Mustachian Edible Happy Hour – Seattle – Monday

mmm_nwedible_meetup Hey there. Do you live in the North Seattle area and have an interest in sneaking out of the office a little early on Monday?

I’m meeting up with the excellent food and garden blogger Erica from Northwest Edible Life tomorrow, and we figured hey, we should invite YOU too!

A mingling of both blog readerships, with your favorite bloggers as informal hosts. The somewhat male-dominated group of Financially Sharp Badasses known as the Mustachians, and the Nutritionally and Politically Aware Ultrachefs of Northwest Edible, who I’m guessing are not quite as likely to be dudes who work in high-tech or medicine. Will sparks fly? What kind of party will ensue?

When? Monday Feb 25th, 4 pm – 6 pm

Where? Elliott Bay Brewing Company on Lake City Way in North Seattle. Map and directions here.

How Much? The Meetup is free, but do plan on ordering a drink or a bite to eat or something so the good servers at the restaurant aren’t running around filling up water glasses for no pay for two hours.

Transportation  & Parking? Elliott Bay Brewing has a parking lot. Carpooling is encouraged, and bike or bus riding is even better. This venue is only about a mile off the Burke-Gilman bike path.

RSVP: It would be fantastic to be able to give the pub a rough idea of how many people are showing up. So, if you know you are coming, leave a comment here saying so. If you didn’t RSVP but are able to come at the last minute, just show up! Don’t let a lack of RSVP’ing keep you away.

Special Offer: First 10 Mustachians to show up on a BIKE get their first beer on me. Show your stuff by arriving in a non-car-way and be a hero!!

This post and the graphic heavily cribbed from Erica’s original invitation.

  • Andrew February 25, 2013, 12:25 am

    Sounds fun! A bit of a trek from NZ though!

    • cassafrass February 25, 2013, 2:19 pm

      Another jealous NZ’er….come to New Zealand!

      • reader from the rockies March 5, 2013, 10:22 pm

        You already live in paradise. No need to come to Seattle. Maybe you can entice MMM with a project in NZ and some Queenstown skiing.

        • Mr. Money Mustache March 6, 2013, 10:56 am

          Now you’re talkin! I often fantasize about skipping the whole short-days season by transplanting to New Zealand in the Northern hemisphere’s fall.. and spending the “winter” way down in Christchurch or Queenstown where it is light until 9PM while Colorado gets dark at 5:30.

          Oh, plus the excellent people of NZ and amazing scenery would be a nice side benefit too :-)

          • Gold Pan Pete September 6, 2015, 2:19 am

            I’m a new reader and stumbled across this post. I’m down near Queenstown…come visit anytime!

            • Plastic Kiwi May 24, 2016, 4:18 am

              I know, right?! I’ve been looking at real estate in Nelson/Tasman with a big “I wonder if MMM would like to rebuild this with us…” thought bubble above my head!

              I’m reading through from the beginning of time and I’m going to be so disappointed if they’ve been already and I missed it!

  • Mike February 25, 2013, 3:53 am

    Close to my old stomping grounds! Wish I could be there!

    When’s the MMM roadshow coming to NY?

  • Dogs or Dollars February 25, 2013, 6:10 am

    How about nutritionally and politically aware NWE and MMM readin’ chicks, who happen to work in technology? Take that, target demographic! ;) See you there!

    • Tracy February 25, 2013, 10:17 am

      You have company, sister! Unless something major comes up at work today I will be there too.

    • Joe February 25, 2013, 10:45 am

      And what about urban-homesteading, chicken-raising NWE and MMM readin’ tech-worker dudes? I DEMAND to be taken seriously!!!

      I’ll be there! Wouldn’t miss it.

      • Tea Anemone February 25, 2013, 12:07 pm

        I doubt I can make it today, but perhaps we Seattlite techie-frugies (sorry, could not resist making a silly word) can organize a local meetup?Would love to meet similarly inclined folks.

  • UK Money Motivator February 25, 2013, 6:40 am

    Darn, too far away for us Brits to attend!

    • Di February 25, 2013, 12:26 pm

      Well, maybe if we found ourselves a tandem and shared cycling duties????

  • Craig February 25, 2013, 6:58 am


    I think it is great that you are getting out and meeting your readership. How about a more local meet and greet in the near future for your readers that live just a few minutes from you? Boulder has lots of options for great food and beer (no offense whatsoever to the great town of Longmont :) Just a thought.

  • biliruben February 25, 2013, 7:08 am

    I’ll be there if I can convince my boy to ride up there with me.

  • biliruben February 25, 2013, 7:25 am

    Also, a reminder to the locals – Mondays are half-off growler nights. Enjoy yummy beer all week for 6 bucks, so bring your jugs!

  • Will February 25, 2013, 8:39 am

    Very tempting, as I am in the Portland metro area, and Seattle isn’t THAT far away. But alas, I won’t be driving that far, the Amtrak special rate needs a 2 week pre-purchase, and it is about a 19 hour bike ride from here!

    • Patrick February 25, 2013, 12:45 pm

      I did that whole Seattle-to-Portland thing one year… You can totally make it in 17.5 hours!

