50 Jobs over $50,000 – Without a Degree (Part 1)

Marquese Scott - world's best robot-like dancer

Marquese Scott – world’s best robot-like dancer

When people write to me for help, I’m often confronted with a dilemma. Many of them are hardworking and intelligent people who are making reasonable financial choices, but due to the non-negotiable nature of Math, not ending up with as large a monthly surplus of cash at the end of each month as their higher-income counterparts.

Even more troubling are letters from recent graduates in fields like liberal arts or even law.

“My degree was expensive”, they tell me, “But the jobs that are out there in my field don’t pay enough to get me out of this huge student loan debt hole.”

“How am I supposed to get a nice bushy ‘Stash, when we don’t have a six-figure household income like so many of the other MMM readers seem to have? I’m over 30 years old, and I only recently cracked $40,000 in income.”

The thing about earning money is this: nobody is going to pay you any more money than they have to. So if you want the benefit of a higher income, the first step is to make sure you’re not being complacent with your lower one.

In fact, why bother with a job that requires a degree at all, if it doesn’t pay accordingly?

In my current position of Man Who No Longer Needs a Job, I have the rare privilege of circulating around the country and meeting many people, then hearing about what they do for a living. And what I have learned has blown my mind. While our parents always told us that you need a degree to get anywhere in the job market, the reality has been flipped on its head in the last two decades.

There are all sorts of people out there quietly making a mint, in occupations that I thought were either nonexistent or low-paying. Some of them have questionable skills and you could easily outperform them in their own job. And yet, many of the university-educated job seekers are stuck on the other side of this easy money divide.

To help whet your alternative moneymaking whistle, here are a few of the ways I have recently learned that people make reasonable incomes, without any formal training. Since there are about 2000 work hours in a year, we can define a $50,000 job as one that pays over $25 per hour (or $200 per workday).

Good Old-Fashioned Manual Labor

While everyone streams through the university and competes for the office jobs, the traditional trades have seen a shortage of new arrivals for many years. As a result, wages have gone up. But to capture the good pay in this area, you generally need to run your own small business, rather than working for an existing company. The wage differential is often over 300%.

1: Carpenter – my perennial favorite. Once you have a good reputation in an area with nice houses and good incomes, it is easy to earn over $50 per hour building things – even things as simple as fences or decks. Kitchens and bathrooms generally pay even better. No formal training required, but it helps to work alongside another good carpenter for a year or two, or take classes at a community college.

2: Plumber – slightly more traditional and formal, in my area this job requires a two-year apprenticeship before you can get your own first level license. But that really just means you get paid $20-$30 per hour while learning, then you start your own business and start charging $80 (and hire your own apprentice to further increase profits).

3: Welder – I stumbled across this self-employment goldmine when I learned metalworking myself in 2005. In summary, rich people always need custom steelwork done on their houses. Not many people know how to do it. So it is easy to charge $50-$70 per hour for running your welder and grinder alongside some basic design skills.

4: Electrician – I recently quizzed an apprentice electrician working in my own area. He was a degree-holding geologist who ended up taking this job because it paid better. Two years of apprenticeship (or a shorter amount in community college), and you can write the test to get your first level license. His boss was billing him out at $65 per hour, and the boss’s time itself comes at $85.

5: Painter – Nobody does their own painting these days, and thus they often go searching for painting companies to handle it. But most of these companies are run by disorganized and occasionally rude owners who don’t know how to return an email. So YOUR company, with its polite and professional management, will have very little trouble carving out all the business it can handle. Once established, pay can be $25-$40 per hour depending on how wisely you bid; higher if you hire employees to work for $10-$15 to speed you up.

6: Tile Setter – An ideal combination with “Painter” above, because the same skills make you good at both. This pays a little higher, and you get to create fine bathrooms and kitchens. Bid out both tiling and painting, and watch the customers line up.

7: Landscape Company Owner – a little trickier because it requires knowledge of plants and design principles as well as heat tolerance, but in general a lucrative field if you work in a high-income area. Nobody does their own gardening these days.

