No, You Didn’t Just Lose Half Of Your Retirement Savings

So here we are just a month later,  in a full-blown economic panic, and at the start of the most sudden recession ever.

The pandemic has spread much further and faster than most uninformed people (including me) would have ever guessed, and the whole world is on some form of lockdown. Nothing quite like this has ever happened before in the modern world.

What should we do?

On the financial side,  I’ve seen media stories about “The End of FIRE movement”, and a close friend even said to me, “Well, I’ve got to go back to work now because with all my investments down 35%, I’m not financially independent any more.”

And I’ve seen plenty of similar statements out there on the Internet:

Is it time to be worried like this commenter on my last article?

Even worse, some people are trying to time the stock market, selling off their investments at a discount in the hopes of “protecting” them, hoping to subsequently outsmart everyone else and re-buy them at an even lower price just before some future rebound.

On the human side, we have seen a death toll of thousands of people per day in the US alone with best-case forecasts of 200,000 by the time things calm down, which implies several million worldwide.

And so far, we have not been performing like a best-case country so these numbers will probably be higher.

This all sounds terrible, doesn’t it?

It makes sense that many people are fearful and pessimistic. So why is it that I remain as optimistic as ever, with the full expectation that you and I will come through this humbled but also wiser and better than ever?

It’s because I already know how this all ends.

The world will keep rallying and doing its best to slow down contagion. Caring people will keep helping each other. People will stay home and heal, hospitals will expand, nurses and doctors will do their best to save as many lives as possible, and the 80% of us in jobs that allow us to keep working, will keep doing our jobs.

Meanwhile, innovators are still innovating all over the world. People are staying up late working in labs, vaccines are being tested, genes are being sequenced and the current virus will end up beaten and then written up as a very significant chapter in the history books.

But apart from all of this, there is still way more going on out there, which just isn’t making it to the headlines. Engineers and scientists are still inventing things that will drastically improve the future. Solar panels are still streaming out by the trainload and being installed worldwide. Better and better batteries which will eventually displace all fossil fuel use are evolving. The most efficient factories in history are being built. Gene therapies are advancing which will eventually make a mockery of all of our current health conditions. Internet connectivity and education is becoming more widely available and cheaper which is allowing the next generation of brilliant kids to to grow up and learn faster and do more than you or I could have even dreamed. And all this will happen regardless of the course of the current pandemic.

If all that is true, then why is the world so Scary right now?

I get it – never before has something from the daily news come home to affect our daily lives so much. Grocery stores are cleaned out, people are wearing masks, and you probably have friends who are currently unemployed, or sick, or both.

But in this situation, it really helps to understand the big picture of what is actually going on. The world is not ending. The air outside your windows is not a swirling cloud of certain death.

All that has changed is that we are in a self-imposed economic slowdown that has been created purely to save the lives of our most vulnerable people.

Which is one of the most compassionate things our society has ever done. To me, this is a remarkable and wonderful moment and I would not have guessed that such a capitalist country would ever have the balls to do it.

To put it into a visual, we have decided to prevent the following worst-case scenario:

(IMPORTANT NOTE: The timing of these hypothetical deaths is not real medical data, just an illustration of my own personal guess – made with a mouse pointer rather than a spreadsheet. However the US background death rate really is about 2.8M per year per the CDC)

In the worst case, we might lose 1-2% of our people, biased towards the most vulnerable. There is some overlap because this accelerates some other deaths that would have happened this year, and pulls some future deaths into the present, which is why the death rate dips for a while afterwards.

And turn it into this:

With enough prevention, we cut the death rate by twentyfold, to about 0.04-0.06%.
200,000 is still an enormous number, but the existing death rate at least puts it into perspective.

In the worst case, our public officials would all downplay the risk of COVID-19, and we’d keep working and traveling and spreading it freely. We’d maximize our economic activity and let the disease run its course.

