Introducing The MMM World Headquarters Building

I’ve been using this picture of a similar space at “Shift” coworking in Los Angeles for inspiration in designing my main room because the size and window/door layout are similar.

Update January 2019: The HQ has been so much fun that we decided to quadruple our interior space and welcome more members – full details at our HQ Page or you can even Join Immediately if you’re feeling really bold!

Almost exactly six years ago, I wrote a simple post about a pawn shop opening up in my town. It was during the very early days of this blog, and I figured it was an easy way to take some shots at that financially predatory industry. Also, the shop was called Mister Money, which had an ironic similarity to my own name, Mr. Money Mustache.

So anyway, in that post I joked that I was going to buy the building next door, and if anyone walked into my shop trying to borrow money, I’d PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE and tell them to embrace frugality and sensible living, rather than high-interest borrowing, as the solution to their financial problems. For some reason, this idea of the “Face Punch” really stuck with the early readers, and became a bit of a brand for MMM.

As sheer coincidence would have it, in early March 2017 a cryptic ad appeared in the local Craigslist.

Commercial building for sale, $230000

There was an address, but no pictures and no other information.

I recognized the address as being right next door to my pawn shop rival.  And we recognized the price as being about half of what a small single-family house or commercial building goes for around here these days. Mrs. Money Mustache was the one who first found the ad, so she called the number.

To make a long story short, the building was a severely run-down joint, but with extremely good potential. A dozen species of insects and animals called its rotting exterior woodwork their home and three dumpsters worth of demolition, debris and dead trees clogged the property*.

But at the core was a 2400 square foot brick and concrete structure, plus a detached 2-car garage, on an immense 7500 square foot lot, directly across the street from a recently-built $23 million building which happens to host one of the town’s best pubs.

The reason it was so cheap, aside from decades of neglect, is that it was owned by a charming man in his 70s who now lives hundreds of miles away. Once a prominent owner of significant chunks of Longmont, he was unloading this last forgotten scrap of real estate just to get it out of his hair. Perhaps he was unfamiliar with the recent boom in our property prices here, and he was definitely unfamiliar with modern property marketing techniques (he had relied on a friend to even get the ad onto Craigslist). The building had been in constant use by a series of retail tenants, but nobody had had much of an incentive to fix the place up.

I called him later that night with an all-cash offer, and after an hour of telling me amazing stories of his life, he accepted it.  A few weeks later, we closed on the property and then I spent the next few months in a full-bore restoration process – a multi-person vortex of flying sparks, brick, sawdust, diesel, sweat, blood, and beer.

Figure 1: Replacing the Infinitely Shitty “doors” to the back yard and future patio, with a reasonably fancy unit I rescued from another builder via Craigslist. I also added some foam insulation and some repurposed siding – leftover materials and design ideas from last year’s backyard studio project. Just one of about 100 similar-scale improvements this building needed.

So Why Did We Buy a Building?

This somewhat wild scheme is the culmination of a few different values:

  • We wanted to get more involved with the local community, by owning a little piece of the Main Street and helping to make it a more joyful place. There’s nothing wrong with selling stuff and making money, but I’m also interested in teaching classes, hosting events and parties, and donating the space for use for non-profit events which are designed to help people. (See the bottom of this article to learn about the first one)
  • Mrs. MM and a good friend of hers both have booming Etsy shops that are ready to break out into the real world. They enjoy working together so much, that they decided owning a building together was the next logical step. So both women, and both of us husbands, teamed up together and split the building equally.
  • From a financial perspective, it would be hard to go wrong because we got the place for such a low price. The land alone is worth more than the $225k purchase price, and if the town continues its current downtown boom, this could increase drastically again over the next ten years. Since the structure includes 2-3 separately rentable spaces, the property could easily bring in $3000-$4000 per month of income (after renovations) if we chose to rent it out in the future. And there were no banks or borrowing involved, so the stress and closing costs were low, and flexibility is high.

But all those points are just the “pretend responsible adult” justifications. In real life, we bought this thing because it seems like a fun adventure.

