Our Shared Ongoing Battle To Not Buy A Tesla

Like you, I am pretty much resigned to the fact that I’m going to have to buy a Tesla at some point.

I can tell because I have read every last scrap of Tesla news and inadvertently memorized every last technical detail about the company and their cars and energy storage systems that has ever been printed or YouTubed. Since about 2012. When this happens to me for any product, whether it’s a new laptop or a different vehicle  or a house in a certain neighborhood, I usually end up buying it.

The purchase tends to happen when the list of justifications builds up to a tipping point where it starts to seem sensible. For the Tesla, these justifications are things like:

  • “I strongly support the company and its mission. Unlike almost any other big company on Earth, Tesla exists primarily to help out the human race. Surely worth a few of my spare bucks, right?”
  • “I can afford to buy it in cash without having to go back to work or anything extreme like that.”
  • “It’s the best car AND the best piece of technology in the world, and at least ten years ahead of the next best. Shouldn’t a lifelong tech expert like myself be taking a peek at the future?”
  • “It would be a lower-pollution way to replace some of my air travel, as the only car that can drive itself most of the time on long highway trips. PLUS, imagine the road trips I could take with my son! Mammoth Caves National Park! Lifetime Memories just like I have with my own Dad!”
  • “They are reasonably priced these days at “only” about $39k for a new Model 3 and even lower for a used Model S.”

In the past, my mind has made up similar justifications for other purchases like, “this lovely camera will help you create more engaging pictures for the blog.”, “this drywall hoist will save you a lot of time”, “you will make a profit by owning this high-end new laptop because it will encourage you to write more.”

And it’s not just me. As I’ve talked to more and more people about this, I find that most of us have some sort of Purchase Justification Machine running in the background of our minds. The PJM’s effects can range from very useful, like a carpenter buying a nailgun which will be used every day to make money, to completely disastrous, like the office worker who buys a $40,000 8-passenger Honda Pilot for his 12,000 annual miles of mostly empty driving on smooth roads, because “I need to make sure I can get to work in the winter, too.”

I like to fancy my own PJM as being at least a bit better than average, after all I have always maintained a slightly-less-ridiculous level of spending than the average middle class worker. Most of the things it has talked me into buying have indeed been things like nailguns or reasonably good quality clothing that just happens to be from Costco or the thrift shop.

Yes, there was once a brand-new $13,000* Honda VFR800 sport motorbike which destroys a lot of my credibility, but that was in 2001 long before Mr. Money Mustache was born.

But I can TELL that it is really grasping at straws when it tries to justify that Tesla. And that’s why I thankfully still don’t have a Tesla.

The PJM has done its work well, but I try to stay ahead of it by tossing in my own list of objections, like throwing gnarly stumps into a wood chipping machine to slow it down.

  • “You don’t even have anywhere to drive that Tesla, dude! If you had a mandatory 20-mile commute and absolutely could not move closer to your six-figure job, that would be one thing. But you’re retired and you bike everywhere, so a car is only for camping and hiking trips. Wait until you are further along in the child-raising project and have more free time to take off for month-long road trips.”
  • “You can’t just leave a $40,000 car out in the searing Colorado sun to bake and fade and collect birdshit, but you also don’t want to sacrifice an entire bay of your tidy workshop garage for a car. So you need to at least wait until you build that master bedroom deck which doubles as a carport, right? So you’d better get out the post-hole digger before you sign into the Tesla Design Studio.”
  • “No matter how much you use that car, it will always cost more per mile than cross country air travel even with full carbon offsets. So don’t get lured in by the nearly-free nature of electric car charging.”
  • “Make sure you try it before you buy it. Rent a Tesla from Turo or from a friend and try your first road trip. If you still crave one after that first thrill wears off, then we can talk.”

See what’s happening here? In order to keep ahead of the relentless efficiency of my Purchase Justification Machine, I just need to throw up nice, rational roadblocks to slow it down.

But the reason this is so effective is that I’m not just flat-out denying myself that Tesla. It’s pretty hard to tell yourself that NO, you can never have what you want. Instead, I’m just telling myself what things need to happen first, before clicking “buy” on the Tesla website.

And if these things are healthy, happy things (raising my son, getting other labor-intensive projects done with my own hands, and planning a great future series of camping and roadtrips), I divert my attention into living a good life right now, instead of doing the easy thing which is just buying myself another treat.

And the further I can delay this or any purchase, the longer my money can remain productively invested in stocks, and the more it prevents my PJM from locking its greedy crosshairs onto the next little lifestyle “upgrade” that it will find.

But this trick is not just for jaw-dropping electric sports cars. You can use it almost anywhere in your own life.

Kicking the Kitchen Down the Road

A friend of mine loves to cook, and has been pining for a kitchen upgrade for many years to make this activity more enjoyable. And I can’t blame him – his kitchen is indeed dated, as is the rest of the house. But he’s also in debt and not climbing out very quickly. And too busy to do the kitchen upgrade work himself, because work and kids suck up all his time. Should he allow himself to upgrade this kitchen?


BUT only after meeting a carefully considered list of conditions:

  • Quit Cable TV, Netflix, Hulu, Facebook, Twitter, video games, and other time drains. Because getting three hours of life back each day will give you more time to address other shortages in life.
  • Make sure you’re getting in at least an hour of outdoor walking and/or cycling every day. Plus, regular weight training. The joy of a new kitchen is nothing compared to the benefits of getting your heart, muscles and mind in better shape.
  • Use another hour of each day for cleaning, organizing and optimizing the house you already have. Is every drawer in the kitchen well-organized? Could you get more space by hanging up the pots and pans? Adding one of those large but simple heavy duty rolling islands with butcherblock top from Costco? What about just a super nice faucet for 80 bucks and a couple of nice track lights?**
  • How about the rest of the house? Are  the closets well-organized with optimal shelving? Is the garage spotless? Carpets DIY steam cleaned and rooms patched and painted nicely? Gardens and lawn tidy and peaceful?
  • How about the finances? Have you checked around for lower mortgage rates, home and car insurance, mobile phone plans, and canceled any unused subscriptions? Ask your friends what rates they are paying for all these things, switch to the best option, and you cut your bills by $500 per month, which will add up to pay for a kitchen pretty quickly.

