
Welcome to the Secret MMM T-shirt store.

Sold Out for now, thanks for your interest!

The details, in case I print more someday:

These are top of the line American Apparel tri-blend t-shirts, sewn in not-all-that-bad conditions in their factory right in downtown Los Angeles.

These AA shirts cost about twice as much wholesale as cheapo brands, but really, we are talking a $5 difference here. I tried on all the options and going for better quality seemed easily worth it.

It’s a really well cut garment that lasts for years – important, as it will obviously be your favorite shirt ;-)

Price is $16 per shirt, including free shipping.
Exactly my cost after Paypal, shipping costs, eco-friendly envelopes, printer labels, paying local helpers $1 to mail it, etc. – non profit.

USA only for now – my apologies! But feel free to print your own if you want – logo below.

As the remaining shirts sell out, I will delete the Paypal buttons, so what you see below is still available.

Men’s / Unisex Shirts

Our low-cost model (6’0″ / 185 lbs) is wearing Unisex size M in this picture.

Check your shipping address before ordering! 
Many people have been sending “Help! I ordered to the wrong address!” emails. You can save yourself from being one of these people :-)Notes:

  • The shirts are a little larger than you’d expect for any given size. I normally wear large, but the medium is a pretty relaxed fit as you can see from the back picture. Very soft and stretchy too.
  • Please, no returns or exchanges – we have done our best to show the size and fit, but I’m not really a retailer and exchanges are incredibly time intensive and this is not an expensive item. Order at your own sixteen dollar risk!

Why the pennies? Because the Paypal interface is so bad that it doesn’t tell you what people ordered in the main summary page, I had to set the prices to unique numbers to avoid having to click into every order to see what people bought.

The MMM Logo, for do-it-yourselfers:You may download this and print your own shirts, or even make them for friends, but please do not sell these for profit.If you’re good with a knife, you can actually print this on plain paper and spraypaint a simplified version on your favorite existing blank shirt. I’ve done this before to create silly random shirts with eagles, carrots, etc., and it makes a really cool, surprisingly durable shirt.If you have T-shirt printing equipment and want to be a low or non-profit distributor for your own country, post your contact info in the comments below.

  • Mrs. Adventure Rich June 8, 2017, 10:13 pm

    Sold! We’ll sport our MMM shirts here in northern Michigan :) Great idea and thanks for organizing!

  • Eric June 8, 2017, 10:14 pm

    Dilemma: really, really want one, but $15 is more than I’ve spent on t-shirts in total for the past 10+ years (various volunteer activities, sports, & hand-me-downs keep the closet stocked). Not a bad price, just a relentless pursuit of badassity in this wardrobe (my wife isn’t as fond of the “item in/item out” rule as I am, but it keeps us at a fixed number of hangars! :-) ). Love the idea though, they’ll no doubt sell out quickly!

    • Mr. Money Mustache June 8, 2017, 10:55 pm

      Great choice Eric! The very existence of this shirt kind of contradicts the philosophy of the blog. Then again, the fact that I drink beer is at odds with my desire for maximum fitness. I am an imperfect person. :-)

      • Sarah June 9, 2017, 7:07 am

        And yet, I wouldn’t want to be caught wearing one while buying a fancy coffee or getting into a clown car. It’s like a $15 reminder to be a frugal badass while wearing it. It’ll pay for itself.

  • Carl June 8, 2017, 10:22 pm

    Can I just send you $16 cash, since I “don’t do” PayPal? If so, hold a size large for me! :)

  • Pavel Kadera June 8, 2017, 11:20 pm

    This is great! I can’t wait for you to start shipping to Europe.

    • Mr. Money Mustache June 8, 2017, 11:37 pm

      Unfortunately, you will have to wait – and probably an infinite amount of time!

      International shipping is way too labor intensive due to customs forms, etc. Also, a waste of money since t-shirts are a commodity you can find anywhere. I’d recommend downloading the logo and printing your own.

    • Brandon June 9, 2017, 12:49 pm

      Pavel, where in Europe are you located? We’ll be in England and Portugal in August if you want free international delivery.

      • Pavel Kadera June 12, 2017, 3:50 pm

        Thanks for the offer Brandon, thaanks nice of you, however I live in Prague (czech republic).

      • Don September 23, 2017, 1:50 pm

        One of the nicest comments I have ever seen. Brandon is a good dude.

