone with assets. I would like some advice.…
Aug 27, 2011
A few weeks ago, I got a call from an old friend. He was a coworker at a company where I used to work as a software engineer. “Hey man, I’ve secretly become a Mr. Money Mustache reader over the last few months. And now it looks like I need some advice from MMM myself,…
Aug 25, 2011
It seems that many of the web’s personal finance sites (like this list on are actually shopping sites disguised as benevolent dispensaries of financial advice. I checked out the websites like Deal Seeking Mom and Money Saving Mom, and various others from the top ten. Then I checked out another service that has become…
Aug 24, 2011
(note: this is a dated article that referred to a sale so the links stopped working. I updated them in April 2012, but they’ll surely change again someday) Hello there. I don’t really have an article for you today, but I stumbled across an interesting-looking sale at one of my preferred bike stores, They’ve…
Aug 23, 2011
The Grocery Store is the only retail establishment that I visit more than once a month. But even then, we have a bit of a love/hate relationship. I LOVE the grocery store, because it is the source of almost all of my food. Under its roof lies a world of unlimited possibilities. It can help…
Aug 19, 2011
Today is an Exciting Milestone in the Mr. Money Mustache blog – our first official Guest Posting! This Instant Classic essay comes from a reader with alias ‘Poorplayer’. He seems to be an older, East-coast version of me, complete with a similar writing style. Good fun. Thanks very much for the submission, Mr. P.! …
Aug 18, 2011
Today is a memorable day in the MMM family, as the Mrs. and I took our precious Junior ‘Stash to start his first day of Kindergarten this morning. It was a wonderful experience, biking through the early morning’s leafy shade on our streets, and feeling the excitement and fear of the assembled crowd of young…
Aug 17, 2011
It’s time for Mr. Money Mustache to attack another one of America’s most sacred traditions. Marriage. Well, not marriage specifically, but those fantastic and fancy parties we call weddings. Now, in case you hadn’t figured it out, from an American perspective, I might as well be from another planet. I grew up in a small…
Aug 16, 2011
Well, that was interesting. I posted an article about rich people and taxes today, and the comments section rapidly exploded to set a record for activity. I’m glad to hear people are interested in politics, but I actually didn’t intend that as a political posting. So while the comments section of that article continues to…
Aug 16, 2011
Well, my hero is up to his usual tricks again. Every few years, Warren Buffett makes a statement saying the taxes on rich people in the United States are too low, and he deserves and would be willing to pay more. This time he has backed it up by mentioning that many of his super-rich…
Aug 12, 2011
It seems that Mr. Money Mustache attracts quite a few of the already converted. Every week I write out more of the biggest and most amazing secrets that have allowed me to hop effortlessly across the minefield of American Middle Class life and become rich at an early age. And you, the Mustachians, usually chime…
Aug 11, 2011
Ahh, Craigslist. We’ve mentioned it together many times already here on Mr. Money Mustache, but it is such a great invention, on par with the bicycle as one of the Top Two Things that will Save America From Itself, that it deserves its own love note. Let’s illustrate with a little story. Early this afternoon,…