Four Ways We Can Hang Out

A recent campfire at in the back yard of MMM-HQ coworking space.

Hi there.

Don’t get too excited, this isn’t a real blog post. But there were enough things worth sharing that I thought it would be worth sending a little mid-month Hello.

Life has been busy around here, drunkenly walking that fine line between the zones of

“Exciting and stimulating and action packed!”


“Way too much overflowing action, how do we turn off this firehose?!”

It’s one of the core Tenets of Mustachianism that too much of a good thing can become a not-so-good thing, so I have been working on stepping back and focusing on the smaller and more personal things with the people who are close to me, even if it means turning down bigger, “important” sounding things out there in the world.

If you are an overdriven and success-oriented career person, you can take the same lesson: your PERFORMANCE out there on the business stage is a lot less important to the world than you imagine it is, so now is a great time to lean back and take a few breaths and turn down that extra work assignment so you can spend Saturday just digging in the sand at the playground with your kids.

Okay, so with that take-it-easy warning aside, here are a few things that have been keeping my local gang and I busy recently:

1: We have expanded the MMM HQ

MMM watches as Alan Donegan’s Charisma steals the show at September’s Pop up Business School

Some adventurous friends decided to dive in with me and team up to buy out the other side* of the building that houses my little coworking space in downtown Longmont. As a result, we have now quadrupled our interior space and are looking for new members!

In the spirit of adventure and growing the community from the current 50-ish to a new goal of two hundred, we are no longer limiting it to people who live right in Longmont – you can be the judge if it’s worth $52 per month to be part of our growing entrepreneurial gang.

You can join here immediately if you are super confident,

or read more about it at mrmoneymustache.com/hq/ or even stalk us by following the new MMM-HQ Twitter and Instagram feeds.

2: I started a YouTube channel with my son!

Over the long holiday season, my 12-year-old son and I were spending a lot of time together. He has become a prolific music composer and video editor and posts something to his own channel almost every day. So he often ribs me about my own neglected MMM YouTube channel, with just a few halfhearted construction videos I had thrown up to illustrate certain things as part of blog posts.

Long story short, we just turned on the camera and started recording some Question and Answer shit and putting it up there, learning as we go. So far, it’s a “He’s the DJ, I’m the Rapper” situation, but I hope to get him to come out from behind the camera one of these days too, at least for a cameo.

The result, our first six figuring-it-out-episodes, is here and we definitely plan to do more:

The MMM Channel on YouTube

It has been a lot of fun so far, and an incredible bonding experience for the two of us, to be working on something difficult together. I’m even paying him for his work and we will also split any resulting revenue from YouTube (currently a not-too-bad thirty bucks in the first month!), as I think this is a great way for a kid to learn more about money.

3: I’m part of The FI Summit

One of the members of my coworking space is an enterprising dude named Sean Merron, who also runs a podcast called 2 Frugal Dudes. Over the past year I’ve come to respect his work, so when he invited me along with some other very genuine financial independence writers to join a little online course they are running in March, I was happy to accept. I am going in as a newcomer to such an experience, so it’s an experiment.

The event takes place live on March 5-7, with course material and replays available afterwards.

You can join us (and read all about it) at https://fisummit.2frugaldudes.com/ and get 10% off with their coupon code MMM.

4: Mustachians are Uniting

This isn’t just a website or even a ‘movement’ anymore. There are real-life friends, and potlucks, hikes, local and international trips, and even romances going on out there and I have had great fun watching them all develop over the past few years. A few ways you can get involved in real life:

Camp Mustache was the original meetup – About sixty people in a beautiful rented lodge in the rainforest outsid of Seattle. Five years running now, it is small and well established, so it always sells out much quicker than any resonable person could be expected to buy tickets. It is the only event I’ve attended every year. But it set the stage for its international cousin …

Camp Mustache Toronto is a similar but more Maple-flavored event, also in a lakeside natural area far enough from the concrete jungle that it feels like a genuine camp. This year’s event is in September. But Camp Mustaches are just the start of it all.