As this blog has grown so unexpectedly over the years it has presented all sorts of opportunities. As prestigious as they sound, they really all boil down to either spending more time on airplanes, or more time or sitting at the computer, and always less time being here for my son. I don’t really need more fake lifestyle guru nonsense in my life – I want more great stuff going on right here in our own community.

So, as the headline suggests, I’m outfitting half of this building to become the MMM World Headquarters.

What Happens at MMM WHQ?


We found lots of cool ancient brick under the other coverings. Here’s a scene from when I was trying out the new drywall hoist to install the kitchen ceiling.

I’ve decided that my side of the building will become a coworking and hangout space for Longmont-area Mustachian Entrepreneurs. It will be membership-based, with about 50 memberships made available at a price of $50 per month. And for the price of membership, locals get:

  • 24/7 keycard access to a big, open room downtown (about 700 square feet) with couches, tables, benches, stylish design, etc. Plus an adjoining small kitchen area for our food.
  • access to 49 other accomplished entrepreneurial local friends, who can all be part of an active Slack Group.
  • WiFi over Gigabit fiber internet access
  • Free or cheap coffee and fitness-friendly snacks
  • Tool sharing library
  • A big outdoor patio courtyard area out back with grill, chairs, speakers, patio lanterns, etc.
  • Outdoor gym with barbells, squat rack, and bodyweight things like pull-up bars, etc.
  • Garage workshop with welding and metalworking equipment
  • Beer brewing setup with permanent kegerator – members with skill in craft brewing can rotate through to produce guest batches. Ideally, this will provide free beer at all times.
  • Bike fixing station, parts inventory and swapping, helping each other improve skills
  • Talks and classes – from members, and from visitors.
  • Group Advocacy for improving the town.
  • The chance to work together on this new building – learning through doing as we build new features. (I’ve already got all the equipment for a 3.6 kW solar energy system ready to install onto the garage roof when we’re ready)
  • And any other perks and cool ideas we can think of with our collective mind power.

Although $50 per month sounds awfully cheap for all of this, it should actually work out great – paying the taxes and utilities and easily pumping out a monthly surplus to use for continued improvements, tools, supplies, etc. I reserve the right to make a profit off of the place eventually, but obviously this is not my main motivation – otherwise I’d charge a more “normal” coworking membership rate or just stay home and crank out blog articles.

If you’re interested in joining, read this rough agreement then send me an email through the contact form with “Coworking” in the title.  (Please include some biographical background to help me determine that you’re a real, friendly person!)

The primary members will generally live within biking distance since I don’t want anyone to sign up for a mandatory car commute. But if you want to become a patron or long distance member – contributing to the cause and working remotely with the core members (perhaps just to gain access to such a cool group, stop in whenever you are in the area and see your money put to use for interesting hactivism here in Longmont), send me a email with “Patron” – we could probably still keep a close-knit group with up to 10 such members.

Important: Although the building now hosts frequent meetups and other events, please do not just show up at random time unannounced as part of your cross-country roadtrip. Instead, just attend an event if the timing happens to align.

 I feel strange adding this note, but travelers have been stopping by almost every day and as much as I love Mustachians, giving tours to unexpected visitors make it difficult to get work done – which is the kind of the point of a coworking space during the day.

Are you Ready?

Our First Guests

The space is almost ready and the first philanthropic event is already booked: I’m hosting my friend Alan Donegan’s UK-based Pop-Up Business School for their inaugural US event in early September and it’s for everyone – not just members!

You can sign up here:


This is a nine-day class on Mustachian-style entrepreneurship: how to start a business with minimal initial investment and a quick path to cashflow.

Members of the Longmont community** and the coworking space will get first dibs at the tickets, which are are actually worth about $500 each but offered for free due to a unique business model.


Pop-up business school is intended to help anyone – well-established or just scraping by – start a business. Because this is such a powerful way to improve lives and communities, as Pop-Up Business School’s repuation has grown, Alan and company have been able to attract outside funding. City councils, philanthropic foundations, and companies.