        I’m just bought the shirt and paypal made it so easy. Sarah’s point above sold me. I’ll wear it whenever I’m worried about overspending.

  • Matthew in Michigan June 9, 2017, 3:53 am

    Just ordered one, I was conflicted as well….do I order one? What would MMM do in this situation? wait, MMM is selling these, oh I’m so confused :) . Also, the spray paint and make your own template/t shirt is a great idea as the kids are out for summer break and I’m making a list of activities to keep us busy, this just made the list!!

  • LeighInCT June 9, 2017, 4:40 am

    YAY! Will proudly sport my newly minted MMM t-shirt in the land of metro-NYC consumerist insanity. Maserati dealership just opened 10 mins away. Ugh. Found your blog in 2011. Changed our lives. Paid off our house last month. Now using our firehose of cash to build our cushion for early retirement and get the hell out of CT before the state declares bankruptcy. I was always an avid student of personal finance but you pulled it all together for me. Thank you and keep on leading the way. A sea change is at hand!

  • Dustin LeBlanc June 9, 2017, 5:39 am

    Shirts look sweet! They look like the same one we print up at Pantheon. Nice soft material and the knit of the material has a unique look to it that gives you the kind of banded badass effect. One day my muscles will wear a tshirt as well as MMM!

  • Able was I ERE June 9, 2017, 7:31 am

    I suggest Project November-style “tagging” to create MMM T-shirts. Meet ups around the world can then paint their own shirts. See:

  • wishicouldsurf June 9, 2017, 8:44 am

    I ordered one. Yes, it seems like a frivolous use of money but I think wearing it may be an interesting social experiment because I *might* meet some more mustachians. In my spendy SoCal community, folks tend to keep their spendthrift and very limited car clown behaviors on the down low, so it might be a way to connect with some other like-minded folks.

    • Mr. Money Mustache June 10, 2017, 12:28 pm

      That might actually work to find other Mustachians!

      The very first time I wore mine in public, the grocery store checkout guy asked where I got the MMM shirt. When I told him it was me, I earned a great fist bump from him.

      • Sundeep June 15, 2017, 10:26 am

        Haha, great story!

        I can’t wait to wear mine and see if anyone asks me about it as well!!

  • Jeepin Justin in PA June 9, 2017, 8:55 am

    Sold out already?!?! I will have to be more diligent in my daily mustache routine to catch the next round… Sweet shirts, MMM!

  • Anna June 9, 2017, 9:11 am

    Ladies models next time, please!

    • Jenny June 9, 2017, 10:13 am

      I second the request for a ladies version!

      • Ingrid June 12, 2017, 10:43 pm

        Another request for a ladies’ model (though in all fairness I’m most likely going to make a few this week, using shirts and paint already on hand). I’d love to meet a few Mustachians near me!

        • Amanda June 15, 2017, 1:38 pm

          Yes, a women’s cut shirt is the only kind I buy. After spending all those years of my youth swimming in ridiculous boxy concert tees, I can’t go back!

  • Sharon Cochran June 9, 2017, 2:24 pm

    More small shirts please!!! It says they’re sold out. My wife would LOVE one.

  • Mary June 9, 2017, 7:20 pm

    Only a $5 difference… but isn’t a millionaire made $10 at a time?? JK I would buy one if you had them in ladies sizes.

    • Mr. Money Mustache June 10, 2017, 8:07 am

      Yeah, definitely a good idea. The “small” size will look good on most ladies, but it would be better to have the shaped/shorter sleeved option.

      I think I’ll have the shirt printers bring a batch of those over, because we need to help fight the impression of Mustachianism being a guy thing.

      • wendy June 11, 2017, 8:22 am

        Yes, ladies sizes would be lovely!

        • Amber June 15, 2017, 10:28 am

          I am in for the ladies style/ size. looking forward to it!

      • Shannon June 15, 2017, 7:00 am

        Impatiently waiting for the lady sizes, to represent the frugal females.

      • Angie August 24, 2017, 3:41 pm

        Was there ladies’ shirts posted that I missed? Or should I just got for a men’s S? Can’t wait to order one!

