Feb 1, 2012
“The problem with Mr. Money Mustache”, some people say, “is that he has led this blessed and privileged life where nothing ever went wrong for him! He never makes any mistakes, and that’s just not the case for most people.” I can see why you might think that, since I tend to write to you…
Jan 30, 2012
I’ve been adding up the number of hours I worked last year, just out of curiosity. The biggest burst of it took place in November and December, when I was renovating the new rental house. Man, I sure felt like I was working hard at the time. Five days a week, for all of my…
Jan 27, 2012
It’s time to tie up some loose ends in my reporting to you about the Foreclosure Project. In the previous article, I mentioned that we had rushed to finish the interior work as the house got snapped up by an eager family for a late December move-in. I posted some hasty photos from the few…
Jan 25, 2012
Hey! It’s time for a Reader Case Study! I almost forgot about this cherished category of posts, partly because my MMM contact email address stopped forwarding way back on January 10th. “Ahh, this is relaxing”, I thought, “I guess nobody has any questions for me these days!”. Mrs. Money Mustache laughed at my naivete. I fixed the…
Jan 23, 2012
I’ve noticed a trend among financial bloggers recently. People have started playing around with high-reward credit cards for fun and profit. Signing up for them in bulk, scooping the signing bonuses, strategically using the good ones, and cancelling the duds. Now, I’m no novice to the idea of a cash back credit card: I used…
Jan 22, 2012
Hey, what’s that new button at the top of the web page? A Random Article Generator, courtesy of our technical wizard Mrs. Money Mustache. Thanks Mrs. M! Since this blog has grown into quite a behemoth over time (170 articles so far), the newer readers have only seen the most recent ones. Some have started…
Jan 21, 2012
Imagine an alternate version of Mr. Money Mustache. What if I had suppressed some of my profanity, become just slightly less hardcore in my frugality techniques, and moved to Western Canada instead of the Western US? Who would I be? You may already be aware of the real-world simulation that exists to model this situation,…
Jan 19, 2012
If you could sum up Mustachianism in one word, it would be “Control”. When people come into the confines of this blog from the outside world, they’re shivering and worn after spending a lifetime buffeted by the storms of unfettered capitalism. They feel like their lives are out of control, and that other people are the ones…
Jan 16, 2012
Once a year the rubber really meets the road for the Money Mustache Family, when we have to add up the entire amount we spent on everything, and reveal it to you the readers for comparison and scorn. Last year’s Exposé had us spending a fair amount, but with bold predictions of grand reductions in…
Jan 13, 2012
This is the blog post that shows you how to be wealthy enough to retire in ten years. Here at Mr. Money Mustache, we talk about all sorts of fancy stuff like investment fundamentals, lifestyle changes that save money, entrepreneurial ideas that help you make money, and philosophy that allows you to make these changes…
Jan 11, 2012
After the latest progress report on the Foreclosure Project, several people were inspired and wrote to me with this question: I’ve always wanted to be able to do more of my own projects around the house, but I don’t even know what tools I would need to get started. Where can I get this information?…
Jan 9, 2012
I was stumbling through my living room the other day, catching my feet on various building blocks, puzzle pieces, and a tangle of fishing line that had previously been used to suspend our homemade space station from the second floor balcony, when the thought occurred to me, “Damn, I sure wish this house wasn’t such…