8: Excavator – An oddball choice, but it can work if you like ultra-powerful machines and do the math right. You can rent a huge track-drive excavating machine, delivered, for $400 per day plus fuel. Or buy a used one for about $50,000. This qualifies you to dig foundations and other work (often under contract for local custom house builders or city governments), which yield about $1000-2000 per day of work. The guy I hired for my own housebuilding company was a former math major who found the excavating business to be more profitable. You might invest $200k into equipment if you have a dump truck, trailer, bobcat, and digger. But if that $200k is allowing you to make $100k per year more than you otherwise would, it is a huge ROI. Plus you are a hero to little boys all over town.

9: House Builder – although doing this professionally didn’t agree with my own temperament, the pay is good if you focus on building dream homes for rich people (as opposed to speculatively building houses to sell as I foolishly did). Builders get about 15-20% of construction costs, which works out to roughly $100k for a six-month project of full-time work. You must enjoy supervising other trades, however, which is like herding cats

10: Mechanic – once you know how to fix a car, all your friends and neighbors will want you to fix theirs. Even if you underbid the real garages, you can still earn over $50 per hour in your own garage.. then later expand to a real facility once the customer base grows.

The Internet

These occupations are exotic, because they are new and often silly-sounding. But they are real, as I am learning as I meet more of these people earning ludicrous amounts of money. The key to it is the size of the Internet: it’s effectively infinite, so you only need a tiny market share to be bigger than the big local tycoons of the olden days.

11: WordPress Developer: What do I use to write this blog? WordPress, just like everyone else with a blog. That means millions of people and companies need this system to work for them, and many thousands of them are depending on it to make a living. If you’re an expert at making it work, they will pay you – lots. Relatively simple programming and a high-level, open architecture make it one of the easier forms of software development to learn. With an established customer base, pay is $60-$100k+ per year.

12: Blogger: I thought this just involved occasionally typing some shit into the computer for a few laughs. But when attending last year’s “Financial Blogger Conference” in Denver, I saw over 400 bloggers gathering in a swanky hotel, with fancy sponsors and VIP treatment, some of them like Ramit Sethi now running entire organizations with millions of dollars in annual profit. Given interesting enough content, it’s not all that hard to build up a blog with the following of a small newspaper or magazine, and with some low-key sponsorship or advertising, that is good enough to make a living.

This blog, in case you are curious, now generates a six-figure income just under three years into its existence. And my income is on the very low side for sites of this size (5.4 million page views in February 2014).
(See article: How to Start a Blog)

13: Passive Income Guru: One of my internet heroes Pat Flynn has a radar-like mind for finding ways to create little “niche websites” that sell nicely-packaged information to people who search for it. These lodge themselves into search engines and start generating low-effort streams of money. I’ve noticed the same effect with my own articles on how to build a shower pan and the cheap mobile phone plan*- people show up every day from search engines looking for these topics. If I took the time to make a nice shower-building eBook or an ultimate phone plan guide, I could actually sell those for $5 each and make hundreds of dollars per day.

14: Interesting Ideas Guy/Girl: This is an elusive one, but Chris Guillebeau and Tim Ferriss are great examples. You learn about and do amazing things, and then teach others about what you learned. Eventually, you can write books about it, which people will buy. And, companies will hire you to be on their boards, just because of the amazing allure and buzz you have created. But it all starts with becoming an expert in something that everyone wishes they were an expert at.

Creative and Artistic

As manufactured items become more played out and commoditized, creative people are increasingly finding ways to get paid for their work. After all, Apple Computer is rich because of its mastery of design, not its technical sophistication.

15: Writer: the job that used to be thankless and underpaid (and still is if you work in the rank-and-file at a newspaper or magazine.)  But these days if you write an amazing novel and self-publish it on Amazon, you have a far better chance of paying for your groceries than the hapless “I got 75 rejections in the mail today” authors of yesteryear.

16: Techno Music Composer: just like writing, music has become an open meritocracy. Through Pandora streaming, I discovered the music of a youngster and fellow Canadian named Deadmau5. And he has made it huge, rocking stadiums full of people around the world whenever he likes – just because great dancy music pops into his head and he produces it using the awesome power of Ableton Live. This idea is close to my heart, as I made loads of music using older versions of the software throughout my youth, and now my 7-year-old son has become both a Deadmau5 fan and a composer himself, with over 30 cute catchy house songs under his belt. If the habit sticks, he could be on the turntables in front of stadiums before he even graduates from high school. Or the hobby might open other doors. Either way, there’s no bad reason to learn a new creative skill.

