MMM Gatherings! San Francisco and Portland

brewThe Mustache family is on the move for the next week or so, visiting the West coast for a variety of festivities. To make more of an adventure of it, we decided to take the California Zephyr train out of Denver and wind our way through the full splendor of the Rockies instead of just flying over top of them as usual. We’ve booked a room in the sleeper car and everything.

So I figured hey, if we’re going to be in these great cities anyway, why not set aside a night or two to get together with some of the many Mustachians who live there? After all, hanging out in real life is really what it’s all about – all this relentless upgrading of our finances is really just to set the stage for spending more time with people you like.

So with the help of a friend who lives there, we figured out a great bayside place to watch the sun go down at the end of this work week:

Friday, May 23rd at Heron’s Head Park in San Francisco

Time: 5PM – 8PM+

How to Find Everyone:  Heron’s Head Park is in the southeast section of the City, where Cargo Way dead-ends in Jennings Street. The address is 32 Jennings. We’ll be at the picnic tables on the east side of the Eco Center. The Speakeasy Brewery is right nearby, so depending on weather or thirst, the party may adjourn there at some point.

Biking there: Highly encouraged! There is a tradition of riding bikes to these meetups, and then we proudly take pictures of the respectable Netherlands-style jumble of bikes not normally found in this country.

From points north, take the bike lane on Illinois Street (which parallels Third Street) rather than battling the cars on Third Street. For those biking from the west, take Cesar Chavez to Illinois (and Illinois to Cargo Way), because Cesar Chavez has a bike lane and at some points a separated bikeway. And for those coming from points south, look up Mendell Street as an alternative to Third Street. There is also the Bay Trail/5 bike route from SoMa, or the 60/68 bike route from the Mission

Bus Access: Take the 19 Polk to Evans Ave. and Jennings St., or the 44 O’Shaughnessy to Middlepoint Ave before Evans Ave. Then walk one block down Jennings St. to the EcoCenter’s parking lot. Or you can take the T line to 3rd & Evans Ave and walk east on Evans to Jennings St. Take a left and walk one block down to the EcoCenter’s parking lot.

Car Drivers: There is also plenty of parking in the region.

Special Request: A couple of female readers from the area wrote me to request that lots of eligible attractive single men come out. Given the readership of this blog, it seems probable.

Last Minute Announcements: You can stay apprised of these by keeping an eye on my Twitter feed that day.

After that, the MMM family is taking off for a few nights of hiking and touring in the Redwood forests further North. Then the wife and son fly back home, and I move on to Portland for this:

The Three Blog Night:

Thursday, May 29th at Sellwood Park in Portland

5PM – 8PM


We’ve booked Picnic Sites B, C, and D

This should be an extra fun shindig because I was able to entice two Portland friends to invite their own crews as well:  Tyler Tervooren the Advanced Riskology guy, and J. D. Roth, the Get Rich Slowly founder.

Rather than re-creating all the details here, I can just share this handy invitation that JD has crafted just for the event. He also thought up the name and did all the site booking and thus deserves all credit for this party:

Three Blog Night on jdroth.com

And the same suggestion for this night applies: last minute announcements (or if you need to get in touch with me) – see Twitter.

These should be a fun couple of evenings. There is no formal structure* – no speeches, no catering, bring along some food for the grills if you like and BYOB.  Just informal meet-and-greets to celebrate my favorite time of year and joy of people meeting each other. At past events, I have seen friendships, relationships, mountain bike rides, and small business ventures form, so bring your business cards along if you like!

From there, I get to finish my trip by carpooling to Seattle for Camp Mustache, and then heading home. If all this excitement has not destroyed me, there will also be a third, final, and yet-to-be announced meetup right here in Longmont, Colorado sometime after I return in early June.

What do you think? Will I see you there?



Trains are fun. We only got the one-way ticket this time, but you can plan longer adventure vacations using the Amtrak rail passes available here: http://www.amtrak.com/rail-passes

Heron’s Head Park in San Francisco was described as one of one of SFGate’s favorite hidden parks.

*And just so you are not disappointed, I do not currently have the Giant Mustache from the publicity picture. I’ll be attending in my “mild-mannered engineer who occasionally types some shit into the computer” disguise.



