Hey! What’s that new link on the menu above? FORUM??
YEAH! The Mr. Money Mustache blog now has its very own FORUM!!
Technical Wizard Mrs. Money Mustache has set it up, and I have pre-configured it with a variety of exciting topics that should spark discussion.
Check it out at https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/forum/
As with most online forums, read-only access is conveniently open to anyone. You only need to create a user account and sign in if you want to post messages.
For other webmasters considering a similar step, we used the “Simple Machines” forum, which was easy to install on the Bluehost hosting service.
Configuration takes a bit longer than the installation, but it mostly involves just clicking your way through a bunch of menus and making sure all the childish options are off (increasing privacy and permissions, turning off smiley face icons and censorship, etc).
Volunteer Moderators are welcomed. And helping out others is highly encouraged. From now on, I encourage readers to post their detailed personal finance questions in the “Ask a Mustachian” forum rather than sending them to me via the contact button. I’ll still see your request, but it will have a much higher chance of being answered since I don’t have time to respond to all of the longer emails anymore. And many of your fellow readers have already experienced, and solved, exactly the same problems you are now working on!
Update: Holy Crap: just a few hours after its formation, this forum is taking off already! In yet another awesome demonstration of the power of crowdsourcing, The Mustachians have started talking amongst themselves and answering each other’s questions. What fun!
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