17: YouTube Channel Owner: With broadcast TV being obsolete, there are now millions of viewers available to watch anything you create. Some guy named Randall talked for two minutes about the Honey Badger, and it’s over 61 million views now – and he’s probably set for life. Marquese Scott happened to make himself into the most awesome dancer in the world, and is now paid appropriately for it after 91 million views on his Pumped Up Kicks recording. World-dominating fame, which he achieved by simply setting a camera on the ground and rocking out in front of a bank building for a few minutes – the efficiency is beautiful.

But YouTube is just not for freaky stuff that unpredictably goes viral. Much of the money being made there is meat-and-potatoes hard work stuff. Teenagers create hundreds of well-made Minecraft instructional videos with their own personal brand and style. Eric the Car Guy does well telling us how to fix our cars. Guitar and piano lessons, done well, earn their makers more than they would from teaching live students.

Like any of the jobs above, successful video production requires an attention to detail and conscientious bit of hard work. None of these jobs are easy get-rich-quick schemes – as far as I can tell, easy riches are not a reproducible model. But the point is, there’s more than one way to make a buck, if you keep your eyes open and step outside the conventional.


Well look at that – we’ve got a long article and we’re only getting warmed up. But the REAL story of entrepreneurial moneymaking is not the stuff that I think up off the top of my own head. It is the things that YOU dream up, and share with the rest of the world.

Because of this, I’ve requested Mrs. Money Mustache, Tyler Tervooren of Advanced Riskology and World Domination Summit fame, and Treehouse founder Ryan Carson to help out with part two of this series. And I’d also like to recruit YOU.

Jump directly to Part 2 of 50 Jobs over $50k


In the comments section below, share your own ideas and experience in ways to make $50,000 or more annually in a field that does not necessarily require a university degree. I’ll incorporate some of them into the next article. The more ideas we dream up and share, the wealthier we all become. Stay tuned!


Also on MMM: An interview with Ryan Carson on higher education vs do-it-yourself technical training.

* note that just by linking to my own articles from this popular one, I build the search engine ranking of those other articles, furthering the cycle of people being able to find them in the sea of results. And in the passive income world, search ranking for good keywords is very important. Isn’t the Internet a bizarre place?

  • Mary Ellen January 4, 2016, 6:49 am

    I have been writing a blog for 5 years. I still don’t see how people get millions of hits and make money from it. Google ads turned me down to put them on my site. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

  • MMM-MyRealInitials February 8, 2016, 7:27 pm

    I’d add one more to the list…”Create teachable content in the form of videos on Udemy.com”

  • Ms. GoingMinimal February 24, 2016, 7:40 pm

    I visited with a friend recently who out of the blue commended me on my ability to ‘reinvent’ myself…I’m an insurance agent currently, I did many years as an ophthalmic technician, worked as an optician, took care of elderly people in their homes, went back to school for my degree in Business Management, turns out I’m not really fond of management, worked retail management, managed physician’s offices, started a medical transcription business until that went the way of the dinosaur, managed a 501c3, was my county’s elections administrator and…now I’m an insurance agent, LOL. In my spare time I mow lawns, weedeat, hack cactus (Texas is full of it!) and mesquites, clear fences, do minor electrical repairs (replacing light fixtures, etc), small tiling jobs, basically whatever doesn’t kill me and I love every minute of it :) This year, I learned how to peel popcorn off of ceilings and have considered offering that up to the locals…messy, nasty job, but I’ve got it down to an hour to drape, scrape and bag the mess, and another couple of hours to paint and clean up…for this one I think I’d hire some high school kids, though…at 58 my body starts to complain after a few rooms in a day…

  • Doug solly April 24, 2016, 7:38 am

    I’m 23 years old and made $53,000 last year working as a merchandiser for PepsiCo I only have a g.e.d the labor and hours get pretty serious but financially very rewarding if you can handle the work

  • lars July 4, 2016, 11:58 pm

    Software/Tech companies hire lots of people with project management skills that do not have degrees. Learning technical skills as well as being able to manage projects is king if you want good pay and benefits. You can also create your own internship – it’s what I did when I was a college grad and there were no internships to be found – I approached companies and volunteers my time for free – creating my own, and learned that in those environments that pay the most, it’s about showing up in the right uniform (business attire), not complaining, being willing to learn how to do anything and keep learning. It’s amazing where you can wind up with these simple skills and attitude.