  • Gaming Your Finances May 18, 2014, 8:41 am

    Sounds like a great time! (The train ride and the meet ups!) Wish I could be there for the meet ups but it won’t fit into the calendar. My wife is due any second now so no travelling for us at the moment. Have fun!

  • Brandon Curtis May 18, 2014, 8:44 am

    Too bad you’re not in town this week to check out Maker Faire! (http://makerfaire.com/)

    I bet your family would love all of the DIY stuff.

  • Lugo May 18, 2014, 8:45 am

    I’m fairly new to your site. At first glance, traveling in a sleeper car appears to not be Mustachian. Please explain.

    • Mr. Money Mustache May 18, 2014, 9:14 am

      Yup, as acknowledged frequently, the MMM family is not entirely Mustachian. We live a very fancy life with lots of travel and neat experiences, which is how we manage to burn through $25k every year. My only claim is that we promote a lifestle that is at least slightly less ridiculous than the average for the modern high-income US family.

      • lurker May 19, 2014, 3:48 pm

        Besides, trains are awesome!!!!!

      • Terese May 21, 2014, 5:35 pm

        Not to mention that MMM invented the entire concept of “Mustachian”, so therefore anything he does is by its very nature Mustachian. But, yeah, not everything he does is frugal/cheap/all-about-saving-money, which is probably what you meant, Lugo.

    • LoneStarStateWorkerBee May 18, 2014, 1:09 pm

      The fact that the MMM family can just jump in a sleeper car on a train and go to the West Coast for a couple weeks, I think, helps sell the idea of FI as much as anything. That’s an interesting thing about this blog – some of the posts, such as this one, aren’t meant to be profound or “classic” but they are great motivation all the same. Very inspiring.

    • neversummer May 20, 2014, 3:52 pm

      As a family of three that took that same train, including a sleeper, to Chicago over Christmas, it is really a very Mustashian act. The room cost us the same as plane tickets would have, included meals (great meals), we had room to move around, or just as important with a toddler, a place to confine the child and it was quite an adventure.
      Don’t picture a roomy hotel room. Think more, sleeping on top of each other in a closet. Loved it though.

  • Oh Yonghao May 18, 2014, 9:03 am

    I’ll try my hardest to make it there on Thursday. It’s an hour Max ride + 6 miles biking, challenge accepted.

  • Bruce Cameron May 18, 2014, 9:16 am

    Sounds like a great trip! Do you think you will have any time for a meetup in Seattle for those of us who aren’t able to attend Camp Mustache?

    Thank you!

    • Andres Salomon May 18, 2014, 9:51 am

      Ditto. I would love to meet up.. But I don’t have time for Camp Mustache right now.

      • SeattleTMG May 19, 2014, 12:42 am

        Would also be interested in a meetup in Seattle, however, MMM seems kind of oversubscribed right now. I guess we could, just organize our own gathering one weekend? Any volunteers?

    • Mr. Money Mustache May 19, 2014, 7:05 am

      It sure would be great if I could visit Seattle as well, but there isn’t room in this trip for a meetup, because we go directly from Portland to Camp ‘Stash, then I fly home the day after the camp ends.

      Now if I were smarter, I would have booked the flight home one day later. But I seem to have an inability to plan things out fully. Oh well. I’ll be back!

      • appleshampoo May 19, 2014, 4:13 pm

        “I’ll be back,” he said, in his best Terminator impression :)

        I would have also been down for a Seattle-area meetup, but I understand the schedule restrictions. And I missed the last one anyway!

        Have fun at the camp event and we’ll catch you next time you visit the PNW.

  • Florence May 18, 2014, 9:22 am

    Sounds like so much fun! I won’t be able to make it this time but hope to some time in the future. Looking forward to a full report back on the good times.

  • Amy Rhoad May 18, 2014, 9:27 am

    Sounds like a blast – enjoy! Would love it if you brought some mustache-love out here to the east coast :)

  • Lindsay May 18, 2014, 9:34 am

    What’s it take to get those gentlemen sent to Indianapolis? ;o)

  • Andres Salomon May 18, 2014, 9:50 am

    Amtrak has Amtrak Guest Rewards credit cards that are totally worth it, if you like train travel. We often take the train to Portland or Vancouver. We’ve also done sleeper car trips to San Francisco. It used to be that you could sign up for the card, and you’d get enough points for 6 free Seattle-Portland round trips. That was a number of years ago, so I don’t know what the current deal is. Our sleeper car trips to California were all free for us.