See, instead of being constantly depressed because it will be years until you can afford that kitchen, you use it as a trigger to get busy and improve your entire life right now. Which gives you the feelings of happiness and control that were making you crave that kitchen in the first place. Or that Tesla.

And on that note, I am going to get out there and start measuring the post locations for my new deck.


The very day after I published this, I went down to visit a friend in Broomfield to chat and borrow some of his spare video gear (to help me delay purchasing my own, of course!)

But what should I find in his driveway, but a BRAND NEW Tesla model 3, long range all wheel drive in the same glowing red color shown above, which he had just picked up the day before.

I gave him the whole interview on why he bought it, because I know he doesn’t commute to work and has no need for a fancy car either.

They were the same reasons that I had listed above – he’s mostly curious about the future of technology, wanted to support it, and knows that Tesla is it. If it weren’t for Tesla’s existence, he would be perfectly content with a 15-year-old Honda. This company is really pulling out a unique set of buyers that no other car company could ever entice.

So we took it for a test drive. My diagnosis: very similar to the Nissan Leaf in interior size and tight, silent driving feel for standard urban driving – except much more artistic inside and out, and so fast that you literally start to lose consciousness and get dizzy under full acceleration. Kinda silly, but the very existence of cars is silly so you might as well embrace it.

Oh! And unlike the Leaf, when you fold down the rear seats and climb inside, it is plenty big and flat to sleep two people, which makes it a passable road trip mini-camper, even without a proper hatchback.

In the Comments: what is YOUR Purchase Justification Machine trying to make you buy? Have you already bought the Model 3 or are you still milking the 2010 Prius for all it’s worth? How long are you going to push your current smartphone until you allow yourself to replace it? Sharing your battles will give others the strength to keep their own procrastination game strong.

* I forked over $10,000 of my hard-earned cash as a 26-year-old kid in the year 2001, which is about $14,000 if you adjust it for inflation to 2019. But motor vehicles prices have risen slower than general inflation over recent decades, so I split the difference a bit here. But any way you slice it, this was a foolish purchase on my part!

** I linked to those because I have been using that particular track light everywhere in recent years – headquarters, home, and other projects. Way nicer quality/style than the options at Home Depot despite lower price. These LED bulbs are great for it as well.

  • Laura May 8, 2019, 6:07 pm

    I’ve read everyone of your posts, and watched most of you YouTube videos. This is my absolute FAVORITE. Thank you for showing a slightly more vulnerable, perfectly human side. I feel like you wrote this letter to yourself, then let the rest of us mere mortals in on your thinking. Much appreciated.

  • Toshi May 8, 2019, 6:07 pm

    I, too, am in Colorado, and have a LR AWD Model 3. It is one of the most satisfying vehicles I’ve owned, and I’ve had a few.

    That said, is it any objectively better at getting me around than a Gen 2 Toyota Prius? No. But having all of its miles on electricity offset by a PV farm, playing around with Autopilot (and in a few months Full Self Driving as I sprung for that, too), and enjoying that 4.5 seconds 0-60 is all very enjoyable indeed.

    Minimalist interior is a total non-issue after living with it for a few months. Weird on first few days, sure, but now I have grown to like it.

  • Michael Court May 8, 2019, 6:17 pm

    I bought a Model 3 at the end of 2018. Horrible financial decision, but yet, I love it every day. It feels like having a smartphone when everyone else is still on a flip phone. But yeah, there’s no real true justification for it. Do you feel like there is no place in this world for a splurge purchase? Like financial freedom and frugality are paramount above everything else? I can see how the world is caught up in consumerism, but then there are some products that just seem to be a huge benefit to my life, even if not financially. Maybe the robotaxi will be here soon and then I can justify it as an investment.

  • Nicolas May 8, 2019, 6:21 pm

    I am lucky enough not to have any big ticket item in my sights, as the one tempting me these days is a mere robotic vacuum, because of those cat hairs that reappear minutes after you’ve cleaned the place! The main thing stopping me is that my house is on 4 floors (these pucks are pretty bad at going down and especially up the stairs)…

  • Dave May 8, 2019, 6:23 pm

    Bruh, my Tesla Model 3 LR RWD is the most fun thing I have ever owned. 13mos, 27k mi, $0.00 maintenance to date. My PJM has been on overdrive w/r/t Tesla for years, and when I could get one for “half the price!” of a Model S, I jumped. The great news for those who can wait just one more year is I suspect my car/vintage will be selling for ~$25-30k. My purchase was all about driving a free car in the long term, which my Model 3 will be as long as I get 250k miles out of it (my sticker price 2012 LEAF requires 100k miles to be fully paid for by electricity vs gasoline arbitrage).

    But MMM when you’re really ready to give in to the PJM, the truly surreal experience was ordering our future Model Y from the touchscreen of our Model 3! Insane.

    • ultrarunner May 8, 2019, 6:29 pm

      Same experience as you. 12 months and 1 week here, on my Model 3 LR RWD. 16.5k miles. $0 maintenance, 0 issues. Absolutely blown away by it still… more than when I bought it. Phenomenal car.

  • Mr. Shirts May 8, 2019, 6:32 pm

    I struggle with wanting to buy a Tesla. Most of the energy I get is produced through fossil fuels. It seems inefficient to produce the energy, pollute in one area, then loose some of that energy through transmitting it through power lines and then storing it in a battery. I can get a 42mpg from a little Hyundai Elantra now. The only real benefit I see is if I were in a big city, I’d be relocating the pollution to somewhere outside the city.

    • Michael May 8, 2019, 10:46 pm

      Do you have any data backing the argument that electric transmission inefficiencies overwhelm the engine’s high efficiency?

      From the research I’ve done, it looks like Electric cars are way more efficient than ICE, even including transmission losses.

      Wells to wheels efficiency for Electric cars is about 30%, and well to wheels efficiency for ICE cars is about 14%. Electric wins on the efficiency front. https://matter2energy.wordpress.com/2013/02/22/wells-to-wheels-electric-car-efficiency/

      Reviewing several calculations of this put electric in the 30%-45% efficiency range, and ice in the 13%-20% efficiency range.

      • Will May 9, 2019, 4:40 am

        The data I’ve seen says that even a 100% coal powered EV is about the same for CO2 as a 30-40 mpg car.

        10 years from now, the emissions control systems on a ICE car bought today are not going to be working as effectively. Meanwhile the EV will be even more clean as the grid improves.

