Jun 13, 2011
I just got an interesting request for a Mustachian Makeover*. Here is our reader’s story: Dear MMM, I was wondering if you might want to do an analysis of some reformed spenders working hard on their stash but dealing with the repercussions of previous and lasting life choices (like a mortgage) in their newly reformed…
May 16, 2011
This week, Mr. Money Mustache was honored to answer more calls for help from his readers. There was one in particular who had an interesting situation, and was generous enough to let me share it with you (anonymously of course) after we were finished the email discussion. We’ll call the reader SAM – short for…
May 4, 2011
Being Mr. Money Mustache comes with certain privileges and responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is helping individuals with their problems, and there was a rather interesting problem on the operating table here at MMM headquarters last week: A reader who happens to live in Colorado set up an appointment to meet with me to review…