        • Mr. Money Mustache August 24, 2017, 4:15 pm

          Yes, sorry Angie! We had lady sizes a while back, but they all sold out. I announce this stuff on the blog’s Facebook and Twitter streams, but it’s a bit of a hit-and-miss thing unless you are a social media superfan :-)

  • Jill June 10, 2017, 9:34 am

    If I’m in Longmont can I get one somewhere without you shipping? I don’t mind paying the full $16 but would love to avoid the packaging and waste that goes into shipping something across town. Maybe Mrs. MM’s shop? Never been there as I don’t get near downtown too often and when I do it’s to Lucky’s, ecocycle, and the library!

    • Mr. Money Mustache June 10, 2017, 10:00 am

      Sure Jill! If you know where our building /future shop is, you can occasionally find one of us there. I have stocked the place with all four sizes for just such an occasion

      • Mike June 10, 2017, 10:07 pm

        I was wondering the same thing. Just moved to Broomfield, drove through Longmont when I first got here… But didn’t want to be that creepy guy stopping by the store for no reason! Now there is a reason if I ever find myself in town again! Liking the FI shirts people are coming out with, bringing the community together with swag.

  • wendy June 10, 2017, 11:01 am

    It’s like a fishing lure…If we wear one, folks might say “Mr Money Mustache? What’s that?” and that may start a conversation that they find intriguing and lure them into thinking critically about how they view their money and habits….

  • Alan Donegan June 11, 2017, 8:14 am

    These are so cool Pete! I just ordered two (one for Katie and one for me!) I have asked for them to be shipped to my friend in Texas and I am going to pick them up when I go there next week! This is so exciting. Frivolous but fun and I will use it to share the message of your great blog in the UK!

    Thank you for producing them! Love it. Excited. Happy Sunday

  • Francis June 11, 2017, 10:19 pm

    I would love to buy one, but I’m kind of shocked that you went with “tri-blend” and called it “top of the line.”

    Polyester is not a good t-shirt material. It retains heat, it retains body odor, it attracts static electricity. Polyester is a form of plastic. It’s cheaper than cotton, and that’s why it’s included in cheap t-shirts. 100% cotton is the only way to go.

    Please consider producing another run of these with classic 100% cotton t-shirts. Natural fiber is way more mustachian than polyester.

    • Mr. Money Mustache June 13, 2017, 2:14 pm

      Sorry Francis – I totally disagree. You can get 100% cotton printable shirts for $3. But I try to avoid buying anything in 100% cotton, if I want it to be a primary piece of clothing for many years. The main problem is shrinking and becoming baggy over time (ever seen a 5-year-old pair of all-cotton underwear?

      Other than wool, most of the best quality clothing includes multiple fabrics including poly, spandex or rayon, to provide shape retention and stretch.

      • Joe Brewer June 16, 2017, 10:05 pm

        Jeez even this secret thread has a bunch of complainypants. Agreed…tri-blend is the way to go. For my Brewer’s Arcade shirts I’ve gone with the Next Level tri blend and been very happy. I’m sure these will be great. I’m 5’10” and 160lbs so I went with the medium per your advice although I usually rock a large. Thanks for making these man! Cheers

  • Megan June 12, 2017, 2:48 pm

    Very cool! Just ordered one for my husband. Though I was actually the one who got him reading your site so many years ago… I’m not sure I could pull the look off as well as he could;) We live in the “richest” county in FL and I’m thinking that chances are good he won’t have to worry about anyone showing up wearing the same thing.

  • Dave June 12, 2017, 3:23 pm

    Like many others I was somewhat conflicted, but it’s too tempting… Just got one for myself and my wife! She went from a non-believer to full fledge Mustachian with the help of some articles and conversations over a few weeks. :-D It feels great to be on the way to FI, even if it’s still a long ways away.
    Thanks for all you do!

  • Hotstreak June 12, 2017, 5:14 pm

    Hey MMM, in the bottom picture it looks like there’s a typical tag tucked under the collar. Is my eye correct, or are they tagless/printed tag? Thanks!

  • Colby June 13, 2017, 10:56 am

    I ordered a shirt as a gift yesterday (that doesn’t break MMM financial policies, does it?). What is your expected shipping time / method?


    • Mr. Money Mustache June 13, 2017, 2:10 pm

      They ship via US Postal Service, and most of them are going out my door within 24 hours of the order so far. From that point, about 2-3 days for delivery.

  • Heather June 13, 2017, 1:57 pm

    Are you sure these are made in the USA? Since selling to Gildan in January, American Apparel has openly spoken about only keeping production of a few key items in the USA and moving production to their other plants around the world. It sounded like most of the wholesale production would be moved.

