Can you follow me on Twitter?

Hello dear readers. I’ve decided that to become a real blogger, I need to have more people signed up to the twitter feed. This lets me share smaller things like interesting news stories or daily observations, without the two-hour commitment of typing up a whole article.

As a side benefit, it helps this website get more fully implanted into the Internet itself, leading to an expansion of the insidious spread of Mustachianism through our society, like a delicious new disease.

If you have a Twitter account, would you be willing to click the twitter link below and add me to the list of people you are following?

I promise I will try to only type interesting things into Twitter, and I will never use the abbreviations “OMG, LOL, or ROTFLMAO” or write “ur” when I mean “Your” or “You’re”.

If you like, you can accomplish this by clicking here.

many thanks,
Mr. Money Mustache

  • Steve D December 6, 2011, 9:23 am

    Google+? Google+ has a intelligent and valuable user base. Great network of people over there.

    Good Luck on twitter either way,

  • MMM December 6, 2011, 9:28 am

    Good point! I’ll set up a Google+ account for MMM and get back to you on that one.

    At the moment, however, I’d better fold up this laptop and stop procrastinating on getting some work done today! :-)

    • Steve D December 6, 2011, 10:32 am

      Uhm, hello? If you want to become a real blogger than this IS your work!! What, you think WORKING is productive stuff? Like building or remodeling or something? *Gasp*

      I kid. Google+ has slowly become my go to social network for special interests. I’d love to see a MMM circle, to share / discuss related topics

  • Diogo December 6, 2011, 9:35 am

    Is it possible for you to collect all of those links and articles in a blog post in a semi-daily basis for those who don’t have a Twitter account? It doesn’t have to everything you post, just the ones you think are important enough to be recorded permanently on the blog.

    • Geek December 6, 2011, 10:38 am

      Agree – The Tim does a good job of this (Seattlebubble), rounding up twitter posts he makes occasionally.

    • et December 7, 2011, 9:18 am

      As a felloe non-twitterer I think this is a good idea.

  • Ramses December 6, 2011, 9:53 am

    On a completely unrelated note.. in addition to the date, how about enabling the time for when a post was published? (just like the comments).
    A twitter feed is always nice to learn of small updates that do not require full articles, or even to announce when a new article is published. I like the idea and would most likely subscribe to it.

    As long as the blog does not lose its current identity (I was reading Leo Babauta yesterday, and I would completely agree with that post.. even though I work in marketing)

    • Mrs. Money Mustache December 6, 2011, 10:50 am

      Good points and interesting link! You will never see a pop-up anything on MMM. Promise.

      Yes, there are ads — other than the google adsense ads, these are all products we use ourselves and could be a big benefit to readers (Mint.com and ING, which are both free and save you money are awesome, and if you’re going to buy a book, buy it used and do some good with betterworldbooks.com. If a new bike or bike part is needed, we use nashbar if we can’t find it used).

      MMM is an entrepreneur at heart and we are experimenting with blogging (and blog revenue) at this point. It’s a whole new world and proving to be very interesting to learn about. All blog profits go towards good causes, although profits are quite minimal at this point. :)

      But, having said all that, if anything is annoying, please let us know!

    • October MacBain January 27, 2012, 10:42 am

      I mostly like Leo’s blog. What I don’t like is his tendency to pitch things for sale, whether it be his (or someone else’s) book, or a new program/seminar to stop the clutter. He can be a bit of a hypocrite in that area.

  • Frans December 6, 2011, 10:13 am

    There. Just used the (to-be?) awesome hashtag #mustachian.

  • RubeRad December 6, 2011, 10:33 am

    I’m not a twatter (I also refuse to book my face).

    I hope that you will continue to post actual content here on the blog; I am very glad I found this a few months ago and have been following with interest.

    I am starting to grow a pencil-thin John Waters money mustache, and I need your help to grow it to Sam Elliott proportions!

    • Mrs. Money Mustache December 6, 2011, 10:39 am

      Rest assured that this does not affect the blog content one bit.

      Twitter is new for both MMM and I and we only just learned what a hash tag is… some readers have mentioned that it would be helpful to them to ask quick questions via twitter.

    • Executioner December 6, 2011, 11:00 am

      I’d like to echo this sentiment. Mustachian analysis cannot be limited to 140 characters. The average MMM blog entry is the Longform.org to the average Twitter soundbyte. If you have something worth saying, it’s worth saying well. Twitter doesn’t accommodate anything more than short-attention-span fluff.

