Aug 9, 2011
Mr. Money Mustache recently received a request from an up-and-coming Future Early Retiree. His name is Mike, and at the time of writing he wrote a blog called “Mortgage Free by 30”. Here’s what he had to say: “Basically, I hate my job. The company is great. The job isn’t. I want to work for myself.…
Aug 7, 2011
Stock market watchers like myself have had an entertaining couple of weeks recently. Amid lots of dramatic economic and political news, the S&P 500 index has dropped from a July level of 1356 down to 1199 (as of Friday August 5th). This 157-point drop works out to almost 12 percent of the value of the…
Aug 5, 2011
Well, we’re home. As you may or may not have been aware, the Triple M family has been on the road since way back in June. We had a blast. Everyone is sun-kissed and skinny from being outside playing so much all summer. But aside from these obvious benefits, I got another surprise when we…
Aug 3, 2011
Eliminating Lady Temptations: Step 2 (see Step 1) by Mrs. Money Mustache I recently celebrated my birthday. I turned 37. The day started off lying in bed with my little boy, who turned his sweet face to me and gave me a morning hug and kiss and then wished me a happy birthday.…
Aug 1, 2011
I was at a party recently and a lifelong friend walked up to start a conversation. Although we had never talked about money before, it turned out he had secretly been reading this blog, and now he had a few questions for me. – My friend had a good question, of course. It is this…
Jul 26, 2011
Who wants to spend less money on gas? Everyone? Yeah! Every few weeks, you’ll see yet another simplistic article in a bland mass-market publication like USA today or CNN news that says the same things about saving fuel: pump up your tires to manufacturer recommendations, accelerate smoothly, combine errands, and so on. You already follow the tips,…
Jul 24, 2011
Sometime earlier in July, I was perusing the WordPress site stats that prove so addictive to bloggers. I noticed that during my distracted days of lake swimming and cottage building, this blog had hit a nice round number milestone of having had individual articles read a total of 100,000 times. That seemed like quite a…
Jul 20, 2011
Ahh, Building Things. It’s a hobby I have talked about many times before, but a recent experience has completed the transformation of carpentry from “enjoyable pastime” all the way up to “Lifetime Religion” for me – something that deserves its own article and its own place on the bookshelf of Top Ways to Be a…
Jul 18, 2011
Happy July 18th. It sure is hot these days, isn’t it? Statistically speaking, a good portion of the continental US and Canada has its hottest average day of the year right around now. So I thought it was a good time to share some thoughts on the modern household’s biggest energy consumer in July –…
Jul 14, 2011
In one of the earliest articles on this blog called “If you Try Sometimes…“, I briefly described my goal of living life at a cost of 75% less than “normal”. Since then I have received many questions: What is Normal anyway? Where did I get this 75% number? Is it ridiculous or is it easy?…
Jul 11, 2011
Dedicated readers will recall that I teamed up with some local friends in early June to begin brewing our own beer. During that first session, we did all the major barley-flake boiling, malt syrup dumping, hop-infusing and yeast sprinkling, then left the 5-gallon mixture sitting in a jug in my cool dry basement to ferment…
Jul 8, 2011
Oh, hello there. I just noticed it’s July 8th, which means we’re already about two weeks into the annual MMM family vacation. It has certainly been reflected in the wimpy blog posting schedule, even while readership seems to be on a growth spurt due to the influence of Frugal Dad. There have been times in…