  • Andrea May 18, 2014, 10:00 am

    Wanted to add my voice to the eager masses in Seattle that didn’t get into Camp M.- would be thrilled beyond belief if a park type meetup venue could be added in Seattle. Seward Park is lovely and large and near the south end of the city, slightly closer to the camp- thanks for your consideration!!

  • isabel May 18, 2014, 10:13 am

    I am so excited you are coming to Portland! And in my side of town, woohoo! My fiance and I are getting married this coming week and I wanted to share that your post about weddings that I read a while back inspired me to have a really, really small wedding. Courthouse and big intimate dinner at our favorite family owned italian place (where we also went on dates so sentimental) with our closest family and friends! We wanted to do more outdoorsie but i always dreamed of wearing a dress haha so i did cave in, spent $120 for a beautiful, in perfect condition consignment dress and small veil that supports a great cause (“Adorned in Grace” is the place for my fellow Portlanders)! We are a long way from FI but i feel we are getting started on the right foot. Cannot wait to meet you guys!

    • squeakywheel May 19, 2014, 11:50 am

      Congrats on starting married life on the right foot, heading to FI! We did the same 20 years ago, and now it is wonderful to know that we are free to do pretty much whatever we want to do. Love this freedom!! And our wedding and reception were wonderful events that of course we remember extremely fondly–the enjoyment does not correlate with the $ spent.

  • ZeroGBuff May 18, 2014, 10:38 am

    I’ve taken that train route before, and it’s beautiful. Amtrak has a deal with the National Park Service called the Trails and Rails program where they point out areas of interest (some of which can only be seen from a train or a canoe) and tell the stories behind them. I recall being especially impressed that they managed to talk about Donner Pass in such a way that all the adults knew what they were talking about, but the kids had no clue! Enjoy the trip!

    And for the less-wealthy Mustachians out there, you don’t need to be in the sleeper car to take an overnight trip. (That’s considered first class and includes all meals in the dining car.) Coach seats are plenty comfortable to sleep in (more like a comfy living room chair than an airplane seat.) The cost of a coach seat is roughly the same as the equivalent airfare.

    (Reader since early 2013, first-time commenter, not affiliated with Amtrak, just enjoy train travel a million times more than what air travel has turned into.)

  • Jennifer A May 18, 2014, 10:44 am

    Don’t laugh at my face for asking this question… Any chance you’d be visiting Los Angeles? Surely I’m not the only Mustachian in this massive city. I promise, not all of us are all about plastic surgeries, Rodeo drive, and Bentleys ;-) he he…

    Please do consider a visit!

    • Mr. Money Mustache May 18, 2014, 11:25 am

      Yeah! Probably in September as part of a little TBA project. Looking forward to it.

      • Monica May 20, 2014, 1:51 pm

        DUDE!!! WOOOHOOOO!!! on the LA visit!!!!

        Highland Park here, but anywhere in the LA area rocks for me… Go traditional and do a meet up at Griffith Park!!!

      • The Roamer May 22, 2014, 10:09 am

        I have officially made a note on my calendar for your September possible visit .

        MMM I wanted to ask will you be in Logmont in July ? I know summer is your annual Canada trip but I will be in Denver from July 12-21 and would very much like to gather with fellow mustachians and visit with you and your family. So just checking not sure if that time frame falls in your trip time.. Looking forward to your reply.

    • majdomo May 18, 2014, 10:25 pm

      +1 on the request for LA!!! take much inspiration from this blog, would be great to meet the man behind the ‘stache!!

    • Lighthanded May 19, 2014, 10:47 am

      Yes, please! Los Angeles is waiting for you!

    • Daniel May 19, 2014, 2:30 pm

      Isn’t it sad that my first thought after reading this is: “I hope he comes to my part of LA” What a giant sprawling behemoth! Fortunately, Long Beach is regularly rated one of the bike-friendliest cities in the US, so I’m hopeful!

  • Joe (yolfer) May 18, 2014, 11:15 am

    See ya at Camp Mustache! So PUMPED. I’ll have the literal mustache covered, so no worries about your own ‘stachless appearance.