  • No Name Guy February 25, 2013, 8:55 am

    See ya there.

    • No Name Guy February 26, 2013, 7:46 am

      Great times there last night MMM. Enjoy all the Pow up in them-thar-hills of the North Cascades.

  • Noobstache February 25, 2013, 9:05 am

    Count me in! Sadly, I’ll have to bring myself in my anti-moustachian vehicle… I’m new at this…! But having MMM in my beautiful city is too good to miss!

  • Brittany February 25, 2013, 9:29 am

    Aw, man! When is everyone going to come south to Portland? Road trip!!

  • Debt Derp February 25, 2013, 10:18 am

    Wish I could make it but I will be unable to pull away from work today. Enjoy the brews!

    **Dreams of early retirement…

  • MikeD February 25, 2013, 11:14 am

    Hey, this is right up the street from me! I can make it for the first hour. These two topics are great for a meetup mashup. See you there.

  • Naners February 25, 2013, 11:18 am

    Are MMM readers really mostly dudes in tech or medicine? I am none of the above. Has anyone conducted a reader poll on this?

  • J.Reid February 25, 2013, 11:20 am


    Count us in for two. Looking forward to meeting you both!!

  • Amicable Skeptic February 25, 2013, 11:24 am

    Love the meetup idea, love the buying a beer for first 10 bikers even more. Great way to get the conversation started and encourage people to bike in. I am imagining a mess of bikes filling all potential lockup points out front of the pub, I hope to see some visual evidence of this phenomena. :)

  • Alex February 25, 2013, 12:00 pm

    This is my RSVP: I’ll see you there.

  • max February 25, 2013, 12:47 pm

    +1 maybe 2

  • Amethyst Quill February 25, 2013, 12:56 pm

    I’ll be there!

  • Cincy Stache February 25, 2013, 1:17 pm

    I’VE DONE IT!!! After discovering this blog just over a month ago, I’m finally caught up. My girlfriend will be happy to have me back after reading for an hour each night after work. That being said; not sure she’s the biggest fan of The Mustachian Lifestyle.

  • Mr. Risky Startup February 25, 2013, 2:43 pm

    A bit unrelated, but I had to share the article I was reading today on CNN Money. Idiots again are using phrases like “debt isn’t always a bad thing” and “why less debt among young adults is bad news”. Bank sponsored article no doubt.


    • lurker February 25, 2013, 6:10 pm

      yeah, weird article….if job prospects for these young adults were fantastic then taking on debt MIGHT be logical or acceptable….in this economy it is irresponsible and so these young adults are behaving in a logical and responsible way by renting and not getting further into debt….am I missing something…???? wonder who buys the ads in Money magazine these days???

      • Cameron December 6, 2014, 1:51 pm

        They’re right, debt isn’t necessarily a bad thing except when used in the context they would like. Lol

  • Nate February 25, 2013, 2:56 pm

    Count me in!

  • Kathy February 25, 2013, 3:05 pm

    Hope you will come to Bellingham and board at the only real mountain in Washington, Mt. Baker!!

  • Credaholic February 25, 2013, 3:27 pm

    A meetup in Seattle at my spot? The baby and I will be there as long as he wakes up from his nap in time – if only to debunk the myth that MMM readers are all male! I’m just a gal still struggling to get her husband to buy into the frugal lifestyle. Also, we were your first Case Study! Or as I like to call it, Mustachian Makeover :)

  • AussieJulie February 25, 2013, 3:45 pm

    wish I could but it’s a bit far from Melbourne Australia. enjoy.

  • m- February 25, 2013, 4:23 pm

    i’ll be there

  • lurker February 25, 2013, 6:12 pm

    would love to be there (Brooklyn is out of biking range I am sure) and the turnout looks to be good… have fun ya’ll.

  • Eschewing Debt February 25, 2013, 6:19 pm

    I sure LOVE Seattle- one of the prettiest places in the world! Have a great time- wish I could come!

  • biliruben February 26, 2013, 8:26 am

    Thanks for the beer, and have fun in all the powder!

  • Joe (yolfer) February 26, 2013, 11:01 am

    Great meeting MMM, Erika, and everyone else! Too many people to talk to them all. Let’s do it again, Seattleites!

  • Tony@WeOnlyDoThisOnce February 26, 2013, 12:44 pm

    I second the come to NYC hang, MMM. Long boke ride, though…

  • Mary Ellen March 5, 2013, 11:14 am

    I do live in North Seattle and have an interest in sneaking out of the office early on a Monday! I’m sorry I didn’t see this in time to come to the meet up. I hope you will do it again if you come into town again next year.

  • Jeremy March 5, 2013, 8:05 pm

    I sent this to a few Seattle friends, hopefully they were able to make it. Too bad I couldn’t make it myself, we left the city 5 months ago to enjoy some early retirement permatravel

  • TheJadedTraveler December 12, 2013, 12:08 pm

    Shame I didn’t know about your fantastic blog at the time as I live in the Seattle area. discussing food, frugality, and life, all while enjoying a fine NW microbrew. Sounds great to me!


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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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