    • kats May 9, 2019, 4:49 am

      Losing some of the energy due to transmission is bad for sure. But have you considered the equivalent cost for gasoline? Transporting gasoline (e.g. to refill your local gas station) requires moving it physically in big tanker trucks that guzzle their own gasoline. So that’s effectively losing gasoline during transmission as well! Not to mention increasing traffic, requiring wider roads etc.

  • Jimbo Snags May 8, 2019, 6:35 pm

    A Natilus CCF X2 8/10.
    Ive been trying hard to justify the 800 bucks. Ive even got a bike trip planned out from Ontario to Florida if I cave in. Fishing and camping the whole way down.

  • Matt May 8, 2019, 6:36 pm

    I totally caved and bought my 2016 Tesla Model S. I have been pining for a Tesla since the roadster came out. We’ve been fixing our financial things but once we had to replace our 2002 Beetle with 178000 miles, I couldn’t really restrain myself. I do have a 20 mile commute to my six figure job though?

  • Cathleen Cooks Stuff May 8, 2019, 6:37 pm

    The last argument against buying was what immediately popped into my head. Plus, are you really going to want to take that nice shiny car out camping? Just admit it…the car is a want, not a need. I get it- Teslas are gorgeous pieces of technology. If you want the “carbon offset”, get a Chevy or the newer Leaf (though if I recall, you already have a Leaf….I do too, it’s used and the mileage isn’t very good).

  • John May 8, 2019, 6:38 pm

    Timely post for me personally. Just bought one and am waiting for delivery. Made a lot of the arguments proposed above to myself on both sides of the issue (and also did crap tons of research), but in the end, I decided that the controlling argument for me was this: if there was ever something that I was going put saving for retirement for a few more months on hold for, it was this exact item. The Model 3 is the future and I want to support the earth. It may delay retirement for a bit longer in the end, but I’m going to enjoy the ride literally and figuratively a lot more.

    • John (update) May 31, 2019, 7:43 pm

      I’ve had the car for two weeks now, and it is – by far – the best I have owned. It shakes my two previous favorites (2013 GT Mustang 2004 Lexus IS300). Once I drove it, it changed how I viewed what is possible in a car. Can’t say that’s happened for me since my very first beater Mazda when I was 16 (20+ years ago).

      The wife has driven it three times, and now we are trading her Chevy in for another Tesla.

  • Karl Fisch May 8, 2019, 6:38 pm

    I am *not* trying to convince you, because I agree, you don’t need a Tesla. However, as a happy Colorado Model 3 owners, I do feel the need to point out that “about $45k” is not how much you would pay right now unless you choose to get the Full Self Driving software upgrade. After incentives, a Standard Range Plus (which is probably the sweet spot) will run you $31k in Colorado right now (and possibly ~$27k if the new bipartisan EV bill gets passed which would kick the Federal incentive for Tesla and GM back up to $7k for a little while).

    If you do add the Full Self-Driving, then you’re back up close to $40k (but also, if you are comparing to an ICE vehicle, you can’t compare just initial price, TCO on an EV is going to be much, much lower – lots of articles you can read, if you haven’t already, about that).

  • Josh May 8, 2019, 6:41 pm

    I recently gave in to my PMJ which was upgrading my iPhone 5S to the new XS.
    My justifications:
    I paid off all debt besides a small mortgage. Saved my first 100k. I completed a big repair job on my house myself. I had the cash to buy it out right (which was surprisingly difficult… I guess it’s not a common thing to do) I wanted a new compact camera and the phone has an amazing camera. The 5S needed a new battery. And finally I use it more than anything I own.
    Was it worth it? I’m still not sure… I love the phone, but I could have gotten a nice phone for a lot less money.

  • Life Outside The Maze May 8, 2019, 6:46 pm

    In a weird bit of feeling like you MMM are talking directly to me, I actually have been shopping around for a kitchen remodel (dropping head in shame). I may need to look closer at my PJM. It is telling me how much our house has appreciated. To get top dollar at sale I’ll have to remodel any way so why not now. Think how happy my lady will be she’s always wanted a new kitchen. Quiet PJM, I’m trying to write this comment on MMM! We’ll see how long I can hold out. Haha You’ll cave soon. Quit laughing at me PJM, oh no it is talking now!!!

  • Young FIRE Knight May 8, 2019, 6:53 pm

    Current phone going is at 3+ years and have no desire to replace it :)

    There really aren’t many PJMs I have, simply because I spend a vast majority of my discretionary spending on experiences instead of things. I suppose the one thing I’ve been wanting lately is a GoPro to supplement my outdoor adventures, but I’ve been good about getting those other things like you mentioned in line before making that kind of purchase!

  • Penny Pinching Ninja May 8, 2019, 7:04 pm

    Currently still rocking my 1997 Camry here with no end in sight. Going to ride Ol’ trusty out until she dies. Also have my Samsung Note 3, bought refurbished for $200 in 2013. Battery life has been cut extremely short to about 2 hours of use but I figure I use it more than that it is time to shut it off anyway! As soon as it becomes unusable I will be buying the Moto 6 from Republic and we will switch over to their service saving $20 per month off our bill as well.

    Great post MMM about the constant battle we all fight to stave off the ravenous attack of consumerism. We are all in the hunt for the next purchase kill on amazon or at costco, to bring our prize home and enjoy it. Fight the urge and look for more productive things to do than blowing money on a short term dopamine creator.

  • Mikkele May 8, 2019, 7:11 pm

    Currently milking that 2004 Prius, but have a plan to buy a model 3 in about six months

  • Travis May 8, 2019, 7:13 pm

    Currently have a family 2008 Mazda cx7, SUV crossover, with no real need for another car. But my PJM has been hassling me for years to get an old diesel truck & convert to run on used cooking oil…

  • Jean-François May 8, 2019, 7:27 pm

    I totally understand what you are talking about.

    Actually, I just bought a Tesla Model 3 in March. To keep it “rational”, I choose the SR+ in black.