From the disease models I have seen so far, about 70% of us would eventually contract it. Half of those would have no symptoms or very mild ones, a smaller (but still huge) number would get sick or very sick, 10% might end up in a very overloaded hospital system, and in total about 1-2% of our population would die from complications – partly depending on how quickly we could put up temporary treatment centers to cycle through 30 million people in only a few years.

It would feel cruel and chaotic, but in reality we would still not be even approaching the conditions that people in the developing world deal with every day. Our world has always been cruel and chaotic in so many ways which affect a much larger number of people – we just happen to be used to them. And one thing that humans are exceptionally good at, is getting used to things.

List of causes of death by rate - Wikipedia

In the more compassionate case which we are currently following, we drastically reduce the amount of contact we have with each other for a few months, which cuts the number of deaths in the US down from 3-6 million, down to perhaps 200,000. In exchange, our economy shrinks by several trillion dollars (it was about 21 trillion in 2019) for a year or more.

Assuming we are preventing 3 million early deaths, this means our society is foregoing about one million dollars of economic activity for each person’s life that we extend and frankly, it makes me happy to know we are capable of that.

So that’s the big picture: we are cautiously and temporarily buckling down and making some sacrifices, in order to help other people.

To me, that is not a cause for panic or fear – it’s a chance to try even harder and be thankful for such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Meanwhile, some good stuff is happening as a byproduct:

  • We are driving around and polluting far less. The air is drastically cleaner everywhere.
  • People are out walking with their kids far more. The streets of my town are nearly free from cars, and are being enjoyed by (appropriately spaced) bikes and people for the first time.
  • Our expectations are being reset. Someday soon, it will feel like an absolute joy and privilege to walk into a store and see things fully stocked and prosperous again. And imagine the feeling of taking a vacation or attending a big event or a restaurant or a party!
  • People in rich countries may realize that we can afford to be helpful and compassionate after all – while actually increasing our long term wealth and happiness rather than compromising it.
  • And the world is getting a valuable “practice run” at handling a pandemic, with a relatively mild disease rather than something even more serious.

So How Does This Affect my Retirement?

Once you really get the big picture above, you can see that we are going to come through this better in every way.

Just as with any recession, weaker companies will go bankrupt, stronger ones will streamline their operations and get smarter, and the chaos and broken pieces will become the raw materials from which an enormous batch of brand-new companies will form.

Better ways to track and treat disease, more scalable and less bureaucratic hospitals, more options for remote medicine and more support for remote work and virtual offices and virtual learning in general. More home delivery services and fewer big box stores and wasted parking lots, more support for biking and walking, and a million other things that a billion other people will think of.

The end result will be a better, more resilient and richer world than ever. Yes, that will also eventually mean more money in your retirement account, but more importantly it means better and happier living conditions for every living thing on Earth.

While this all sounds like optimistic magic, it’s actually just a byproduct of human nature. We are a lazy and change-averse creature and we become complacent when our fearful and primitive brains think things are “good enough” for survival and reproduction.

So, oddly enough, we often need a good slap upside the head to get off of our collective asses and actually make some improvements. Observe the wisdom of our elders:

  • When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
  • Necessity is the Mother of Invention.
  • What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.

As old and repeated as these slogans might be, they stick around because they keep proving to be remarkably true. They are the real-world manifestation of a badassity that is built right into our Human DNA, which is why they are some of my favorite phrases in life.

Are things a bit hard right now?


See you in the inevitable and incredible boom-time that will result.


Other Interesting Things That Might Help You Feel Better:

The Simple Path to Wealth, by my longtime author/blogger friend JL Collins, explains long-term investing in the most simple and calm way imaginable.

Towards Rational Exuberance is a more technical and detailed (but still very fun to read) history of the stock market and how the Federal Reserve bank serves to stabilize our system. Although I read this book over fifteen years ago, it has underpinned my understanding and confidence in long-term investing ever since. I would love it if author Mark Smith would add a few chapters to cover the two most recent market crashes as well!