Camp Fi is a more ambitious string of events, spawned by an unstoppably friendly and optimistic guy named Stephen who liked Camp Mustache so much that he decided to adopt the principles and take it from coast to coast. They have run something like a dozen already, and there are more coming up on the calendar.

The NoCo Mustachians Meetup Group is a 400-strong club of fun and FI seekers in my own area. There is a nice, sociable overlap between members of MMM-HQ and this larger group, so they often use our building to host their larger events.

The ChooseFI Meetups: if my hobby of “Financial Independence Guru” were an actual business, I would never tell you about this, because these guys would be my toughest competition. Growing from nothing to hundreds of thousands of followers in just the last few years, I have heard about more Choose FI meetups than Mustachian ones in recent times, and some existing MMM groups have even been so bold as to rename themselves from my silly (but more fun) terminology to adopt some version of the more bland and sensible “FI” branding.

Fine, have it your way, FI people – your ability to get together and have fun in the real world is way more important than appeasing Mr. Money Mustache’s ego, so I encourage you to get out there and enjoy it all.

And with that batch of suggestions, the clouds have suddenly cleared up outside my own window, so I am going to fold up this laptop and head out on the town myself.

Have a great week!

*People familiar with the project may be asking “What about the Mud and Madder soap and handcrafted shop that was there before this?”

The answer is that the ladies who owned that side decided to close up their retail experiment and return to the more efficient model of online Etsy-style sales. They offered to sell me their side, so I gladly brought in three new friends to become partners in the newly expanded coworking venture.

  • Janet February 11, 2019, 11:54 am

    I wish I still lived in Toronto. Camp FIRE Toronto looks awesome. Any plans to head to FinCon again this year? I loved your speech last year it was the highlight of the event for me. Will be following your YouTube and everything else :)

    • Mr. Money Mustache February 11, 2019, 11:59 am

      Wow, thanks Janet! You win the newly minted SUPERFAN AWARD ;-)

      I had fun at the financial bloggers conference (Fincon) in September, but I will probably follow my usual tradition of checking in only every few years.

      In keeping with the theme of this article, my Dad and Friend time is keeping me pretty booked up, so I have to avoid the temptation to pile even more exciting and worldly events like conferences and “business” type trips onto my schedule. I need a vacation!

  • Chad Carson February 11, 2019, 12:09 pm

    Congrats on the HQ expansion and awesome YouTube channel, Pete! Video is an awesome format for you, and I think it’s even cooler that your son is going to do it with you. My older daughter is itching to help with my content, so maybe we’ll ease into that too:)

    • Mr. Money Mustache February 11, 2019, 2:20 pm

      Cool Chad! Maybe we can think of an excuse to have you on the show, next time you are passing through Longmont.

      The only thing easier than doing a “Reader Questions and Answers” show is doing a “Invite Charismatic Guests to Come Shoot the Breeze” show :-)

      • Gwen February 11, 2019, 3:09 pm

        I could be convinced next time I come through Colorado!

      • Carl February 11, 2019, 4:09 pm

        Oooh, occasional FI conversations sound like a fun idea. And actually, our mutual friend Casey was thinking about moderating a discussion at our next FIRE meetup group. It could make for some good YouTube fodder…

      • Chad Carson February 12, 2019, 7:07 pm

        I’m definitely game for the Shoot-the-Breeze Show! A few work-out sets between video takes and craft beer to wash it down will make things even more charismatic:)

  • Rohan February 11, 2019, 12:17 pm

    Just wanted to say I am really enjoying the youtube series!

  • Ms. Frugal Asian Finance February 11, 2019, 12:27 pm

    Congrats on the HQ expansion. This is such great news, and I look forward to more updates about this new venture!