    I would say do it. Of course buying a car is not a good idea. Of course buying a brand new car is not a good idea. Of course you could save money, and consume less resources doing otherwise. But, this is not like the urge to buy a new phone or a new TV. It is about helping the transition to a decarbonized world. You have to do it because you won’t by yourself reduce emissions just for you, but because we need innovative business like Tesla and we need them to succeed. There has to be some early adopters somewhere, ready to put their money to work on sustainable (or at least, less evil) solution toward electrifying our transportation. And as we know that we won’t stop using cars, and that total ridesharing is not ready yet, we have to at least encourage those trying to get there. And for now it means some people should buy brand new electric cars. Because you have the money to do it, and you would love it, I think you also deserve it. I am frugal, less than you, but one of the reason I am frugal is because I’d rather buy less things but choose carefully more sustainable products to show the way, to encourage those who innovate. That is part of the equation.

    Come on, buy yourself a Tesla Model 3, even though it is not entirely a rational decision :)

  • Financially Fit Mom May 8, 2019, 7:56 pm

    I got double-duped on the phone. I had my first Moto (insert one of the alphabet letters here, but I can’t remember which one) for almost 5 years. FIVE YEARS! It finally pooped out. And by pooped out, I mean the screen went from rainbows to a spider crack to unable to decipher a text even after turning the phone in multiple angles to try and get the words to line up. As much as I hated having to buy a new phone, it meant I lost my oh-so-bragged-about $10 Republic plan and now have to pay $15 ($17.36 with taxes and fees!) every month. I know I shouldn’t complain considering the standard phone cost, but that’s a 50% increase! That happened in February and I’m still not quite over it yet. And the “upgraded” Moto (some other similar alphabet letter) doesn’t even have the blinky light notification thinger so now I have to actually pick up and move the phone to see a notification if I’m watching for an updated when my daughter is out and about. And it’s ginormous. Sad face Sad face Sad face.

    • Kindling May 8, 2019, 8:57 pm

      As another person with a 5 year old Moto something-or-other and a grandfathered cheapo Republic plan, thanks for making my PJM shut up! Extra couple bucks a month? Ehhh… Bigger phone? No can do. I can barely hold this one in one hand!

      • Financially Fit Mom May 9, 2019, 12:11 pm

        Yes! I’m envious of your old phone and plan! Also – did you see the hot off the press announcement that you can pay a year in advance and receive a 2-month savings?! I’m signing up today!

        • RandomDoctor May 16, 2019, 7:33 am

          I’m typing this on my Moto G4 Play. It was nice and cheap ($200 Australian) 2 years ago and has all the function I want except that a magnetometer would be handy occasionally. When the battery started to age, I bought a replacement for $40 (as easy as changing SIM cards). When a glitch made me think it might be dying, I looked at buying the current G6 version (which costs about one sixth of an iPhone XR), but it is a 6 inch screen and I want to stick with 4.5 to 5 inch. Long may the G4 continue!

  • arnaud marthouret May 8, 2019, 8:06 pm

    I bought your used Viffer in 2017 for $2600 CAD (Approx. $3 USD) and financed it by holding a garage and craigslist fire sale. {cue smug face}

  • Jason Clapp May 8, 2019, 8:11 pm

    Sonos speakers are what is calling me. I’ve been reading about them for 6 months or so. I’ve been to Best Buy and held them and listened to them. So far I’ve been strong and haven’t given in. It’s not a lot of money, but I’ve not been known for my financial discipline, so I’m pretty proud of myself so far for staying strong.

  • Rum Tum Tugger May 8, 2019, 8:35 pm

    I didn’t replace my last phone until it bricked so bad it was a worthless paperweight.

  • Marcia May 8, 2019, 8:43 pm

    Oh all the things. So many Teslas at work, on the roads, and among my friends.

    What do I want? A minivan. But I love my 13 yo matrix and it won’t die.

    The other thing? A bigger house, or another bathroom or a bathroom/ bedroom addition. But inertia is the most powerful force in my life. I don’t want to move. I don’t want to pay a cool million for a bigger house. We talk a lot about a bathroom addition but that’s not cheap either and would take years. My big kid is only 5 years from college, then the small house won’t feel so small. It’s a perfect retirement home.

  • Andrew Mullen May 8, 2019, 8:44 pm

    I’m considering a Tesla M3 as well. I say just do it and share it with the community via Turo or something when you’re not using it for camping trips. Communal vehicles used at much higher capacity utilization rates could help solve many of our problems.

  • David Ann Arbor May 8, 2019, 8:47 pm

    I bought a Chevrolet Bolt, all electric car which I absolutely love. It gets close to 200 miles in the winter, and close to 300 miles in the summer. The acceleration can’t be beat by any other typical vehicle – be careful about that – it can be too exciting.
    The electricity is a fraction of the price you would pay for gasoline. But in your case you could probably install solar panels on your home to charge it.
    While the self-driving feature of the Tesla does sound really great, I would still be careful because there have been a couple of instances, one in Florida, where a truck was not recognized against a grey cloudy day. And I believe there was another incident where the self-driving feature failed. You still need to keep your hands on the wheel and foot on the brake pedal just in case.
    The Tesla network of fast chargers should be nationwide at this point. But you can also charge your Tesla at any Campground site where there is electric hookup. You would simply bring your Tesla charger with you, and there might be an adapter you would use. There should be forums on this issue to advise you.
    I’ve also read some news reports about some problems with the quality of the car. I would be concerned about that.

    I disagree with your ultimate conclusion about putting off the purchase. I think you should buy the car because you easily have the financial means to do so, and you’re precisely the kind of person who should be an early adopter of high tech experiences. Your blog can be a valuable venue for providing feedback to the company about the car. And I think the car will bring your great enjoyment.
    Economic growth can be decoupled from greenhouse gas emissions, and car electrification is going to be one of the avenues toward that goal.

    • David Ann Arbor May 8, 2019, 8:51 pm

      I also like to add that my next door neighbor has a Tesla (not sure if it’s S or an X) that sits outside on their driveway where they also have an outdoor electric charger. I see absolutely no sign that being outdoors has made the car any less shiny and beautiful.

  • Lhm May 8, 2019, 9:23 pm

    Does anyone else get that the point of this posting is not really about a car???? It is about facing your PJM?????

    • MKE May 17, 2019, 8:05 am

      Have you noticed that this blog doubles as a car-lovers site? Most of the comments are about how wonderful cars are, not about purchase justification. If MMM writes a post about riding a bike, most of the comments are about how wonderful cars are.