So I tried the same thing here for the US debut – inviting a few unusually cool companies that are run by people that understand our mission around here. Almost all of them said yes and chipped in a substantial chunk of money, directly to Pop-up business school. So in thanks I’d like to mention them here:

Betterment Investing – simple, efficient investing platform with behavioral-finance (aka making it fun and easy) at its core. My Betterment Article.

Bluehost Web Hosting – the original and still favorite recommendation for how to get a beautiful website up and running quickly. My related aricle – How to Start a Blog.

Treehouse Learning – a classy and fun way to learn stuff – specializing in software development and other skills – with a meaningful social mission of cutting the cost of higher education.

See you There!

This has been a big and really rewarding project so far. Although it was a big commitment and going out on a limb, the resulting months of hard work and connecting with so many nice people has been exactly what I want out of life – and what I wish for you in your life too.

Here’s hoping that this current project of mine, and your own big efforts in the coming year, continue to crank out lots of opportunities for fun and learning.


*on the positive side, there were a number of functional mannequins and assorted body parts for them in the garage, which I have obviously saved for future fun.

** Out-of-towners looking for frugal accommodation might want to check out the RV campground at Boulder County Fairgrounds, tent camping at Union Reservoir, or even just find a spot for a tent in the nearby National Forest foothills, given the beautiful time of year.




  • Zeona McIntyre August 2, 2017, 1:10 pm

    Congrats! I’m excited to help you design the space. See you tonight!

  • Andy August 2, 2017, 1:10 pm

    Man, the reasons for me wanting to live in Colorado continue to pile up…One day I may have to do something about this.

    Sounds like it’s going to be an excellent space- I love the beer, bike, and gym spaces in particular. I would love my office to have any of those three.

  • Chris August 2, 2017, 1:13 pm

    I really like the dry-wall hoist. I wonder if could be rigged for hoisting solar panels for a single story house. Seems like it could be better than a ladder hoist.

  • Andres August 2, 2017, 1:19 pm

    That drywall hoist looks familiar. Did you take advantage of the same sale ($220 for something that’s normally $300 at HD) that I did? :)

    • Mr. Money Mustache August 2, 2017, 2:40 pm

      That one is from Harbor Freight, and with a 25% off coupon it was even less than that – around $160 I think. If you search online, places like Jet.com have them at crazy low prices these days. But I’m quite impressed at how sturdy this HF one turned out to be.

      • midwestMustachian August 3, 2017, 12:41 pm

        Hi MMM! Quick semi-related construction question:

        I just bought an all-brick duplex with 1920s plaster-lath walls inside. I’m a newbie to construction and home-reno; would you recommend tearing out the old plaster-lath (has some cracks, difficult to hang things like nice kitchen shelves) and replacing w/ drywall?

        Could be a fun project, but also could be expensive and lots of tedious work. Would love an expert opinion :)

        • Mr. Money Mustache August 4, 2017, 8:26 am

          Yeah, grab a full face mask/respirator from Amazon and some prybars and gloves and go for it. It’s easy to tear down plaster and lath, just heavy and messy.

          If you just care about smoothness, you can simply skim-coat right over top and have perfect walls (although they may require occasional patching every year). But the real benefit of stripping is that you can upgrade the electrical, plumbing and insulation before you re-add the drywall.

  • The Frugal Humanist August 2, 2017, 1:19 pm

    Congratulations Pete! What an awesome idea!
    This is going to go a long way in building and maintaining a local community in Longmont.
    The humanist community with it’s own center is the reason, I still insist going back to Phoenix for extended periods, despite my nomadic FIREd life. Nothing can replace a local community of like minded people, if that’s what your craving, although your Forums have helped to extend the tribe somewhat.
    This community approach would almost lure me to Longmont, where we spent quite a bit of time earlier this year. Well, once I am done being a lazy FIREe and doing the slow travel thing, that is.
    I am sure the coworking memberships and business school spots will fill up in no time! Hell, this almost makes me want to work.
    I have a good friend, who just moved to Mead, CO. I’ll let her know about the pop up business school, as she is still finding her bearings in her new area and this could definitely spark some ideas for her and help her make new friends.