A Guided Meditation for when the Stock Market is Dropping, is Jim’s witty YouTube reminder of the same thing, which he somehow created long before any of this panic started – how could he possibly have known in advance??

Good News, there’s Another Recession Coming is my own magical forecast of the present moment, made over two years ago.

Why We are Not Really All Doomed, my 2014 take on why the world was (and still is) well positioned for many decades of future prosperity.

How To Retire Forever on a Fixed Chunk of Money gets into the reason why stock market drops like the present one don’t really hurt an early retiree (it’s because the vast majority of your shares will be sold several decades from now, when the present panic is barely a blip on the graph.

And finally, just for fun here’s an example of something that is not written to make you feel better. In recent weeks, I spent several hours writing out some interview answers for an article in the New York Times.

I was truly excited to share the details of why the Principles of Mustachianism are more useful than ever in times like these, and it’s quite the opposite of “The End of FIRE” that the silly and financially naive media have been peddling in recent stories.

I was disappointed in the end result. Most of my answers were cut out, and instead the article is focused on “hardships” that other early retirees are currently working through. And the clickbaity title sets the expectations wrong to begin with:

They All Retired Before They Hit 40. And Then This Happened.

(that link will take you to my Twitter post about it, where an interesting discussion has formed in the comments – what do you think?)

  • David April 30, 2020, 5:37 pm

    I think the stock market will recover and we can go back to normal within a few years. I’m not nearly as optimistic as you about the long term and technological developments. I really hope battery technology and renewable energy production can improve fast enough to save us from an ecological disaster but right now that doesn’t seem likely. If everyone switched to riding mostly bikes and we all cut our electricity usage at home and never traveled by airplane then maybe but I don’t see that happening either. Nuclear is one option but that does come with other risks.

  • Tom Trottier May 2, 2020, 1:46 am

    The risks to the vulnerable won’t go away, even assuming 70% of the less vulnerable get Covid19, recover, and stay immune and non-contagious until there is an effective vaccine.
    Vulnerable people, with diseases, or 60+, will remain at an significantly elevated risk of dying until there is an effective vaccine or treatment. I am 74. I expect to keep physical distancing for 12-36 months or more, and I expect and hope society will also keep many of the protections (masks, counter shields, distancing) so that the next person I meet won’t kill me, directly, or thru my family or friends.

  • Martize Smith May 6, 2020, 4:56 pm

    Indeed the crisis did hurt many people but with a crisis there is always is a opportunity or a lesson to be learned. Many FIRE movement people where damaged and other who invest aggressively in financial I’m stock market. Putting everything in the stock market can be dangerous as we have seen now and In the last. I love the fire movement but I still use other Techniques to my advantage. I love the idea of strong cash flow I’m business and in real estate. The difference is large between a person who has all their retirement in stock market verses a person who has a portion of their wealth in market and a person business and real estate holdings. Having multiple income streams outside of the financial market can hedge against risk when markets crash. A person with all their money in market had their retirement dramatically reduced ( although it may recover) and no cash flow verses a person with limited money in market but has a stable business and real estate holdings pumping money in month to Month. Let’s learn form these experiences and protect ourselves In the future from similar events.

  • Mark Villaflor May 18, 2020, 9:18 pm

    Beyond the economics of all of this and the panic I love how calm you present your ideas. It’s a great time to be alive and yes this could be much worse. I’m in the Philippines and listening to The Economist podcast to get some insight into how other nations are coping and the ways they are trying to help their citizens. It’s a very interesting time in the world and we’ll look forward to this dying down and all of us pivoting our lifestyles. Keep safe MMM.

  • Matt May 20, 2020, 1:50 pm

    Great post as usual! I am really hoping that when this is all said and done we as a species can come to the understanding that we don’t need quite as much shit in our lives. Maslow’s hierarchy doesn’t have a fancy category for the latest technology. If we can realize what we need, what we truly need and then we can add the nice to haves from there.