      • Michigan Mark May 18, 2019, 5:13 am

        Of course cars are wonderful! Why? Because they bring a sense of freedom and independence to the driver. BUT, until I have a $2 million + nest egg, I’m going to resist the temptation to fork over $45k for a car. Think of how far that amount of money could go towards FI!!
        MMM has often posted about how TEMPORARY the “bump” in happiness is after buying something new. With a new Tesla, it might last a bit longer, but eventually after a few months, it’s gonna be the new status quo.

        FI is The Destination, and a shiny new Tesla isn’t going to drive you there!

      • Jason July 16, 2019, 7:42 am

        With the amount of “Yes, you should buy a testla! I bought one!” comments on this post, maybe it’s the perfect demonstration of purchase justification. Not only does the PJM push you to do illogical things with your money (like buying a brand new car to “help the environment”), but once you do so, it doesn’t go quiet, it ramps up to push others to do the same thing!

        Conveniently, on any given bike post, half the posts are complainypants “I could never ride a bike in my post apocalyptic city!”

  • Ron Cameron May 8, 2019, 9:48 pm

    Should you buy the Tesla? How about yes.

    Listen, you’ve taught us all well about the joys of living minimally. But even living minimally involves us buying things. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last couple of years it’s VALUE. You value organic chocolate and “good” lighting. You could eat Nestle bars, but you don’t. You could have kept your perfectly functional old guest room light fixture, but you replaced it. Because you decided the $60 spent on the new fixture was worth it. The organic chocolate is worth it. And worth is a funny thing, because only you get to decide it for you.

    You obviously have been pining for a Tesla for years. You’re not really going to justify it. You’re just not. You’re not able to really justify “expensive” organic chocolate, or different functional lighting that you prefer. But if you know you’ll wake up every day wanting to drive it, even after having it for awhile, then have at it. Buy it. Like you said there will be no huge negative financial ramifications. If you’ll love it, day in and day out, then absolutely buy it. You’re smart and self-aware enough to know that this isn’t a passing phase. I LOVE my Roomba. I’ve had it for six months and smile every time I use it. Easily worth the $350. Same with my 2000 Miata. I just love driving it, regardless of how little…or much…it costs.

    My PJM? Right now I’m on the verge of buying a used pinball machine. Nevermind I have 3 “on loan” in my basement now, I want my -own-. Which costs about $2-4k for what I’ll want. I think your $40k Tesla purchase is more “justified” than my $4k pin desire!

  • Brock Logan May 8, 2019, 10:02 pm

    Sooo, I’m going to play devil’s advocate here. For full disclosure, I’m not even FI, and I’m fully aware that a new car (!) from a strictly financial standpoint, is a horrendous use of money. It’s going to cost me an extra year worth of working. And I still bicycle to work 80-90% of the time (I do drive to swap out laundry) so I don’t even drive it that much.

    In spite of all that, I still did it. Here’s why:
    -Tesla is the only company making compelling EV’s out there. Not just “check the box” cars to meet legislative restrictions while, but genuinely viable and desirable electric vehicles.
    -Because their cars are so exceptional, when you buy a Tesla, you become a salesperson for the company. This is a job I take very seriously–test drives (not rides…actual drives) for everybody. Anyone who is mildly curious. I’ve actually had several friends and acquaintances purchase Teslas as a result of rides I’ve given them.
    -Why does this matter? Because we (humans) are not doing enough to curb Climate Change. I realize this sounds alarmist…because it is. How the heck is 97% consensus among scientists not being taken more seriously!? Regardless, I can only convince so many people to bicycle to work, and having a marvelous electric car gives me a compelling way to reach the stalwart car clowns among us and convince some of them to stop burning dinosaurs and pissing CO2 out their tailpipes.
    -Some things matter to me more than money, and this is the most direct way I found to support a company with a benevolent mission and address a very serious problem in the world.
    -Finally, as a side bonus, holy friggin crap have you driven one of these things!? Nothing else compares. Even as the slowest car in Tesla’s lineup, it is giggle-inducingly fast. And its design is truly excellent in many other, less obvious ways.

    TLDR: in exchange for a year of my life, I get: To support a noble and very important company in the world, a means of addressing THE most pressing issue facing our species (climate change), a good way to convince others to do the same, and a spectacular mode of personal transportation (that may even become a robotaxi and start paying for itself in the future). That’s worth a little more time in the office.

  • Travis May 8, 2019, 10:02 pm

    I sold my house a month ago and now my 2004 Tacoma is “home” while I wander around the country.

    I’ve been down the rabbit hole looking at different vans (Sprinters, Transits) and small motorhomes. My PJM says I can boondock for longer intervals if I had a van, it would be a lot more comfortable (5.5′ truck bed isn’t good when I’m 6′ tall), I could save on fuel, etc. But, all I really need is a camper shell for my truck.

  • MoabChick May 8, 2019, 10:04 pm

    The Tesla Model 3 can do all the things you want it to do: camp, road trip, save the planet. I have a Model 3, LR AWD. I live in the Denver metro and paid cash.

    Think about this: You can put bikes on a hitch rack, drive to Moab and you only need to charge it once, in Glenwood Springs. We took it to the Grand Canyon and camped at Mather campground, in a tent – with the Tesla.

    I have never in my life driven a car that made me feel any sort of joy – but the Tesla Model 3 makes me grin till my face hurts. Still. (I bought it in Oct).

    Hurry up on that carport ;)

  • isip May 8, 2019, 10:42 pm


    In 2012, I test drove a Model S and have been RUINED since. It’s like driving an X-Wing Fighter mixed with an iPad – unbelievably satisfying!! Been Telsa OBSESSED since.

    Not FI yet but getting there. My family (spouse/3 kids) has two, 2010 Toyota Priuses or Prii. 3 kids do just fine together in the back. The Prius is the best family car to reach FI. They don’t break, 50 MPG, and hatch, nuf said.

    My badass Mustachian wife, who only shops at Goodwill and Savers begs me to buy a used S, 3 or X – what’s not to love :) Similar to MMM, I use the stall strategy, but it is getting really hard. My Prii will last another 10 years and keeping them will save me a lot of $$$. Is that like forcing my family to survive on a diet limited to beans and pasta to save $$$?

    MMM says DEPRIVATION is NOT the point! What to do? House is paid off, school loans will be paid off next month, Vanguard accounts are growing. I can continue the Tesla stall to reach FI sooner or I can take a Tim Ferris style mini detour and pull the trigger. Reaching FI will be delayed a year but in the grand scheme, just a minor detour on our fabulous FI journey.