  • LoneStarNot August 2, 2017, 1:20 pm

    I really love the bike kitchens in Sacramento and Alexandria. But comments on Car Talk seemed cautionary; I suspect TragedyOfTheCommons issues. Chatting with bike kitchen operators may help avoid known problems. Thanks for showing it CAN be done.

  • Renard August 2, 2017, 1:50 pm

    Most excellent! I don’t want to sidebar the thread, but where did you source the solar. I’m installing at my house and been dealing with AltE. I’m in Florida and the locals aren’t too keen on selling me the bits…….

    • Mr. Money Mustache August 2, 2017, 2:38 pm

      Hey Renard – a friend of mine runs a solar company here in Colorado, so he was willing to spend the time to hook me up with all the parts and advice. I plan to share this info in a blog post, once I know enough to share it.

  • felipo August 2, 2017, 1:51 pm

    Good stuff. I’ll never be part of the clan, but certainly enjoy what you have accomplished and how you’ve gone about it. Fun to see.

  • Deanna August 2, 2017, 1:54 pm

    If I didn’t have to work crazy retail hours I would so be at that business school!

  • Alan Donegan August 2, 2017, 2:02 pm

    I can’t wait to come to the World Headquarters of Mustachianism next month. This is going to be amazing. I am going to bring my A-Game!

  • Zcademy August 2, 2017, 2:06 pm

    Awesome! I’m trying to contain my jealousy for the citizens of Longmont.

    I’d love to join a group like this, as a home away from home for my freelance work. Plus a tool library! And like-minded people!

  • Jeffrey Held August 2, 2017, 2:18 pm

    Sounds like an organization Ben Franklin would set up. Congrats

  • Michelle August 2, 2017, 2:51 pm

    This is so awesome and such a great idea!

  • Jengod August 2, 2017, 3:28 pm

    Reminds me of Lois Arkin’s L.A. Eco-Village initiative with the bike kitchen and tool library and community spaces.

    You guys could have it be an Azure Standard bulk goods delivery point if they operate in Colorado.


  • Mr. Frugal Pharmacist August 2, 2017, 4:28 pm

    I thought I recognized the DIY studio in that design; turns out I was right. Congrats to you on the purchase. We have a Tool Library in my part of town too right next to my local homebrew shop; they’re both awesome places to go, and I’m sure MMM HQ will be too.

    • Jwheeland August 7, 2017, 10:21 am

      @Mr. Frugal Pharmacist – West Philly? Love those places!

  • Melissa August 2, 2017, 4:47 pm

    What a fabulous idea!! I live in your town, know exactly what location you are talking about and am an entrepreneur and would love to join your co-working space!! I will email you.

  • Tom August 2, 2017, 5:12 pm

    Great example of showing not telling how to do worthwhile projects. Exciting next step would be to build a live space over the top and moving the MMM family into it.

  • Heather August 2, 2017, 6:50 pm

    Nice work on rescuing an old building and turning it into a community asset! I think it’s so great when people invest in their own communities in whatever way they can. I just got done reading Bowling Alone and can appreciate what you’re doing to build social capital both online and with your new facility.

    We will be visiting friends and family in the Boulder/Longmont/Denver area the last week of September, so we’ll have to check out MMM WHQ. I love that you are offering the space for so many different activities, including talks and classes. I recently started attending some classes offered by our local Co-op (including an excellent one on foraging for and cooking with invasive plants, many of which are delicious!) and can only imagine the amazing offerings that you will soon have.

    I’ll have to check back as it would be fun to see if I could do a talk/class on sustainable happiness when I visit your area the last week of September. I’m hosting a weekend retreat where I live but I’d love to connect with others outside of the Midwest.

    Thanks for sharing your newest project! It’s always inspirational hearing about what you have going on. Cheers!

  • jessie August 2, 2017, 7:26 pm

    nice find and congrats!! real estate is so fun, and creating community even better. an inspiration to all of us!

  • Bryan August 2, 2017, 7:44 pm

    No showers?

    • Mr. Money Mustache August 4, 2017, 8:51 am

      Probably not – although we could probably work together to plumb in a stylish outdoor shower at some point. For now, there is a great garden hose/sprayer which delivers piping hot water on sunny days!