  • Peter G June 14, 2017, 1:11 am

    Just ordered a shirt as well – thanks for doing these Pete!

    There is a strong ROI case for investing in an MMM shirt, as I can envision that the mere act of donning the aforementioned garment will instantly increase my own financial badassity, causing me to make better financial decisions that decrease the cash burn rate and keep the ‘Stash heading in the right direction.

    This particular shirt will head back to your native Canada (via my USPO box) and will be proudly sported on the streets of Kingston, Ontario!


  • Ethan June 14, 2017, 7:11 pm

    I hesitated at first, but concluded the cost of this purchase ($16 inflated into perpetuity and the future landfill waste) is far outweighed by the benefit of marketing the mission of anti-consumption and financial badassity! Besides my wife and I and the few friends I’m slowly persuading on this lifestyle, I have yet to meet another Mustachian here in Columbus, OH. Hopefully this can help change that and/or bring the others out of the woodwork. Good idea and thanks!

    • Dom June 18, 2017, 3:34 pm

      Hey, i’m from columbus, OH too. And I have the spread the word to a few of my co-workers too.

      • Ethan August 22, 2017, 9:25 pm

        Very cool Dom, glad to hear!

  • Joe (Adventuring Along / arebelspy) June 14, 2017, 7:21 pm

    “Price is…Exactly my cost…non profit…The MMM Logo, for do-it-yourselfers”

    I love all of the way this was done! Way to go! :D

  • Ashri June 15, 2017, 7:25 am

    Hi MMM! From Singapore, so I’ll download the logo and print it here!

    Just drop me an email on the low / non-profit distributor in case people suddenly would like to get your shirts!


  • Hugo June 15, 2017, 7:43 am

    I bought one. Might be a good way to identify the people that belong to our mustachian cult. :D

  • Chincar June 15, 2017, 7:56 am

    What fonts are used in the logo? It looks like 2 different fonts (one for Mr. Money Mustache and the other for the rest).

  • Candace June 15, 2017, 8:09 am

    I’m waiting for the ladies’ sizes. Thank you for the heads-up about that.

  • Eric June 15, 2017, 10:48 am

    Is the cotton organic? If not you’re definitely right about the contradiction. I want one nevertheless. ;)

  • Eric June 15, 2017, 3:41 pm

    Fantastic, just ordered one. Step 1: Buy MMM shirt. Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit

  • Heckler June 15, 2017, 11:18 pm

    Spray paint? Come on man, get some crafting lessons from the wife. $4 each for printable iron on transfers!

    I really love that you give away your logo! Badass.

  • Andrew June 16, 2017, 7:18 am

    I think about it as purchasing something for a greater cause, while still benefiting from an awesome t-shirt.
    I view this no different than donating to other charitable efforts that I support.
    Great idea MMM!

    • Mr. Money Mustache June 17, 2017, 9:27 am

      Thanks! Although to clarify again: Since they are priced pretty much at cost, you are not supporting any cause here other than the T-shirt company and about $1 to my son or his friend who have been doing some of the packaging.

  • Art June 19, 2017, 7:01 am

    Hey MMM, what’s the best way to reach you to discuss a small issue with the order I placed? I ordered a Medium since I’m basically the same build as you but it’s way too tight and I need to exchange for a Large, which is what I usually wear. I emailed the gmail address but haven’t received a reply so wondering if there is a better way to get in touch?

    • Tyler June 19, 2017, 5:16 pm

      This is my issue too. I’d love to switch my medium for a large.

      (Sorry Pete, we know you have more important things to deal with, but it is what it is)

      • Mr. Money Mustache June 19, 2017, 5:47 pm

        Hey Art and Tyler!

        Hmm, I should have foreseen this, but I have no experience in retail.

        I don’t want anyone to feel bad. But a thousand shirts with no profit margin to pay for employees and customer service can only be dealt with if you really don’t spend much time on each one – it has to be extremely rapidfire. Even as it is, I’ve spent 60 hours working on this silly but still fun project.

        Doing returns and exchanges is getting kind of crazy on a $16.00 purchase, especially when round trip shipping would cost us $6.00 and probably an hour of our time.