  • Kyle May 18, 2014, 11:15 am

    I’m really looking forward to meeting everybody in SF this thursday!

    • Andrea May 19, 2014, 9:54 am

      The SF meet-up is this Friday, not Thursday!

  • Liza May 18, 2014, 11:48 am

    Cool! I’m so glad the Portland meet up happens to happen on a day I can attend! See y’all there.

  • Bruce May 18, 2014, 12:08 pm

    I am young and handsome and will be the………, wait! No my wife says I have a list of things to do, so I won’t make it.

  • Jay May 18, 2014, 12:11 pm

    Awesome! I work in SF but am on the fence about whether I should come, having never been to one of these things before.

    On another note, have you checked out the Amtrak Writer’s Residency program?


    They give writers a free round trip ticket for a private sleeper car on a 2-5 day journey. Of course, you have to apply for it, but it sounds amazing.

  • tom May 18, 2014, 12:21 pm

    Not going to the meetings, but I just wanted to comment that I heard about all the Amtrak train trips recently and definitely intend to do this with my kids when they are a bit older (3 and under 1, currently). My favorite vacation from my childhood was a cross-country car trip from Delaware to Colorado, and the only way I think it would be better is to not have to drive it myself!

  • Greg shadley May 18, 2014, 12:41 pm

    Looks like fun. How about a little love for the Midwest? Detroit is a perfect place to spread the stache.

  • Anirudh May 18, 2014, 1:05 pm

    I plan to take the megabus from sacramento to SF for $3. MMM are you going to the main redwood park ( Eureka/Arcata) area ? Its amazing out there..

    • Mr. Money Mustache May 19, 2014, 7:13 am

      That’s amazing – how do those Megabus thing work? Even if they fill up one of their 80-passenger double deckers, that means they are only collecting $240 for an 87-mile journey.

      Can you drive a 40,000 pound bus 87 miles, and pay the driver, insurance, and maintenance for 240 bucks? It sounds implausible to me, but I’ll gladly be a passenger rather than a driver on such a journey!

      • John May 19, 2014, 7:34 am

        Megabus is a sweet deal if you book in advance and get the cheap tickets. It was big in England when I lived there and used it a lot for 2-4 hours trips up the country. They have a yield-managed price structure so not all tickets are that cheap, most are closer to $15-20, but you can find $1 tickets if you book in advance. Check out this link for further explanation: http://businessrecord.com/Content/NEWS/Archive/Article/How-Megabus-com-offers–1-fares/144/751/44148

      • Jonathan May 19, 2014, 7:44 am

        My brother has taken these a few times in the Midwest. It seems the super low fares are only offered on a limited basis for a short window. If you book too early, the fare is reasonable, but not ridiculously low as advertised. If you book last minute, it trends to be even more. Recently we were looking to take the bus to Chicago together. A couple months out it was $23 each one way. My plans changed a bit, but he ended up getting a ticket for $1 plus the online booking fee if $1.50 I think. Another guy on the bus said he paid close to $40 each way.

      • Anirudh May 19, 2014, 8:27 am

        Its like an airline.. they have different fare’s based on when you book.. Also they have free Wifi :).. If only they let me get my bike with it.

      • Margaret May 19, 2014, 10:52 am

        I use the megabus frequently to travel between SF and LA (long distance relationships are the WORST). The standard fare is $35-$40 one-way, but if you are flexible with your travel dates (traveling mid-week helps if your job allows it) and can book well in advance, tickets are much cheaper. My cheapest RT to date is $9. The wifi is generally slow but available, especially if you sit close to the driver where the router is. Other than a couple of unfortunate encounters with rude passengers and the occasional annoying driver, I would give Megabus two thumbs up! If you are a large person, though, it might be tricky (think airline seats minus tray tables). I am 5’10” so I always try to get there early enough to get a seat near the front, where there are tables and a tiny bit more space.

        also, protip: if the wifi is not working, open the cabinet behind the driver’s seat and check to make sure the antennae haven’t fallen off (the jostling of the bus sometimes jars them loose).

      • DC Jr Mustachian May 20, 2014, 12:07 am

        There are only a couple of seats on each Mega bus that cost $3, and this allows them to advertise their service as costing “$3”. Everyone that books afterwards pays a more fair price, though the Mega bus $40 rate is still cheaper than driving. For example DC -NY the tolls alone are almost that amount.