  • Carrie August 2, 2017, 7:53 pm

    Drywall hoist, incredibly useful tool

  • Geek August 2, 2017, 8:28 pm

    If this works out, do you expect the FI/RE community will start migrating to Longmont? This feels like step .1 on the trillion dollar idea/happy city path.

  • Frugal Bazooka August 2, 2017, 9:11 pm

    Too bad you weren’t around when the Beatles started Apple Records…the could have used some advice on how to combine capitalism w creativity. Nice job.

  • Frugal Bazooka August 2, 2017, 9:12 pm


  • Tom August 2, 2017, 9:26 pm

    I sighed heavily after reading this post because, at least in terms of optics, this appears to be little more than another high-tech playground for 30-something predominantly white people with deep pockets and financial resources. I don’t think the world needs another one of those. I would have been much happier to read about an MMM World Institute whose primary goal would be to help those in financial difficulty by offering guidance, helping to construct solid financial plans to get out of debt, resist corporate consumerism, and generally give others in the community the resources and knowledge to become financial badasses who otherwise wouldn’t know better. According to the last census, 14.7% of Longmont’s residents were living below the federal poverty line (21.4% under 18; that’s one out of every five children), and it might have been nice to see a center where people, and especially young people, could learn better financial habits. But I am resigned to the fact that kegerators, free beer, $50 memberships and popup businesses will probably win the day. My sincere apologies for adding a negative note to this otherwise upbeat celebration.

    • Mr. Money Mustache August 4, 2017, 8:32 am

      A welcome critique, Poorplayer. But at the end of the day, we need to do the work that calls to us.

      For me, that’s construction, engineering and meeting/working with similar people, with a secret backdoor goal of environmental activism (through encouraging my fellow rich people to consume less resources and serve as an example for everyone else)

      If it helps, pop-up business school is designed specifically to help non-rich people (although it works for everyone), and you already know that $100k of the proceeds from this blog went to help the people in the world who need it most. That was on my birthday last year, and that time of year is coming around again…

      • Friend August 4, 2017, 1:25 pm

        I think Tom’s criticism is very valid.

        In fact, I’ve fantasized about opening up such a facility myself. Of course, I’m woefully ill-equipped to make any part of it happen. My only real credentials would be, “I read MMM’s blog and a few books on investing.” What I would need is access to people and resources to help me make the fantasy a reality. I believe (and correct me if I’m wrong) the MMM HQ would be a place where Tom or I could go to gain access to exactly these people and resources.

        To take it a step further: if there’s anyone who’s a member or potential member, why not take this idea and run with it? Look into opening up an MMMHQ subsidiary “MMM Financial Advisors.” Prioritizing low-cost or free advice and assistance to people who need it. I’m sure it’d be tough, but maybe with a crew of 50 people, including MMM himself, you could pull it off!

  • Ratherboard August 2, 2017, 9:59 pm

    Whoa! So awesome! I’m even more bummed that I left wonderful Longmont for Orange County, CA, but I’ll definitely swing by when I visit my family in town! What a great addition to downtown Longmont.
    Co-workspace + coffee + kegerator = WIN!

  • Anthony August 2, 2017, 10:01 pm

    MMM I had to re-read this post again!
    My mustache started tingling when you said you would charge $50 a month! Did you not think your loyal acolytes would not hold you accountable to the same principles you write about that have inspired thousands of fellow mustachians across the world!? Do you not remember writing your post “Getting Started #3 – Eliminate Short-Termitis, the Bankruptcy Disease”? One of the most fundamental ideas you express is knowing the true cost of your expenses and by using your calculation of $50 x 173 (monthly expense over 10 years) you arrive @ $8650. Your not selling out on us our you? Because that x 50 members = $432,500. Now I substantially doubt you would try to pull a fast one on your clan, but it does bag the question is this expense truly worth the cost? Or is there a better and more cost effective way to make MMM HQ the newly designated financial capital of the world?