    I’ve been watching every single one of your new YT videos. I think they are great! It’s such a fun and meaningful project to start with your kid. I’m sure he’ll learn a lot from your advice too!

  • Justin February 11, 2019, 12:31 pm

    Good summary of ways to meet other FI-peeps in bullet #4. I think our local Raleigh/Triangle Area meetups have committed that cardinal sin of shifting from a self described MMM meetup circa 2013 to “Triangle on FIRE” when we shifted to Facebook (we needed a name!) and now the Choose FI – Raleigh group is the place to find other FI seekers in Raleigh by far. Kudos to Brad and Jonathan for keeping the torch lit and making gravy out of this whole FIRE thing!

    But your MMM spirit will not be forgotten :)

    • Juan February 11, 2019, 3:27 pm

      I set up the “Triangle on FIRE” FB group after being so fired from meeting face to face with mustachians at Camp Mustache 2016 :)
      It has been interesting to see the evolution and the Choose FI group taking over and being responsible for the last couple of meetups.
      I agree that who cares about the name or the platform as long as like minded people are getting together, learning from each other, and having fun.

      The MMM spirit will never be forgotten indeed!

  • Deacon February 11, 2019, 12:31 pm

    How valuable it is to know that our work reputation will likely mean little the day after we retire, but our bond with our kids/spouses/friends, etc will carry on much longer, as will the memories of the precious little time we have together. Thanks for the reminder.

  • Fritz February 11, 2019, 12:35 pm

    Great lesson on the need to slow down and listen to the music, especially when your son is the one with the tunes. Living by example, yet again. It’s nice outside, so I’m heading out to take the dogs for a hike. Thanks for the reminder on what’s truly important.

  • Juan February 11, 2019, 3:21 pm

    +1 on thinking the YouTube channel is great. My favorite part was when you started gearing up to go for bike ride on the cold, hilarious!
    Junior MMM’s music is solid too. Really like the few songs I have heard so far. Keep it up!

  • Chris February 11, 2019, 5:23 pm

    Thanks for the bonus post, it’s inspiring to see you living by your priorities focusing more on the community close to you while ignoring some of those FOMO inducing business opportunities out there and winning in multiple ways by collaborating with your son. Also, let me give an outsider’s extra shoutout to the new expanded HQ. After getting a chance to visit at the last event, see the cool space (and most excellent kitchen chandelier), and meet some great people, I just joined and am looking forward to meeting others as well. Thanks to y’all for bringing this virtual community real world.

  • Renee Quistorf February 11, 2019, 6:38 pm

    I sold my business in 2016 after 23 successful years in operation. Yes, I was proud of what I accomplished, but I spent so much time at work making everything “perfect” I’m surprised my marriage survived. Not to mention the expectations I placed on my husband to help me. Once I realized my husband and I were FI, I knew I could not stay on the hamster wheel any longer. Best decision ever. The true challenge was deciding that I had “enough” (don’t Americans tend to always want MORE?), and that money isn’t everything. So thankful for parents who taught me how to balance a checkbook, save money, and embrace delayed gratification. Since shedding the biz and all the stress along with it, I’m much happier!! I eat homemade, healthy meals; exercise a lot more; and I lost 20 pounds. I value free time much more than I would value having more money.

  • David February 11, 2019, 8:09 pm

    Darn, I would join but I’m down in Morrison!

  • Trip February 11, 2019, 8:16 pm

    I like seeing that you’re posting a little more frequently.

    Stephen from CampFI has graciously offered me one of the speaker roles at the inaugural CampFI in Texas. It’s October 4th-7th.

    I’m conflicted as to what to do. My family has deferred an East coast fall colors trip for 3 years now. We could do both, but one concern is missing the best of the colors.

    Also, we’re not certain how well our children would hold up for 3 days at Camp FI. They’ll be just beyond 5 and 1 in October.

    I’d love to hear from others who have been to the East coast in the last 5 years to see fall colors. Which states did you visit and when? What was your experience like?