  • Jarvis May 18, 2014, 1:11 pm

    Sounds great – I should definitely be able to attend in San Fran. You can see my jobsite from Heron’s Head Park.

    I was just at Heron’s Head last week – it’s a cool place, but not exactly a “lay down a blanket on the grass” type of park. It features a trail along a narrow peninsula pointing out into the bay, with restored wetlands to one side. As for walking around and socializing, it should be great.

  • diana May 18, 2014, 1:17 pm

    I am so excited that you are coming to San Francisco! Can’t wait to meet all the mustachians and your lovely family. I’m not as hardcore as most of the people in this community by any stretch of the imagination- but you’ve changed my life in so many ways. I’ve always felt guilty about how interested in money I’ve always been- like it’s greedy to care. Your blog has taught me how the proper handling of money can give us back our most valuable assets, our time and our environment, it seems justified to pay attention to it.

  • Ann Wilson May 18, 2014, 1:26 pm

    Have to miss Camp Mustache because I am going to Panama for 11 days for a yoga trip. Would love to meet up in Longmont after June 9th. When is the house ready?

  • Erik Y May 18, 2014, 2:40 pm

    I’ll see you there Thursday night. Sellwood park is one of my family’s favorites.

  • RapMasterD May 18, 2014, 2:53 pm

    Mother F’er I’m pumped for your SF gathering! I live in the ‘burbs and bus up to work most every day, so I may have to take my car. Hope to see you all there. BTW I’m happily married, have a sports injury, and look older than Buddy Ebsen in a Barnaby Jones episode. I.E., great catch not! And yes, I’m not nearly as Mustachian as most people on the forum, and engage in many face punching practices.

  • Bakari May 18, 2014, 3:01 pm


    The ONE day I have work in the evening!!

    • Mr. Money Mustache May 19, 2014, 7:16 am

      That’s too bad Bakari – when do you get off work? I’ll be around just touring the city earlier in the day too (and of course staying up late) if you wanted to meet up just to hang out a bit.

  • Den May 18, 2014, 3:29 pm

    Visit San Francisco?
    Attend a mustachian meet up?
    Luckily I am completely free for that entire weekend.
    Alas, spending £780 on a flight to the states for three nights would utterly contravene every tenet of mustachianism and much as I would readily accept a punch in the face from “TheMan” I fear that in such circumstances, it would be literal rather than metaphorical.
    Any chance of a Scottish meet up?
    We are, after all, the spiritual home of “gregarious frugality”!

    • Monica May 20, 2014, 1:57 pm

      Okay, Dan! I’m in for a trip to Scotland to meet some fellow mustachians… lol (i kid, i kid) Los Angeles, here. (But I def do want to see Scotland sometime in the near future….) Maybe if I hit my FI goal in the next couple of years…

  • Kristin H. May 18, 2014, 4:41 pm

    I am really looking forward to meeting you at Camp Mustache!! It will be a blast!

  • Sean Mullin May 18, 2014, 5:00 pm

    Hey MMM,
    You said that you might be available sometime during your stay at Camp mustache. When would that be?

  • Isaak May 18, 2014, 6:54 pm

    Looking forward to it! I’ll be there. Heron’s Head Park is beautiful, and the bike routes are new and great to ride. For those coming to the East Bay, get off at Embarcadero BART and ride parallel to 3rd on Illinois.

    • Max May 19, 2014, 12:26 pm

      East Bay biker folks also if you’re coming by bike you should HIGHLY consider taking the beloved and heavily underused Caltrans Bike Shuttle – http://www.dot.ca.gov/dist4/shuttle.htm it’s only $1, picks up at Macarthur Bart station at 5:05PM and 5:55PM (usually runs a bit late especially on Fridays) right behind all the Kaiser shuttles + Emery-go-rounds. They don’t accept Clipper so make sure you have some cash on hand, exact fare expected.

      I just learned about it late last year and have really enjoyed and benefited from it. It’ll let you off right near the Embarcadero on Main + Bryant near the Giants’ stadium.

  • Jep May 18, 2014, 7:22 pm

    Would love to go to the SF meeting, but my wife won’t let me go to Hunters Point, because supposedly it’s the most dangerous neighborhood in the city (never been there myself). Anyone have more info on how safe it is? Thanks.