    If I may offer an amendment to your prestigious institution which I thoroughly think is a great idea, but there is no way my mustache would favor. I say make your HQ “FREE” to members. Now I am not saying let everyone in, but have veteran mustachians and amateur mustachians to learn and teach one another. The idea of a mustachian think tank is brilliant. You could start businesses and projects as well as engender ideas to spread our theology across the globe. Make the cost of a mustache membership economic and intellectual value a member can bring to HQ so all can benefit.

    Other than that, love the blog…just my 2 cents I will let you borrow free of interest

    • Mr. Money Mustache August 4, 2017, 8:39 am

      There were a couple of comments to this effect. I disagree: Mustachianism is not about being cheap, it’s about avoiding waste – especially waste that comes at the expense of others, like overconsumption of material resources or pollution.

      If you’re an entrepreneur and want a working space, this is the ultimate deal in the world – not a waste. Or, if you already have plenty of money and just want to chip in to an interesting experiment (a surprising percentage of blog readers), it’s also not a waste.

      But if you already have a place to work and plenty of local friends, and a shortage of money, you are correct – this would be a bad use of your money.

      Why is it not free? Because there’s no need for me to subsidize grown adults on something that costs me real money and is genuinely valuable to them.

      • Anthony August 5, 2017, 9:39 pm

        MMM thanks for your explanation and your response to my comment. I do love what your trying to accomplish and hope you are successful. I really think what your trying to do will make the world a better place. Although I wouldn’t pay $50 a month, I would indeed love to come by and check out the MMM HQ if I am ever in the area.

  • KGR August 2, 2017, 10:11 pm

    Hi Alan, I see you are looking over the comments. I’m looking forward to attending the Pop Up, thanks for coming to the US! I have conflicting plans beginning on the 15th; do you think missing the last day of the session is acceptable? Thanks!

  • Brook August 2, 2017, 10:39 pm

    Wow. You never cease to amaze me. What a fantastic venture that enriches a community.

    This blog inspired me to sell a flash Land Rover and start getting wise about money (sometimes I get the urge to buy another flash car and have to come back to the website to enforce my ‘diet’). But it also inspires me to look at how to live in a community and be wealthy.

    Thanks from Sydney, Australia.

  • Alan Donegan August 3, 2017, 12:05 am

    If any of you can’t make the one in Longomont and are near Minneapolis then we are running a free two hour session there which is the first part of the 2 week course we are doing with MMM. http://www.popupbusinessschool.co.uk/bloomington.html If you want to come along it is completely free.

  • kuk August 3, 2017, 1:27 am

    I wish I would live in Longmont. Or at least Colorado. Or that continent. Or someone would do something like this in my town. Or I would be able to do something like this in my town one day.

    A lot of wishes. Good luck!

  • mikeinmadrid August 3, 2017, 1:31 am

    So is that the end of the early retirement experiment for the MMM household? You’ll be working as business center manager and your wife will be shop worker. ;-)

  • Kris August 3, 2017, 8:59 am

    Please, I beg you, do enough outreach so that you attract a reasonable number of women to the space and reasonable representation along other types of diversity. Were I to walk into the work space and see 90% young-ish, white men (as illustrated in the photo above), I’d walk right out. So many of these “work spaces” – especially ones with a tech focus – are extremely male dominated (and youth-dominated and white or Asian dominated). Diversity is important for so many reasons that I’m sure you understand. And given your desire to make a difference in the local community, the population of the work space should have some relationship to the demographics of the town. If this space is just a bunch of “bros” working, building things, drinking beer, and lifting weights together, it’ll be fun, but it’ll miss out on so many other cool things it could be that are more relevant to the community.

    • Mr. Money Mustache August 4, 2017, 8:48 am

      Yes! So far the people emailing me have been about 50% women, so the goal of a non-Bro group is already coming to fruition.

      We probably won’t be truly representative of Longmont, since MMM readers are a self-selected group (well educated, interested in money, etc). But I find that we get along really well and have a high motivation to help out in the community – the real purpose of the space.

  • Lee August 3, 2017, 10:19 am

    Awesome to see Pop-up Business School coming to America. I’d love to see them come to Toronto, Canada.

    If any Canadian Mustachians are interested in working with me to organize a Greater Toronto Area Pop-up Business School event, I’d like to hear from you.

