Luxury is Just Another Weakness

I’ll be the first to admit it: Mr. Money Mustache is known to indulge in a few luxuries. Hell, I’m doing it right now, with my fingers tapping comfortably on a brushed aluminum keyboard while the letters instantly pop up on the 3840×2160 pixel screen of this feathery “ultrabook” laptop. I’m on front porch, looking…

Fear is Just a Chemical

I had a pretty scary dream the other night. My son and I were sitting on the floor in our basement, building a fort out of interlocking foam squares. Except in this dream version of our basement, I had built the house just a little bit out into the ocean, and the foundation out of…

The Surprising Effect of Small Efforts over Time

In case you hadn’t noticed, this blog has been sucking a bit recently. I just haven’t been putting in the effort that this thing deserves, and I feel the patient eyes of all of you watching. “Come on, Mustache. Get back to work. Give us something GOOD!” But there’s a good reason for this: For…

You Can Spare us Both the Outrage

The recent 50 Jobs post has been a nice success so far: I was happy with my own start to the list, but as expected the readers (as well as my celebrity guest contributors) got back to me with even better ideas. We’ll have an easy time bumping it up above 50 when Part Two…

50 Jobs over $50,000 – Without a Degree (Part 1)

When people write to me for help, I’m often confronted with a dilemma. Many of them are hardworking and intelligent people who are making reasonable financial choices, but due to the non-negotiable nature of Math, not ending up with as large a monthly surplus of cash at the end of each month as their higher-income…

A 4-Minute Video: Inside the MMM Household

If you ever look at my Twitter feed, you might know that we spent a day in June hosting the fun little video crew that makes Yahoo’s Financially Fit series. Host Farnoosh Torabi and her fine producer, camera dude, and a Denver-based sound guy and production assistant all came to Longmont to hang out, eat…

A Badass Utopia

Mrs. Money Mustache and I just had the pleasure of taking a nice grownups-only train trip to Montreal to celebrate her 39th birthday. We took an evening to meet up with a UK-born writer named Robert Wringham who happens to live there, because I’m a fan of his fancy square magazine called the New Escapologist.…

The Ottawa MMM Party – July 20th

The good people of Canada’s capital region have been requesting firmly that we all get together this month while the Mustache family is still in town. So your call has been heeded and it looks like we’re going to make a pretty good party out of it. Originally planning to set something up for us…

If I Woke Up Broke

The Mr. Money Mustache you see today is flabby and weak. Although consumers often compare themselves to the Mustache family and determine they aren’t ready to become “so extreme”, in reality the only extreme thing is how far we are from living a truly frugal lifestyle these days. The reason for this is of course…


welcome new readers

Take a look around. If you think you are hardcore enough to handle Maximum Mustache, feel free to start at the first article and read your way up to the present using the links at the bottom of each article.

For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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