    I’d like to try to do both this year. Failing that, I’d aim to speak at the Texas CampFI in a future year. As DMB says, “The future is no place to place your better days.”

    • CG February 14, 2019, 12:53 am

      Depending on where you’re going in the Northeast for leaf peepin’, most years there is still plenty of green in the trees in early October and the most vivid colors start mid-month. Maine and the northern parts of VT/NH/NY tend to be earlier since they’re in Zone 3-4, but Zones 5+ (mid-to-lower NH, VT, NY, CT, etc) will all have a similar prime leaf color timeframe of mid-October. In general, the smaller yellow leaves turn very early & fall off, then there’s a delay, then the color symphony hits!

      Of course, all leaf color depends entirely on yearly rainfall, drought patterns, and Mother Nature’s whims, which makes truly planning to hit the “perfect” week a bit of a moving target, but just wanted to share my yearly observations as a life-long Northeasterner and avid gardener in case that helped you plan!

      • Trip February 14, 2019, 9:51 am

        Thank you CG for the very valuable information.

        I wish you and your family prosperous, long lives!

        The unpredictability has likely only increased with each passing year. Here in Texas, we have June bugs making appearances in March now.

    • Sally February 14, 2019, 11:04 am

      My family and I did the fall foliage trip to the East Coast last year (end of September), and it was a little too early. There were some color changing along the Kancamangus drive, but the leaves were pretty green still for the most part. We flew to Boston from Dallas, drove to Plymouth, NM, did the Kanc (Lincoln to North Conway), then drove to Newport (my sister wanted to see Andre the seal status), Portland, and back down to Boston. We did it over 4 days, ideally it would be nice to have a longer trip. Even though we didn’t see a lot of color changes, the trip was still a lot of fun and I highly recommend it. If you do plan to do, book the hotels early (we used Hilton and Marriott points for free hotel stays).

      • Trip February 19, 2019, 10:05 am

        Thanks Sally. We’ll make certain to book early. Given that both Nina and I are retired, we’re probably looking at 10-14 days.

        I wish you and your family prosperous, long lives!

  • Anonymous February 12, 2019, 4:51 am


    Apparently pickup trucks are now being priced as “luxury vehicles”… What are the odds we can get an article out of this MMM? :P

  • Joe February 12, 2019, 10:41 am

    I’ve also been trying to do a lot less online, and a lot more in-person stuff as well. Less flying to hang out with very cool strangers, more quality time with people I’m already close to. It’s been very rewarding.

  • GingerFi February 12, 2019, 2:17 pm

    Thanks for sharing all these ways of connecting with the community! I had such a fantastic time at PopUp meeting so many amazing mustachians and of course you, Pete! If I squint my eyes I can see myself in a couple of those pics. :)

  • Big-Al February 13, 2019, 7:30 am


    East Texas actually has some pretty good fall foliage if you want to stay in state and not fly.

    Lost Maples State Park in west central Texas is good too.

    • Trip February 14, 2019, 3:29 pm

      Thank you Big Al. Any particular places in East Texas that you like?

      Nina and I visited Lost Maples State Park in 2010, but missed the peak splendor of it.

      I wish you and your family prosperous, long lives!

  • Cathleen Cooks Stuff February 13, 2019, 10:39 am

    Two posts in like a month?! You must really miss the blog! Congratulations on the expanded co-working site.
    Sucks being stuck in Hawaii (yeah, yeah, I know…great weather, tropical fruit, moderate temps, beautiful beaches, bah), it’s too far to efficiently travel to the mainland on a whim for a camp. Sigh. Maybe if I didn’t have to travel so much for work (and pay for it), I’d be able to. Working on that now…but it’s government so moves at a snails pace. Sounds like a bunch of great get togethers are planned this year. Excited to hear the summary recaps from everyone.