  • MM Wannabe August 3, 2017, 10:47 am

    Nice looking effort. I know I’d be pretty jacked about a project like that for myself. Are you adding batt type insulation between the foam and drywall? Did you sister the ceiling joists for that purpose?

  • DLcygnet August 3, 2017, 10:56 am

    Haha! This looks great! What’s Mrs MM more excited about? 1) Getting her own space or 2) Getting her yard/garage back now that you’ll be storing all your toys here (And getting rid of extra building materials? Bonus!). Also, you should add one more reason to buy the space: Instead of paying somebody else to store your stuff, 50 other people are paying YOU to store your stuff. Genius!

    I hadn’t heard of co-working spaces before. I had to go read up on them once I saw this article. Will you have any separate/enclosed offices for formal/private meeting with clients?

  • Divnomics August 3, 2017, 10:56 am

    This is truly amazing. I was thinking the other day how fortunate it is when people can work on the things that really has a purpose and can make an impact in your surroundings (or those of others). Been shifting more and more to this mindset, and then bam, there is a new MMM headquarters. If it wasn’t across the ocean, I would have really stopped by. Maybe someday.

    Best of luck with this endeavor!

  • Margie August 3, 2017, 11:02 am

    I wonder, if there are spots left in a week after the locals have a chance, if I would be a good participant in the workshop if my idea is for a nonprofit? In my imagination this idea does require a great website that can sell things and accept things and give things away. As an out-of-towner, if I’m lucky enough to have a chance at a spot, do you think it’s a good idea? Thank you for any thoughts you can share!

  • DaniBee August 3, 2017, 12:22 pm

    This is SO COOL! Three cheers! Wish I lived closer to be a part of it, but it’s inspiration to open my own Mustachian headquarters someday. Props to you.

  • Willy August 3, 2017, 1:14 pm

    This is awesome MMM! I just signed up and I will be coming from California. Any suggestions for frugal lodging options in that area for those of us who are not local?
    Thanks for always helping the community!

  • I Like Bears August 3, 2017, 1:30 pm

    Thanks for doubling down on the MMM efforts and not sailing off into the sunset on us! I can’t imagine what it would be like keeping any semblance of momentum going over the period of time this blog spans!

  • Sundeep August 3, 2017, 1:58 pm

    How many other folks wish they lived in Longmont!?

  • Denise August 3, 2017, 2:33 pm

    What an awesome opportunity! Congratulations and I wish y’all much success in your endeavors! Maybe one day y’all could travel and do workshops. I think you should also sell t-shirts. I’m pretty sure there would be a lot of MMM followers walking around in them! :) Best of luck & keep up the great writings and work!

  • Car Free Mark August 3, 2017, 2:59 pm

    This sounds like an adventure and a great way to build a real life community of Mustachians.

  • John Graves August 3, 2017, 3:01 pm

    Alan and MMM,

    When you’re ready to bring the pop-up class to Oklahoma City, I’ll host!

  • Ben August 3, 2017, 4:53 pm

    I can almost see the “Financial Badassity Genius Bar” sitting in the middle of this space. Manned for a few hours each week by MMM himself? You’d make so many new friends!

  • Thomas August 3, 2017, 5:41 pm

    I love your recycling efforts and supplying free beers. Exciting next step would be to build a live space over the top and moving the MMM family into it!

  • Navarre August 3, 2017, 7:51 pm

    I’m in Broomfield, so I’ll probably have to skip membership for now. I’ll definitely be eyeing Longmont now though.

    I’m guessing “unavailable” means all the tickets are gone for the PopUp Business School? I’ll have to keep an eye out for what’s next.

  • Brian August 3, 2017, 9:40 pm

    This is insane! I hope this spreads so I can squat, sip a coffe, compute, and chat with 49 new friends in New England. All of these activities would be combined on every other Tuesday as well.

  • Eliza August 3, 2017, 10:55 pm

    How exciting! Isn’t it amazing where life can lead us? Bet you never expected to be in the commercial property game and creating such an awesome space the day you hit publish on the first MMM post! Best of luck.


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