

Weekend Edition: What would the Native Americans Do?

One of my secret tricks to figure out what activities are really worthwhile in life, is to look back to the Original and Ultimate Mustachians of this continent – the Native Americans. These were a people who lived together in a very rich culture which was based entirely on their natural environment. The animals and…

Mrs. Money Mustache: The Secret Life of Frugality

Introduction: Welcome to the first post by Mrs. Money Mustache herself. Long a lurker on this blog, she finally has some things to say to balance Mr. Money Mustache’s manly voice. There are many people that dream of retiring early.  I was never one of those people.  The idea of retirement in my 30s didn’t…

Weekend Edition: Happy Mother’s Day

It’s a warm and sunny day here at the Money Mustache Compound, and my little boy and his Mum are outside planting some new plants in an area of the backyard known as the Mother’s Day Garden. It all started one year when Mrs. M decided to tackle a certain back corner of the yard…

MMM Challenge: Cut your Cash-Leaking Umbilical Cord

The prize for this week’s challenge is about Nine Thousand Dollars, plus getting the equivalent of about 36 weeks of extra vacation time each year. That would bring you up fairly close to my own level of  leisure. The challenge, of course, is to immediately and completely cancel your cable television service forever. Now I…

MMM Save $100 This Week Challenge: Update

Good Morning Mustachian Trainees. I posted the $100 Challenge last Wednesday Night, which made Thursday the first day. The post got an unusually large number of reads last week, and again today due to a valued reader who posted it to her facebook page – thanks a lot! But have you actually been challenging yourself?…

Living well on the trailing edge of Luxury

“The only constant in the world is change” That old quote is amazing, because it is so true no matter how deeply you think about it. What is even deeper is that it is credited to a guy in 500 BC, back when things were changing almost unfathomably slower than they are right now. Let’s…

MMM Challenge: Save 100 Dollars This Week

Perhaps you have been reading along so far, enjoying our little growing community, but you’re still not sure where to get started. There’s plenty of personal finance advice out there, but you’re too busy to search through all the disorganized piles of non-amusing advice. You want to do it the Mr. Money Mustache Way! Well,…

Mr. Money Mustache’s Own Story

Ahh, I see that sissy the “Realist” has been posting on my blog. I hope that doesn’t happen too often. Sukka’s too soft. You’ll never get anywhere with piddly numbers like 25 bucks a month or even ten dollars a day. And I had to laugh at that example.. would anyone really start buying lunch…


welcome new readers

Take a look around. If you think you are hardcore enough to handle Maximum Mustache, feel free to start at the first article and read your way up to the present using the links at the bottom of each article.

For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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