  • Brian Robben July 6, 2016, 10:48 am

    Found this post only three years late, but it still applies just as well! Great write up. Personally, the most appealing jobs are the internet-based ones. Building a big audience and community has always inspired me.

  • DrGorb October 9, 2016, 7:43 pm

    Admittedly I did not read through every comment, but I would add to this list some IT jobs, after about six months of studying on my breaks at my job at a restaurant, and a 300 dollar fee for testing I got my CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate), about 3 weeks after getting that certification I got a job in a Network Operation Center and there is never ending earning potential in my future. Another thing I love about this career path is it is not a suit and tie type of crowd, sure there is still going to be a flashy person here and there but I find it very easy to save being surrounded by people who spend their free time reading and learning rather than spending and burning (cash that is).

    -Keep up the great work MMM as well as the rest of the community here <3

  • big October 22, 2016, 3:00 pm

    Question…do you know what it is like to be laid off when you are middle aged? Now what? No one wants to hire you. They can hire someone right out of college for a fraction of the wages. My husband is a system architect and was extremely talented at what he did. The company he was working for downsized and outsourced to India and thus he lost his job, he has been searching for a new job for 10 months without any success. As soon as they see he is so experienced they won’t even give him a second interview. What to do? He needs to work and can’t throw his life of work away and go work for Walmart at minimum wage.

    • Mr. Money Mustache October 25, 2016, 5:47 pm

      Hi Big, sorry to hear that story. That’s part of the reason for the advice in this blog – save your money while you are young, so you are immune to the possibility of layoffs by the time you are in your 50s.

      As for your husband’s particular situation: Older age (and even more experience) does not guarantee higher earnings. So if an employer wants to hire new graduates at a lower wage, he should be very explicit that he is willing to work at that lower wage as well – and provide more value for the same price, thus winning the competition for the job.

      Another tactic I plan to try myself if I ever want to crack into a totally new industry is to offer to work for free. I’d provide examples of my success in previous work, but acknowledge that I’m still unproven in, for example helping to design the manufacturing process in the Tesla Gigafactory (my current fantasy job). After doing the job for a while and proving I was worth at least a normal salary, I’d negotiate one.

  • Inga November 8, 2016, 5:35 pm

    I am a UPS driver. My first year driving (in 2012, wages have gone up) paid between 33,000 and 58,000 depending on how many overtime hours worked. As drivers the state DOT limits us to 60 hours a week. Fast forward 3 years. I now make top rate and minimum annual is 74,000. Maximum is 131,000. Once we make top rate we get raises about every 6 months (depending on the local union arrangement). Also, have great benefits, free lawyers and other services (i.e. quitting smoking, treatment) discounts with different companies (phone bills, buying cars etc.) Paid time off, discounted stocks yada yada yada. BUT I will say it was ranked #2 most stressful job in the U.S. at one point but UPS has paid a lot of money to hide that study. Do I agree it should be number 2? No, but it is by far the most stressful thing I’ve done and it doesn’t get much better even after doing it for 4 years now. It’s ran by non-union employees in management and is publicly owned. I’ll let you interpret that last sentences importance. Our counter parts (FedEx and DHL) don’t usually make even close to what we do but also don’t do as many deliveries/per driver as we do.

  • Jackie February 2, 2017, 5:14 pm

    Antique/Vintage dealer. You can make a lot of money and a good living by cleaning out houses, checking craigslist (the “free” column) and buying up things no one wants or needs any longer. If you are clever and have a good design sense, you can “upcyle” things that people throw or give away, making something considered obsolete useful once again. There are antique fair’s all over the country that are visited by a buyers from around the world, designers, big name stores (I’ve sold to Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Rachel Ashwell, Diane Keaton. I have regular customers from Canada, Japan, England and all over the U.S.) I feel great about the fact that I am “recycling” on a huge scale.

  • Cody Schneider February 19, 2017, 4:33 pm

    I have a friend who started a cleaning service completely from Thumbtack, it’s like an online store for local services. Him and his SO do really well for themselves.