    I am hopeful there will be some positive long term change that comes out of this.

    And I have to say I’m loving the colour of the sky, its bluer than I’ve seen for years!

  • Doug June 9, 2020, 8:53 pm

    Between mid March and now, I’ve heard and read a lot of bellyaching about how the markets will drop again to below the lows in March. Well, when is this going to happen? If anyone has checked the markets lately they have gone up nicely and mid March was the time you should have gone on a frantic buying binge. Again, buy low and sell high.

    • Married to a Swabian June 11, 2020, 5:06 am

      Yes, hindsight is always 20-20. A normal market, and this one is currently disconnected from reality, makes moves based on earnings. We are living in a new altered reality based on life support from the Fed, massive stimulus and propaganda to get consumers out spending again in the middle of this pandemic. Clearly, life and the markets won’t feel normal again until we have a vaccine or at least significant treatments available. Correction is overdue.

    • Mark June 11, 2020, 6:38 am

      I have no crystal ball, but the chance the S&P returns to the March 23rd lows is very unlikely IMO.

      This isn’t really a real “market” anymore. The Fed has promised in word and deed that it will do whatever it takes to backstop risk assets. The S&P is sitting on a backdrop of 0% Fed Funds Rate with $120B/week of QE. The Fed has now added some $3T to its balance sheet and much of this money has moved into stocks.

      Any good news on the economy or the coronavirus and stocks are sitting on rocket fuel. Any bad news and there is no limit to how much the Fed can expand its QE program, start yield curve control, or start outright buying stock ETFs. They have other tricks up their sleeve they haven’t even pulled out yet. You don’t fight the Fed.

  • AnnM June 23, 2020, 9:02 pm

    Hi. I live in Canada and I have been reading the blogs which are fantastic. I read about everyone buying vanguard funds. I have found out that I can purchase them here in Canada as well. My question is which vanguard funds do people recommend I buy? I am 51, self- employed, and a single mom and have a mortgage that’s 2.84% with no other debt. Am looking to semi retire at 55 and want my money to work for me. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

  • Karsten June 24, 2020, 1:15 am

    The best part about the NY-Times article: The dude moved back to his parents because of the VIRUS. Not because of his money or the stock market. He did not want to get caught by travel restrictions etc. Living in regions that are highly dependent on tourism should now be even cheaper then it was before, as the demand has tanked this year.

  • John November 16, 2020, 12:28 pm

    Wow, this post has really aged well. S&p500 has rebounded and 2 vaccines to date with more on the way.
    Calm and level headed in what was a time most were not (on the TV at least).
    Thanks for the wisdom 💪🏻

  • Rob from Canada November 24, 2020, 2:22 pm

    10 months later the stock market is at it’s highest ever! I was nervous back in March and was waiting for you to write something, anything! I knew it would be positive and along the lines of the way I invest. Thanks Pete for helping so many of us stay the course during this crazy times.

  • David Norris December 20, 2020, 6:44 am

    Hey Joe, now that it’s December and we are another 8 months down the road living out the future you talk about here any chance you’d be up to write a “full circle” look back to some of you optimistic predictions? 🙂

  • Chris B September 13, 2021, 10:28 am

    MMM, here’s some food for thought.

    “…there would have been 400,700 fewer deaths in this country [the US] in 2017 had the US sex- and age-specific death rates been comparable to those of five large European countries. To put this number in perspective, they remind us that this is more than the number of the US deaths that have been ascribed to COVID-19 in 2020 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”

    Source: https://www.pnas.org/content/118/36/e2107590118

    So diet and inactivity are the pandemic we’ve always lived with.

  • Lester February 26, 2022, 2:59 pm

    Reading this on the 2-year anniversary , Feb 2022 .. Your predictions and thoughts were spot on!

  • Carl S May 24, 2023, 9:30 am

    3 years later and this is still the most impactful thing I read during the first part of Covid. Nicely done.


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