    Is your view of Elon/Tesla negative? You are a FUD victim. Look it up now and unplug from the Matrix. Those who radically improve the world were demonized in the process (i.e. Lincoln, MLK, Gandhi, etc). The top human priority is to avoid destroying our species. Shifting transportation to renewable energy in a courageous step in the right direction. Progress will always have its haters, this is a fact of life.

    • ted halvel May 10, 2019, 2:56 pm

      Lincoln, MLK, Gandhi were not publicly-held companies, which are subject to many other whims, laws, and governance. I’m always concerned for anyone who worships or is loyalty to any company, especially technology-focused ones. They’ll surely be disappointed at some point. Just a reminder that the pioneers don’t usually last, and there were hundreds of car manufacturers at the beginning of the prior century. Only a handful survive, and others came along decades later. Tesla’s purpose may be to lower the barriers to entry for late comers.

  • Elmar May 8, 2019, 10:57 pm

    My problem with Tesla is that they offer absolute superior self driving. Videos of Tesla actively avoiding crashes are popping up anywhere. Having a reliable partner that is always ready to jump in on emergencies or when you get tired after hours of driving is a life changer.

    That is what is throwing sand in my otherwise efficient PJM avoidance machine. Couldn’t care less about most other features.

    I need help!

  • twoplustwoequalsfive May 8, 2019, 11:09 pm

    As someone who actually has a Long range Model 3 , and have driven for days in a long road trip in an old Ford Fiesta, I can honestly say that I prefer the Model 3 a thousand times over. There are usually restaurants at or near supercharger stations (which can take about 30-40 minutes to charge your car to full). You charge while you eat, or while you take a break to rest. Driving in autopilot helps with road fatigue a lot. At a maximum of 325 miles of range, it has plenty for any trip. Having new features popup almost monthly is awesome as well. Too many other perks to list. If you have any questions about it, charging, driving it or other features let me know!

  • KayaK May 8, 2019, 11:12 pm

    2007 Prius, TYVM. 😂

  • KayaK May 8, 2019, 11:16 pm

    Ah, also deciding whether to rebuild vintage camper I own (over like 2 years for about 3k) or buy a new-to-me modern small camper that can be made cute cheaply, but is already safe for 5k to camp nowwwwww (I have much backcountry cred, I just can’t get comfy without glamping anymore. I did my time on the ground. 😂)

  • Fluffy Badger May 8, 2019, 11:19 pm

    Yes, I have indeed sold my old gas-guzzling Jaguar (a long overdue decision) and signed up for a Tesla 3 SR+. Now waiting eagerly for delivery!

    I work in sales and will soon be able to use the Tesla instead of the company diesel VW Passat for my sales trips. Environmental win!

    However, I didn’t buy the long range version. Based on the MMM post “20 dollar swim”, when calculating the cost of the bigger battery compared with the extra time to stop and charge the standard range battery based on my typical driving patterns, the cost per hour became ridiculous… Thanks MMM for helping me to sort this out!

  • Anonymous May 8, 2019, 11:40 pm

    I can add a few reasons not to buy a Tesla.

    The first is that I (like you I think) like to buy products that I believe can actually transform the world. Electric cars of the range Tesla has and features like autonomous driving can kind of do that. However, they can’t do it at the price range they are at now. I withhold my buying power until companies start to reasonably meet the needs of everyday people(who can’t afford $40,000 dollar cars).

    Teslas selling reasonably well is good if they use economies of scale to bring down cost. But it is even more important for car manufacturers to know there is a huge segment of consumers out there just waiting for the price to drop. I want to be one of them.

    I’m not financially well off enough yet, to be thinking of a Tesla(I just got a used Chevy Spark-sadly not electric because I have a long commute to and from free housing), but I basically did this with other products too.

    I wanted a smart watch when they were first out on an advertising blitz and I started to see people wearing them. However, they were up to hundreds of dollars. Wearables were not going to reach financially responsible regular people (who didn’t prioritize wanting one quite as obsessively as me) for a while. I was also annoyed by the short battery lifes. Instead after waiting a few years I got a Mi-band with more limited features(still including step counting, a vibrting alarm, and a heart rate monitor with a battery life of 2-3 weeks because it didn’t waste energy on things like GPS) for $20. Every time someone asked me about it, I knew I was evangelizing for a product actually worth buying for someone with a normal budget and a normal amount of enthusiasm for the technology.

    I despise that I didn’t do this with the Nook. I have an old Nook that was about $100 and immediately was useless the second I got a smart phone when they became cheap enough to be viable for normal people.

    Right now, I am waiting for an affordable roof mounted hammock stand for roadtrips to places without trees. Right now, they are several hundred dollars or more which I might be able to justify in the first couple trips I took. However, I know most people are not going to see value in them at that price. Additionally, the roof rack would cost a bit in gas mileage so its best to wait till I settle down somewhere without a long commute.

  • Kiev May 8, 2019, 11:42 pm

    I analyze my purchases pretty much like you. I would give the following remarks to your article regarding the Tesla:

    You imagine wonderful roadtrips with the Tesla. So this seems to be the biggest effect the car would give to you. In my living region car sharing is quite popular. I have to admit that I still own a car, but I will sell it soon.

    The car sharing program even has Tesla (not Model S), but It may not be a car you get without reservation. But for trips you can do a reservation, so this should not be much of an issue. I like to try things out. If you do not want to fly for the next road trip you can calculate the price to rent a Tesla. Maybe you give it a try. Then you have just bought for the serive you need at thetime. Even if it is a bit expensive in comparisom to owning the stuff in the time period. You will not do this kind of road trips several times a year. And who knows, maybe you plan a future road trip with friends and a caravan makes more sense. Good if you do not own anything, which gives influence on your decision making. This way you are flexible. You can fly, rent a Tesla, rent a caravan, take the bike etc. And in the meantime you do not have to worry in keeping your stuff in shape. The less items you own the less liabilities you have. This includes also maintanence, not just the dollar price of it.

  • Skylyn May 9, 2019, 12:40 am

    >> Have you already bought the Model 3 or are you still milking the 2010 Prius for all it’s worth?

