Apr 17, 2011
By the Realist Mr. Money Mustache has been a bit more reasonable lately, posting some numbers to back up his assertions. But I thought I should join in at this point to address something that has probably been in your mind: how much can I really give up, without going crazy? After all, we all…
Apr 15, 2011
I just saw one of those automatically generated text ads at the top of my Gmail account. Here’s what it said: 2011 Pilot 4WD LX $319/mo (note: this article was first published in April 2011 but you can substitute the current year whenever you read it.) It gave me shivers to look at it, just…
Apr 13, 2011
By Mr. Money Mustache I love the topic of “Early Retirement”, because that alone is the subject of so many books. But as a reader of this blog, you get full discussion of that topic for free. For previous generations, perhaps our parents or grandparents living stereotypical middle-class lives, retirement used to mean reaching age…
Apr 11, 2011
By Mr. Money Mustache The Realist thinks he has me pegged. He’s right about the 1999 REI Bookpacker Plus backpack, but in his calm by-the-numbers approach he is missing a lot of the reasons frugality is great. No. Not just great: it’s the only non-ridiculous lifestyle for the thinking person. And this is because for…
Apr 10, 2011
Hi, It’s me the Realist again. I think I’ve noticed a pattern with Mr. Money Mustache. He is part of what I like to call, “The Religiously Frugal”. For him, the avoidance of spending is not just a way of reaching a goal… the frugality itself is the goal. He actually likes this shit! If you…
Apr 8, 2011
Ahh, I see that sissy the “Realist” has been posting on my blog. I hope that doesn’t happen too often. Sukka’s too soft. You’ll never get anywhere with piddly numbers like 25 bucks a month or even ten dollars a day. And I had to laugh at that example.. would anyone really start buying lunch…
Apr 7, 2011
Whoa, did you read that opinionated garbage yesterday? Who is this Mr. Money Mustache? The guy thinks he’s got it all figured out. And is he trying to offer financial advice, or just financial scorn to those less fortunate than himself? Sure, maybe you can retire early if you are born to a frugal family,…
Apr 6, 2011
“What do you mean you retired at 30?” This is a blog about money. We’re going to cover a lot of ground and make plenty of amusing side trips into lifestyle and culture issues, but when it boils down to it, we are talking about money, and the freedom it can give you. Freedom from…