        Instead of retail norms, I would think of this transaction under social or gift norms. A friend of a friend is the bass player for the Weird Al Yankovik band, and had a few leftover concert shirts. He mailed you one and it was too snug for your tastes. Do you mail it back and ask for an exchange?

        So, my first suggestion, just from coldhearted efficiency, would be that you give the shirt as a gift to someone, and order another shirt for yourself if you really want one.

        The second option is that I can apologize to everyone and never attempt to sell novelty items to such a large group of people again, because it’s too much of a time commitment.

        • Peter G June 19, 2017, 6:29 pm

          I think the idea of giving away any mis-sized shirts to a friend who is either an MMM fan or in need of a greater level of financial badassity is the way to go.

          MMM – you may even want to amend your post offering the shirts to suggest the “No returns or exchanges – give to a friend, then reorder correctly” policy right above the order buttons!

          Keep to the simpler path and keep up with the great novelty ideas MMM!

        • Tyler June 20, 2017, 12:55 pm

          Totally makes sense. Thanks!

  • King Keiffer June 20, 2017, 11:30 am

    Buddy and I are both in… hope to commingle with other mini-MMMs out there!

  • Steve July 5, 2017, 12:43 pm

    Hey Pete, been reading for a few years while building the stashe.

    My wife and I own and we can distribute shirts for cost in Europe. We can set up a page on the site so people can buy, and we handle the rest. Something like this (with colour choice):- or this (without colour choice):-

    These are previewed on Gildan but we can get AA as well.


  • Doug July 13, 2017, 7:07 am

    Suggestion…add a sizing guide for both men and women i.e. Mens Small 5″5-5″7, Womens Medium 5’5″-5’5″, this would help in purchasing the correct size

  • Chris August 16, 2017, 5:16 pm

    Hey MMM/Pete,

    Is it possible to cancel (or get a refund sent for) the T-shirt order I just placed on PayPal? Details below.

    I LOVE the blog and wanted to represent, but realized belatedly that your logo has cursing, which I’m not willing to promote.


    Chris (Long Time Mustachian)

    Paypal Transaction ID

    Email me for more details if needed. Thanks!

    • Mr. Money Mustache August 16, 2017, 7:57 pm

      Chris, with all due respect, “Badassity” is not cursing.

      If you do actually read some of my articles, you might encounter the odd bit of spicy language, however.

      (Since it hadn’t yet shipped, I found your order in Paypal and refunded it.)

      • Neil August 16, 2017, 8:03 pm

        Chris has to be trolling you… “Long time mustachian” my ass

      • Chris August 17, 2017, 10:05 am

        Thanks for taking care of that refund Pete!
        Very considerate of you. If it had already shipped, I would have understood and just eaten the $16 and given the shirt to a local mustachian.

        As for my cursing comment, I’m afraid we will have to agree to disagree.
        My understanding is that cursing/profanity/etc is simply socially offensive language, and in my social circle i would be offending others
        (and breaking own convictions) by either cursing or wearing a shirt with cursing on it.

        I don’t mean to offend you with that position, and I would not expect you to hold the same convictions.
        As a man of conviction yourself, I hope you can respect that I want to be faithful to my own.

        Thanks again!
        Chris (Long-Time Mustachian)

        • Mr. Money Mustache August 17, 2017, 11:01 pm

          Aww, thanks for being a good sport Chris.

          I did intend for this whole thing to be funny, even while I simultaneously find it preposterous that my slogan, which I’ve had since day one, could be considered anything other than the most light fluffy wording.

          Then again, I also completely and utterly fail to understand why even cheerful REAL swearing of any sort is considered offensive. It’s just hot sauce for your sentences.

    • WTF? August 17, 2017, 4:44 pm

      Long time Mustachian, and you don’t recognize the term “Baddassity” as a non-offensive word? Pete is a standup guy and this is a term we all embrace.

  • LarzMN August 18, 2017, 8:46 am

    I’d be a little worried about wearing one of these in public. While wearing one, any time I parked my car and got out of it, I would be worried another Mustachian would appear out of nowhere and punch me in the face for driving!

    • PoF September 3, 2017, 3:55 pm

      Haven’t you heard of Minnesota nice, Larz?

      Instead of a face punch, you’ll get a smile and an ingenuous compliment while being judged to your core.

  • Dana November 22, 2017, 5:39 pm

    Are you doing more t-shirts? Would love one for a Christmas gift!


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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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