The Mustache Family is currently stationed in one of the most Antimustachian corners of the Earth – in a Casino Hotel on Fremont Street, Las Vegas. The lights are bright, music is loud, and the drinks are pouring. The hotel has placed a bottle of Fiji water on this table next to me, inviting me to crack it open to quench my thirst, if only I don’t mind a $9.00 fee being added to my room charge. Nice touch.
Of course, we are fighting back in our own way by showing up with a big cooler full of fresh food, hot plate and frying pan, box of wine, and plans to enjoy this place in a way they don’t want you to enjoy it – with hiking, parks, and even a bit of public transit. Take that, Sin City!
So anyway, I’ve got a little meeting planned on Thursday with one of the Bosses of the MMM Forums – a guy who goes by the nickname ARebelSpy. Since he was already planning to invite several local Mustachians, he suggested we invite YOU as well and make a party of it. That sounded good to me.
Time: This Thursday, April 4th 5:00PM
Place: Sunset Park, at the tables under the umbrella thingy

Bring: If you are so inclined, cooler with any fun beverages, and even something for the public barbecues if you like. Your friends. A frisbee or football perhaps. I’ve never been to this park, but I’m excited to check it out.
This will be one of the rare MMM meetups where the lovely Mrs. MM will be there too! We have the grandparents along with us on this trip, so we will take advantage of the convenient babysitting to come out on the town together.
I Hope to see you there! If you have trouble finding us, send me a tweet or something, I will try to keep on top of things.
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