    • Mr. Money Mustache May 19, 2014, 6:52 am

      Heheh.. My friend who lives there told me it is not as gentrified as other parts of SF. She loves it though, and I am excited to see the area myself – on foot and bike as usual.

      Sorry to hear about the safety worries in your household. I’ll post some pictures of everyone safely having a good time at the beautiful bayside park in one of the world’s richest nation’s most successful cities, and they might help alleviate the fear of that particular neighborhood ;-)

    • JenSF May 19, 2014, 11:18 am

      Heron’s Head Park is an amazing example of the community coming together to turn an industrial waste site into someplace really special. Seems like the perfect location for a mustachian gathering. Read more about the park and its history here: http://www.ecocenterhhp.org/herons-head-park-history/

    • Max May 19, 2014, 12:21 pm

      Hey Jep,

      Sorry to hear your wife won’t let you come here. Hunters Point historically has been one of the more dangerous neighborhoods in the city, and as MMM puts it “not as gentrified as other parts of SF”. When I was growing up many people simply advised against going there unless you had someone you were seeing or something to do there.

      I dated a girl that lived there, and she was so concerned for my safety that she freaked out when I got out of my car and rang her doorbell to her apartment. She said next time I should wait in my car until she comes out to get me. She also walked me from her apartment door to my car to ensure my safety.

      Having grown up in Oakland I found it a bit laughable and insulting, needless to say it didn’t last long, but beside that – it’s really a fine a place as any – definitely have to be a little streetwise, but there are some nice spots and it’s considerably more affordable (average homes still $600k+). In conjunction with Bayview it gets a bad rep. There are lots of nice bike trails, outdoors activities – hikes, kayak, canoe, etc. The demographics have changed substantially with a growing Asian Pacific Islander + Latin@ populations which is great, but it has been gentrified in the sense that home prices and rents have risen substantially and that many of the neighborhoods’ historic African American population has either been priced out or chose to move for job opportunities, safety, one reason or another. There still is a substantial African American population there, but not like before. Lots of great community groups, gardens, artists, as well as a number of fine dining and drinking establishments such as Speakeasy Brewery which you mentioned.

  • cchrissyy May 18, 2014, 8:04 pm

    I’ll be there! (SF)

  • Mxt0133 May 18, 2014, 8:51 pm

    See you in SF. I don’t normally get excited about meeting celebrities but for the MMM family I have to admit i’m pretty stoked!

  • Erik Geissal May 18, 2014, 10:07 pm

    I should be able to make the Portland meet-up. Can’t wait to meet you and the PDX Mustachians! Too bad I won’t get to meet Mrs. MM and your son, though.

  • jkenny May 19, 2014, 9:45 am

    Boy I wish I could attend the SF meetup but too busy this weekend. I recently attended a Minimalists book reading — I’ve never done anything like that before — and it was really neat. I live north of SF . . . near the redwoods. Maybe I’ll see you on my lunch walk. Happy trails!

  • Money Saving May 19, 2014, 10:01 am

    Sounds like a fun time – I’ll be over here keeping watch over the east coast. It’s a shame you’re not sporting that mustache anymore – it’s bitchin!!

  • Jordan Read May 19, 2014, 10:17 am

    I’ll see you in Longmont if it happens. Otherwise, have a great trip. I’ve always been interested in traveling by train, but haven’t as of yet. I’ll keep that in mind next journey.

  • Max May 19, 2014, 11:24 am

    Excited about the SF meet-up. I’ve been a long-time follower of the blog, although don’t think I’ve commented much at all over the years. However, it means giving up my sweet bike shuttle rate of $1 to pay $3.50+ on BART, however sounds like an exciting opportunity to meet other nice like-minded people.

  • RapMasterD May 19, 2014, 11:34 am

    Oh lord. It turns out I have a customer meeting on Friday. This means I have to wear a suit. And IMHO, changing into something more comfortable afterwards would be more unmustachian — why dirty up an additional set of clothes? And to get on over to Heron Park, it means I have to drive up from the ‘burbs. Paradoxically, this will be a much more $$ day for me than usual. And so when you see me walk over… no, I’m not trying to sell you a life insurance policy.

    • RapMasterD May 19, 2014, 3:40 pm

      Crisis averted. Meeting cancelled. I can dress like triple-M’er.