    Literally have both of those cars. Had the Prius for several years and just a few months ago got the Tesla to deal with a 14 minute, hour long commute that was slowly killing me. My wife is still driving the Prius. Hoping to be able to move closer to work where at least one of us can bike. We plan to sell the Prius when we do. The Model 3 is just a world apart from any other car and makes any road trip so much more fun and relaxing.

  • bikeforfun May 9, 2019, 1:11 am

    darn, i just picked up a used model s. employer is paying for it, but it still feels like i need a punch in the face to not get sucked into that corporate livestyle.

  • Andreas May 9, 2019, 1:31 am

    I bought a new phone, since my old one was almost broke and had trouble even charging. About five years old phone (galaxy a3, earlier version). Also wanted a better camera since the pictures from galaxy a3 always had been pretty bad, or just total crap anyway. I take a lot of pictures for memories nowadays so “needed” something better.

    Decided after a couple of months waiting to buy an Asus Zen for about €200 / $230. Very satisfied with it, and again I did not buy the latest version but last years version to spend less. Not saving anything on buying a new phone, of course!

    Regarding a Tesla I drowe one a few weeks ago and wow it is really the future but now. But gonna keep my old payed for gas gussling car for a couple of more years (Kia from 2008). Tesla is awesome and all but gonna keep to my electric bike for commuting.

  • Nate May 9, 2019, 3:11 am

    This is just the post I needed right now thanks!

    Advertising these days are so good that no one is immune to it. The first thing I did was unsubscribe to every email service that sent me updates and discounts/coupons. I was buying things much more on an impulse.

    For the smart phone. I’m going to try to keep my iphone 7 as long as possible. It’s a beautiful phone and works perfectly. When things get slow, I replace the battery. I know eventually it won’t be supported and that’s likely when I’ll buy a new one.

    I love the roadblocks because I’ve still got so many improvements I can make in my life that will give me more happiness compared to buying something new.

  • Mike Edwards May 9, 2019, 4:09 am

    I don’t have a PJM any more. After some time of being in the “save” mindset, I now have the reverse. I see nice new things in shops, and the voice in my head is giving me reasons why I don’t need it. New winter coat, at less than half price because it’s nearly summer? Yes, but I won’t need it for a while as it’s nearly summer now, and I might see a nicer (or more ideal, or whatever) one in the meantime. Or I might somehow be cured of my resistance to spending by next winter, and just splurge on something new. New car? Far less costly to repair the one (OK, three) I have.

    I’m a classic car fan, so the relentless march to remove older vehicles from the road and encourage the use of electric ones isn’t something I’m wildly enthusiastic about. I subscribe to the view that keeping my older cars running properly and roadworthy is way better for the environment than manufacturing any new car, never mind actually driving it anywhere – and I can do it myself. I have a tech background too, and some of the new vehicle innovations (and, I admit it, just the shiny instrument panels in a lot of new stuff) are wondrous to behold. But because I have a tech background, I also can’t stop myself wondering how reliable it will all be, and how many other people I’ll have to rely on to keep it going.

  • GK May 9, 2019, 4:23 am

    > Like you, I am pretty much resigned to the fact that I’m going to have to buy a Tesla at some point.

    Lost and confused one sentence in. This doesn’t describe me or anybody I know.

    Also, you don’t HAVE to buy a car; if you’re having enough internal conflict to be coming up with justifications and counter-justifications, then it seems like not buying would be the best move.

    • Mr. Money Mustache May 9, 2019, 2:03 pm

      Yes, you are of course right, GK. Not everyone who reads this article will be able to relate. But I was using that rather bold and specific statement as a literary device to try to get through to a certain target audience – many of them wealthy tech workers like myself. I have learned that sometimes you have to give up on broad appeal, in order to get really strong engagement from one specific group.

  • Stephen May 9, 2019, 4:28 am

    In the last year or so I realised my PJM had gone too far in the wrong direction so I’ve started loosening the reins a bit. Case in point I got a new laptop and phone in the last 12 months, both stupidly expensive, top of the range models.

    Realistically they could be justified given the fact that I spend the majority of the day using them, every day, 7 days a week (I’m a tech worker). But I found myself pushing back the purchases multiple times with the things are almost good enough mentality.

    Looking back the laptop has easily paid for itself, multiple times over in saved time, and the phone is probably getting close too. Worse, in both cases I got my job to pay for them so it wasn’t even my own money I was saving.

  • Chris May 9, 2019, 5:58 am

    Your Tesla is my Kryptonite…

    My PJM is hankering for a BMW 328D Wagon. I’ve come close a few times but haven’t pulled the trigger because I fear the distruption that EV’s and CAV’s will have in the resale auto market. Once more manufacturers catch up on the EV/CAV game, I fear that the current fleet of dumb/dino cars will be near worthless… and that transition is coming at us faster than many think.

    EV = Electric Vehicle – a vehicle that uses electricity exclusively
    CAV = Connected autonomous Vehicle – a vehicle which requires no driver, and can use any fuel but generally assumed to be electric)

    As for a Tesla – I likely would never buy one, only because I find Elon’s vision of cities in the future short-sighted and unsustainable. Replacing cars with more cars will not fight congestion. I don’t care about the tech when the urban model it depends on doesn’t work – and ideas like Hyperloop are only going to hide the congestion problem by stuffing it into underground tubes that are multiple times more expensive to build and operate than our current freeways… and the service will only support the rich who can afford one of Elon’s cars. I see him as building a network to serve the elite while abandoning social obligations on equity.

    I attended a conference this past weekend focused on the future of “Traffic” and places like Toronto are wrestling with revenue loss to CAVs. Everything that Tesla brags about as a savings is currently being paid for by the collective of the taxpayer. Free charging, no more paying for parking, etc. That revenue loss will be costing Toronto millions of dollars per year. There are already contingency plans going up to offset these losses. A 15-year program was developed by Harvard School of Business for Toronto, which includes innovations like “Curb-time leases”, “Charging fees”, “mileage fees” and so on. Someone has to pay for the infrastructure to support cars, and as EV’s catch on, decreasing gas tax revenues aren’t going to keep up. Once CAVs take hold, parking revenues will be lost as well.

    I could go on, but I’ve likely already attracted the ire of many Tesla dreamers/owners/lovers. I’ll bow out for now.