    Another thing is that there are a ton of resources online to acquire new skills now and be accredited for them. I’m a huge fan of Udemy, specifically the feature that when I take a class on their site I receive a badge for my LinkedIn profile. I think as time goes on these will become more and more valuable.

  • Steve April 1, 2017, 6:21 am

    Hey there new to the site and very much enjoy the reads!!! I drive truck for a living class A. With a little overtime I’m grossing 70,000$ plus!

  • David May 4, 2017, 7:34 pm

    I am self-employed as a house painter. I work six to seven days a week. The most revenue I’ve ever pulled in is $43,000. After taxes and business expenses, I live on 16k to 18k. I’d love to know how anyone is making anywhere close to $50k a year in that business.

    • Mr. Money Mustache May 6, 2017, 5:35 pm

      Hey David – I feel your pain as that is a TOUGH job to do every day.

      But to earn more in the trades, you need to get highly loyal, wealthy, satisfied customers who start handing your name out to all their friends. Then when you bid the jobs, ensure you are getting at least $50 per hour that you spend working – so for a 20 hour job, bid $1000 plus materials.

      Buy everything with a rewards credit card use a small, fuel-efficient truck like a 4-cyl Ranger/Tacoma/Ford Transit, scale your pricing according to how far you have to travel to get the job, and start adding more valuable services like tiling, carpentry, etc.

      Several friends do this and can now charge $50-$100 per hour, depending on the job.

  • Amar October 18, 2017, 8:16 pm

    I’d like to include Google Adwords/Analytics analyst. You don’t need a degree. You can get certified taking the free Google tests. Read some books on the subject, but the best teacher is learning from a live site. Ask your friends and list yourself on Upwork at a low rate and do basic work. Increase your hr rate as you improve. Avg pay range from $35 – $55 per hr and can easily go up from there.

    I learned how to use it from my ecommerce store and working with people that managed my account.

    And if you don’t know what it is, Adwords is when you help businesses advertise on the web with certain keywords and copy ads. Analytics is when you review their website traffic and find ways to optimize their sales through it. Ideally you should know both. Any SEO knowledge is a bonus, along with being good at math.

  • Marky7amc September 2, 2019, 3:03 am

    Nice blog! But I question the decision to 1) go to college to just make money or 2) go to trade school and just make money. That goal to make money is important but you don’t go to college to be an IT Admin. or Programmer etc. as you can learn that with certificates or self learning if you have an IT aptitude. From my own experience IF you choose the right field, have the aptitude and work hard at it and never quit it will pay off in the long run (like in a business, plumbing, IT etc.) Also, Rich Dad Poor Dad talks about the four quadrants of income. I would recommend you google the quadrants as going to College many not put you in the BEST/MOST money making position. Comparing a Dr. to a plumber with a business has been proven by economists to work out better for the Plumber. You can goole this. Also, I think you need to look at the hirearchy of needs (i.e. Maslow’s etc.) to really be full filled. And when you become FI or close to it I think you need to throw in there a “bit of help your fellow man”, your neighbor, your friend someone in need it will make you feel better I believe about the world around you, your town, your city, your block.

  • John Pham October 27, 2019, 9:02 pm

    I know this is an old article, but these are nice suggestions. This COULD use a refresh though and have a more future-oriented view. As time goes on and technology pushes forward, there’s a lot of jobs that will become obsolete. That doesn’t mean it’s all doom and gloom though. People were worried when robots and overseas labor killed domestic manufacturing jobs or when the internet become popular that “old school” jobs will die.

    I think technology advancement will mean an end to more traditional jobs today (financial analysts, accountants, lawyers) and will be replaced by artificial intelligence and machine-learning capabilities. Why not list some potential jobs of the future?

  • Wayne Lam April 20, 2020, 2:43 am

    Thanks for the share! One job I really wanted to add in here that is not mentioned very frequently (and easy to do) is a waiter’s job at a mid-upper class restaurant.

    Take for example in Vancouver, working as a waiter at Earl’s gives you about $15 per hour in hourly wage plus tips.

    I know some friends (and friends of friends) who have worked at Earl’s with their average tips usually exceeding the base hourly wage of $15/hour.

    If we assume it’s a double on tips ($15 + $15), we’d also hit $5K income per month easily.