  • Ozzy May 19, 2014, 11:44 am

    Sweet goodness! I’m going to drive out from downtown Sacramento that Friday around 4:30. Anyone in downtown Sac or along the way that wants to carpool?

  • Dan May 19, 2014, 11:58 am

    Coming! I’m a lurker extraordinaire on this site, but I’m curious to see who comes out, and who’s willing to make the trek to Heron’s Head on a Friday (San Franciscans – and I am one – are almost as bad as New Yorkers in their unwillingness to leave their neighborhoods).

    The ‘hood isn’t as gentrified as the rest of the city, and five or six years ago crime was a serious concern after dark, but Heron’s Head isn’t in the Point per se – it’s in the former industrial area just north. I’d keep my wits about me walking to/from the T after dark, but with plenty of people around, you should have no problems. Fear = pointless. And the park is rad. Trying to figure out a meeting-up strategy with the wife, as well. Welcome to (still, despite all the negative publicity) the greatest city in the world!

  • Lindsey May 19, 2014, 12:08 pm

    Looking forward to it!!

  • Dave Lalonde May 19, 2014, 12:15 pm

    These plans sound so awesome for this upcoming weekend! I would seriously love to join, but I reside in Michigan. Looks like I’ll just have to envy you from afar.

  • Mateo May 19, 2014, 12:46 pm

    Regarding the SF date, I am likely driving from the East Bay. If anyone wants to carpool, I will be coming up the 680 from San Ramon passing through Walnut Creek and the 24.

  • RH May 19, 2014, 1:50 pm

    Dang…I’ll miss the Portland one. I fly out at 6:00 am to visit my family that morning. I love the Sellwood Park too. I would have rolled up there on my bike, hauling a mini keg of tasty homebrew. Make sure you ride the Springwater corridor and also check out the new bridge they are building downtown…its the biggest “non-automobile” bridge in the USA. It’ll be open to light rail, pedestrians, and bikes.

  • tct May 19, 2014, 3:49 pm

    I will be in San Diego joining my most un-mustachian friend on his motor yacht. The plan is to drive the 60′ yacht to Catalina Island (180 mile round trip) for the weekend. I’m told the boat gets much less than 1 mpg. Would we get face punched for driving this thing up to San Francisco to join everyone?

  • Nikhil May 19, 2014, 5:10 pm

    I’ll have to miss the SF one :(, too bad it’s on memorial day weekend.

  • Sarah Kaplan May 19, 2014, 5:47 pm

    Finally I checked the blog at the right time to see an MMM meet-up, near my home, that’s in the future! We’ll attend–wouldn’t miss it. Back in Jan. 2012, Sam and I and our 2-month-old (now 2.5 yrs) took the California Zephyr to escape Chicago winter for a month when I was on maternity leave. We were acting like retired people in Santa Cruz for a month. And that’s when Sam found MMM! We started reading it to each other, from the beginning, and I was like, hey, these people are retired, but I have to go back to work in a few weeks, What the F? That was the first time I realized there was a reason to try to make lots of money–we’re naturally frugal, and I quickly learned I didn’t need a lot of money, and at the same time saving enough for retirement seemed unattainable, so I was ignoring the problem. So if anyone wants to hear about all the outrageous changes we’ve made to our lives since then, and which MMM posts inspired them, I’ll tell you all about it on Friday. And Sam is attractive and male, but not single!! Hope someone else brings their kid.

    • John Grafton May 20, 2014, 1:02 am

      No worries, we’ll bring a kid. :)

      My wife, son, and I will be heading up to the meeting from Sunnyvale on the Caltrain. With bikes! The 22nd Street SF station is only a couple of miles from Heron’s Head park. Our 5 year old will be with us. He’s gotten very good on his bike and this is the first time he’ll have it outside of the burb’s.

  • Patrick May 20, 2014, 5:15 am

    I looooove Amtrak. I’m a huge fan, and almost always travel by train if at all possible.

    Before flying to Europe or such, I’d encourage every American to jump on this national treasure. I’ve travelled to many countries, but the best trip of my life was from NYC to Seattle on Amtrak in sleeper cars with extended family. Pure bliss, and so much more civilized than any other form of travel I’ve ever experienced. My family loves it.

    Have fun.


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