  • Sean February 13, 2019, 2:51 pm

    Does anyone know of a full list of FIRE or Mustache events? Is this it? Also can any prior attendees at any of these events send a link to the schedule/ program? I am intrigued by the idea and would consider hosting a small gathering in our corner (4 hours from the coast) of Virginia/ roanoke blacksburg area but I need a little mustashe-inspiration. Oh and I’m FIRE’d in March so I should have plenty of time for this kind of thing!

  • Jay February 13, 2019, 6:22 pm

    My family is moving to the Denver area this summer, and I’d like to sign up to be a part of the MMM HQ. Will the opportunity to join still be around in July/ August, or should I join up now to secure a spot? Thanks!

    • Mr. Money Mustache February 14, 2019, 6:51 am

      Congrats Jay!

      We’re not one of those pressure salesman outfits – there is no rush and of course you should only join when you’re ready.

      • Jay February 14, 2019, 2:51 pm

        Cool, thanks, Pete. I’ll see you guys later this summer. The new and improved YouTube channel is great, btw. Keep at it!

  • Tracey February 13, 2019, 6:57 pm

    Great post! Looking forward to checking out the YouTube channel.
    MMM and ChooseFI have been instrumental in helping me orchestrate the sabbatical I’m currently on. (And I’d be remiss not to mention JL Collins and the “life changing power of FU Money!”)
    I’m greatly enjoying spending more time with family, starting a blog, doing some traveling, volunteering more and just the overall Time Freedom. It’s lovely!

  • Steve P. February 13, 2019, 9:08 pm

    Thank you and your son for starting up the MMM show, it helps me keep my mindset right. Especially the cost of car commuting episode, it was great on the blog, but the way you conservatively lay it out on the video makes it even more clear.

    Thanks again.

  • Andrea Grave February 20, 2019, 12:22 pm

    My son has been doing music composition on his computer, too. We were harassing him about doing lots of screen-based music while ignoring his actual instruments. Unbeknownst to us, he started a little fiverr.com business and has regular orders for original music clips, all of which get amazing reviews! I suspect his clients use them for things like YouTube videos. He’s a few years older than your boy. It beats a job at the local supermarket – he can fit it around schoolwork and is learning how to run a business while doing what he loves and is good at. At present he’s putting his earnings towards better computer gear to make even better music. His fiverr.com username is easytypebeats.

  • Ms Blaise February 21, 2019, 1:53 am

    This is such a timely article for me. One of my guiding principles this decade is that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. I use this to justify a lot! And in particular, turning down lots of work ( I am self employed), too much socialising and “worthy” events.I also use it to justify giving the kids porridge and toast, dressing them in shorts and T-shirts and sending them outside barefoot to run around and play in the NZ Summer.

    My other guiding principle is that excellence is a habit, not an act. Both of these principles are heavily influenced by MMM’s writing.

  • Morten February 26, 2019, 5:03 am

    If there are others who like me are fans of MMM but residing in Europe, I recommend the following places for finding like-minded people locally:

    I haven’t seen any Camp Mustache, but there are a few FI events in Europe such as https://whatlifecouldbe.eu/fiwe/, https://www.fichautauqua.com/ and https://financial-independence.eu/events/retreat/financial-independence-europe-retreat-surfcamp-2019/. More stuff may be found in local Meetup or Facebook groups.

    There are also rumors of https://www.mrmoneymustacheapp.com/ planning to add the ability to connect to other Mustachians (maybe finding/founding local groups?) as well as some international episodes in the pipeline at the MMM Youtube channel, so looking forward to that – thanks for all the great work you’ve done for the FI community, MMM!

  • Pat March 5, 2019, 11:30 pm

    Always love your posts!

    So the FI community is still small in South Africa but is growing rapidly, there was recently a meet up in Cape Town of a bunch of Mustachians. There is a Facebook group which is just another way for Mustachians to hang out, we chat about the JSE Top 40 and not the S & P 500 and more relevant items related to being a Mustachian in South Africa


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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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