    And obviously in a waiter’s position, tips are usually paid in cash and there’s little incentive to report that as actual income. While this is obviously tax evasion, it’s practically industry standard, similar to how people used to (and still do) pirate songs and movies.

  • Sharon April 30, 2020, 12:15 am

    This reminds me of something I heard from Neil Gaiman, who no doubt heard it from someone else. Paraphrased: To be very successful you need to be three things: pleasant to work with, able to deliver excellent work, and able to deliver on time. To be moderately successful, you need just two of the three. If you produce excellent work on time, you can get away with being a bit of a sandy butt crack. If people love working with you and you deliver in a timely manner, bog standard work is fine. If you can only do one of the three, develop one of the others or find another field.

  • steve brophy January 11, 2021, 4:49 pm

    Mr. MM On jobs that pay more than 50K I think you missed one: Copywriter. Not as much training needed as you think. Brochures, websites, emails, ads, etc. I work for 3 months, pay off my lo-interest credit cards,
    take 9 months off then start all over again or do piecemeal freelance. And keep my 850k nest egg untouched and earning interest. And help my nieces and nephew with college tuition to boot. Love your website – big fan

  • Bitter to Richer July 21, 2021, 1:22 pm

    Blogging can make a surprising amount of money, but the real underdogs are still some of the blue-collar jobs.

    Certain specialties can make an amazing living, like underwater welders. These days there are opportunities in just about anything you might be interested in, so the sky is really the limit – if you’re interested in doing something, look into it before you cross it off your list of potential careers because of preconceived ideas about its income.

  • Phil Janes November 25, 2023, 1:54 am

    As soon as I read the Techno music producer bit I thought ‘I’m out’. It’s complete fantasy. Yes I WAS a globally known producer doing just that. In the days of vinyl and the peak of the dance music ‘craze’ over a period of years I was signed to 20 different labels. I ran two of my own labels. I DJ’d domestically and a little internationally. I was known and talked about globally. I was revised monthly by the likes of (in the UK I don’t know about abroad) Mixmag, M8 and DJ Magazine. My music was played on national radio, my music was signed to big complications and played by star DJs such as Judge Jules. Back then, records sold in their thousands. Now, with the internet, digital releases in niche genres sell maybe 15 copies. Streaming income, forget it. Back in this peak, heady days I was also teaching people how to DJ and produce, both in an educational setting and privately. I also worked for various community arts organisations doing workshops etc.
    Now, the money. At the peak, even with some ‘big’ royalty checks coming in (2 grand for Judge Jules compilation was one), I never netted more than £4K in one year. That was the peak year which was 2000/2001. After that the vinyl market tanked, the internet came along and destroyed literally everything and that was that. Since then I’ve still taught people for beer money. Most you’ll make us £25/hr teaching people that may stick with it for 12 months. You’ll manage to do 1 lesson every 2 weeks with them usually, and most of the time they’re just dreamers with no talent and no money. Doesn’t matter how much you encourage them, they give up. I’ve had precisely 2 that stuck with it. One was a duo that I took from local DJ beginners to being in the beatport charts and DJing internationally. I had them for about 6 years and, with doing mixdowns for them, it probably made average £2k per year. They then got rid of me because they could ‘get someone cheaper’, they went on for 3 more months and split up. The other one I taught for 4 years. Same thing, at 4 years after very sketch attendance, lots of hard work on my part working on lesson content etc for an income of £25 per he decided he knew it all, which is laughable, he’s been spoon fed a lot but put very little work in. Let’s see how long I’ve been at this, started at age 7 so that’s, 45 years! Anyway, he wrote a bit of a ditty, hooked up with someone to mix it for him (certainly would NOT pay me) and then managed to get it signed and played on national radio. He’s got big dreams of global stardom too. I know better. Hell have a few good playing gigs, he’ll get some airplay, he’ll get zero streaming and he’ll still be in his job in 30 years time going ‘what happened’. Virtually NO ONE makes it. I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen people that were HUGE globally now with no money and working in a fast food restaurant. It’s a ridiculous dream. It’s a hobby you can enjoy and make a bit of beer money. DO NOT give up the day job. On which, I’m out because this site is complete nonsense. What else have we got ‘start a dog walking side hustle’ no doubt. None of this nonsense will get you anywhere and anyone telling you it will is full of it.


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