    (Sauce – I sit on the GTHA CAV Readiness Working Group, and work with municipalities transitioning to the new reality of urban mobility)

    • bh May 10, 2019, 8:50 pm

      I live in Toronto and have never seen a CAV on the road so I am curious what you are referring to.

      • Chris May 11, 2019, 8:37 am

        The HTA is currently being reworked to allow full autonomous. As urban planners/civil engineers, we are bracing for what that will mean within the framework of our civic structure and trying to mitigate the impacts it could have on traffic as the mobility model adapts.

        Full information on legislative changes enabling CAVs here: http://ograconference.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/MTO-Susan-Boot.pdf (see slide 8 – current fleet testing in Ontario)

        At least 3 jurisdictions that I am aware of currently have CAV transit vehicles in testing on the Ottawa test track. These are small, low speed driverless vehicles intended to connect to transit nodes and are the “thin edge of the wedge” for CAV as a transit solution.

  • Ericinvt May 9, 2019, 6:01 am

    Has anyone else noticed that the PJM for buying a Tesla is the exact same one as for wanting that beer in the fridge that you just saw (even though you had no such desire before opening the fridge?)
    The main thing to remember is that the PJM is a rationalization for a feeling. And since that feeling is exactly the same for a house, a Tesla, new furniture, new bike, a beer, or a cookie, doesn’t that make your rationalizations seem a little ridiculous?
    So l occasionally give in to the beer with the thought “well, at least I didn’t accidentally buy a Tesla last year”. But more and more often, I pass, and my future self thanks my past self for building up the frugality muscles, because next time, it is a little easier to pass.

    • Mr. Money Mustache May 9, 2019, 8:30 pm

      Well said! Seeing the bigger patterns in your human behavior and how it affects your habits and happiness is the key to, well, pretty much everything.

  • Jone May 9, 2019, 6:05 am

    And here I am struggling to justify a new cooler/laptop/backpack to take to work! My PJM is going overtime on this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079JK6G2V/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    AS far as cars go, I split the difference. I had a Honda Insight, version 2, for several years but never really liked it and found myself needing something bigger several times (no good way to haul shingles, lumber, or other bulk/weight items). When the battery light started coming on I justified a Subaru Outback and an well equipped electric bicycle. I live within 5 miles of work but have a 800′ elevation change and it snows a lot here. The Outback is my “truck” for HD/Costco trips and biking/kayaking. The bicycle is my primary commuter transport for about 7 months of the year. This combo has worked out quite nicely for me.

  • kats May 9, 2019, 6:10 am

    One tool I use pretty effectively to counter my PJM is appreciating the anticipation factor. Say for example I really feel a craving for cheesecake. My PJM comes up with justifications like “oh you did a good job on X, you deserve to treat yourself a bit”. So eventually I give in to the PJM and decide to get the cheesecake. At this point the decision is made in my head, so PJM goes away and I enter the anticipation state, where I am looking forward to the thought of finally sinking my teeth into that cheesecake. This part is the part I drag out because the anticipation itself is so much fun. I say “yes I’ll get the cheesecake but not this one, it looks too sweet” or whatever. I come up with all sorts of excuses to defer the actual purchase to extend the anticipation phase. And then sometimes I discover that after a while I don’t even want it anymore!

    • Ericinvt May 10, 2019, 8:47 am

      That’s some jedi level mustachism. Anticipation is ‘designed’ to get us to consume and is therefore meant to cause us a little displeasure along with an expectation of pleasure. The displeasure comes from not having the pleasure right now. But the pleasure is there and you can feel it. To feel the good without the bad is very difficult. But to realize it for what it is and let it pass… that is doable, as we do it all the time. Just think how often you walk into a room forgetting why you walked in? Same with desires… you can let them pass and forget about them awhile. They pop up again and you have to let it pass again. Maybe at some point they stop bothering you.

      • Jason July 16, 2019, 8:16 am

        Delayed gratification. There are some tricks, such as giving yourself a specific time. Instead of, I’ll eat that cheesecake “later”, it’s I’ll buy a cheesecake for our fancy dinner tomorrow. Or, negotiate better terms: “I could eat that crappy cookie now, or I could save those calories for a big slice of fancy cheesecake at dinner.” Fortunately, it’s habit forming. The goal isn’t to abstain, but to space things out.

  • Brian C May 9, 2019, 7:02 am

    Great article, as always.

    The PJM is a nearly universal experience. I have to facepunch myself and letting the PJM machine win for getting me a new iphone last year. I PJM justified it as having a 5 year old phone with a malfunctioning battery, and I use my phone all the time for my work-from-home consulting job.

    I am holding the line on my PJM for a SawStop table saw and a jointer/planer for my workshop I want to justify all of the cool things I could build. And think of the money I could save on furniture! (except I have all the furniture I need)

    But first, I have to identify:

    1. At least 5-10 hours a week of woodworking that I can do with my current tools. I’m more like 5-10 hours a quarter today.
    2. Enough projects to build that would come close to justifying the cost.

    Can you think of anything else I could add to the list of reasons to avoid this purchase?

    • Brian C May 9, 2019, 7:05 am

      As a follow up, I’ve found that it’s sometimes better to let my PJM win for smaller items. When I was younger, I fought PJM for everything. Then I’d eventually break down and go overboard on buying something big.

      Now that I let PJM win for smaller items, I find it much easier to fight it for bigger items. No, I don’t need those fancy power tools, a new car, or a van for road trips.

      • Jone May 10, 2019, 4:56 am

        Yes! I’ve also found that allowing a few (within budget) treats now and again make delaying the bigger items much easier. Especially if the new thing invites you to get outside and explore a bit – a new backpack, new running shoes, or new bicycle all invite (cheap) adventures both near and abroad.

        One day I hope to regain the fascination with those small, diecast cars. I used to love those and play with them for hours on end when I was a kid.

      • Nicolas May 10, 2019, 1:09 pm

        You’re onto something here BrianC, indeed… If indulging in a few $50 treats can help you bypass that $10k / $100k item, seems worth it indeed! I guess one danger is to indulge too often in something not-so-good (that you would eat/drink, for example) :-)

    • Jason July 16, 2019, 8:21 am

      Did you give in?

      With my hobby, I try to think of all the projects I could accomplish with my current equipment first. I make a list of which ones I want to do in the near-term, and put off buying the new equipment until I have finished that list. It doesn’t always work, but it does help support your goal #1.


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