      • Ramses December 6, 2011, 12:25 pm

        Completely agree with Executioner, and that’s why I previously mentioned that the Twitter feed is best used to announce when a full article is published, instead of trying to cram a worthy idea into 140 characters by leaving important bits and pieces out. Sms texting comes to mind… which brings me to my next point: I love and still use T9.

      • jennypenny December 7, 2011, 4:04 am

        I resisted Twitter at first, but now I like the challenge of the 140-character limit. It’s like a modern-day haiku. It forces you to get the most meaning out of the words you choose (word frugality?) I’m always curious to see what ideas people [successfully] communicate in their tweets.

  • Mr. Frugal Toque December 6, 2011, 10:37 am

    411 UR 7W3375 R 8310N6 2 US.

    But seriously. You shouldn’t use “ur” for “your” either.

    Besides, all the cool kids switched from “OMG” to “ZOMG” years back.

  • Andre (SF) Nader December 6, 2011, 10:43 am

    A facebook page would also be appreciated! It could even be set to syndicate what you share on twitter to facebook.

  • kasia December 6, 2011, 12:17 pm

    I don’t do the twitter thing, but I added it to my Google Reader. Anyone here can do the same – just add https://twitter.com/mrmoneymustache as a subscription.

    • Diedra B December 7, 2011, 6:46 am

      yeah, me too

    • CG December 10, 2011, 6:50 pm

      Did not know you could do this. Awesome, thanks. I was already subscribed to the blog but I don’t want to miss any of MMM’s humorous observations. :D
      I can’t imagine joining Twitter. I just joined FB a year ago after I finally got fed up with everyone in my life starting every conversation with “Did you see what I posted on my FB page?” Even my mother is a junkie. I only have my immediate family as my friends and no gaming so I don’t waste time I could be using for something productive.

  • Jane December 6, 2011, 2:24 pm

    OMG!! I totes already follow u on Twitter! LMAO, 4 realz!!

    Sorry, couldn’t resist. Have been following you for a bit, agree that you could post a lot of thoughts, pics, ideas and lessons and not just link to new posts. Would love to see you in my timeline more!

    I would welcome you on FB as well, as that’s an especially great place to share articles with others, get conversations started and Spread Das Wisdom!

    (I’ve been on Google+ and so far don’t see the point. But I’m keeping an open mind…)

  • Bryan December 6, 2011, 3:39 pm

    I had to dust off my twitter account but I’m now following you on twitter. Now I’ll have to remember to check it. I must say that I perfer Facebooks format maybe I’ll learn to like twitter.

  • Joe O. December 6, 2011, 6:20 pm

    I don’t care for Twitter personally, and I don’t use it. I only use Facebook to keep up with some friends and family.

    I went ahead and “followed” you on Twitter just to pad your stats, and I’ll do the same on Facebook, but since I never check Twitter I won’t see any updates there. So please keep in mind your readers that don’t check Twitter. :)

    Appreciate the suggestion by kasia two comments up – I do love RSS feeds. Neat trick!

  • Frugal Vegan Mom December 6, 2011, 7:45 pm

    I’m still resisting the twitter. I don’t get it. Don’t even like the facebook or the texting. Hmph and ya I’m not 89, only 29… sometimes I think life would be easier if I embraced these things but it just doesn’t make sense to me.

    Love the blog though, and hope twitter does not detract from it.

  • Fu Manchu December 6, 2011, 7:48 pm

    This will suffice until MMM creates its own Mustachian Social Network, which as we all know, will quickly dethrone Facebook & Twitter in popularity while simultaneously saving the world from itself.

    Sidenote: keep the Youtube stuff coming too!

    • Amonymous July 31, 2016, 4:08 am

      Mustachian Social Network… That would be epic, if not already up? :)

  • Goal Setting College December 6, 2011, 8:15 pm

    MMM, you’re the first person I follow on twitter! When you’ve got your google+ page up, I’ll add you into my circles :)

  • Diedra B December 7, 2011, 6:39 am

    sorry, no twitter here. . .frankly couldn’t see the point

  • Adrienne December 7, 2011, 6:47 am

    Add me to the list of people who would like to see the twitter stuff on the blog (on the side perhaps)? I refuse to join twitter but would hate to miss any of your stuff. Thanks.

  • Dragline December 7, 2011, 7:42 am


  • Jessica aka The Frugal Townie December 7, 2011, 9:23 am

    I’m following you now! Can you follow me too? @FrugalTownie https://twitter.com/#!/FrugalTownie

  • Alex | Perfecting Dad December 7, 2011, 10:17 am

    I’m in.

  • Be September 29, 2016, 10:30 am

    I do not have a Twitter account. If I ever look at my Google plus again then I’ll follow you. I’ve been avoiding social media for a long time.


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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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